
The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

author:Purple Desk MCN
The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

When Little Women was published in 1868, it sold out more than 2,000 copies of its first printing overnight.

More than 100 years later, "Little Women" is still a global follower and has even been adapted into a movie many times.

After reading the book, the writer Wilson said excitedly: "I try to get every girl to read this book because these four girls are so real." ”

The novel tells the story of the four Margee sisters pursuing ideals and independence, and also tells us about the very different loves of Mag, Joe, and Amy.

In their love, it is not difficult for us to find that the love that has been pounding for a long time hides these 3 secrets.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

Good love is a combination of joys and sorrows

The book reads: "As long as you have love and happiness, I would rather be a poor wife than a queen who has no self-respect and is not at peace." ”

Money is indeed important, but a marriage without love lacks vitality and happiness after all.

Meige was lucky to marry her first love.

But when Mag marries John, she finds that the marriage is not as good as she imagined, and instead traps her in endless chores.

For a while, she had low self-esteem and felt that her family was not as wealthy as Sally's.

At that time, she compared herself to Sally everywhere, saw Sally wearing expensive clothes, and wished she could have one.

Blinded by vanity, she didn't want to be compared to Sally, so she bought a lot of knick-knacks and paid $50 for a piece of silk.

At the end of the month, she realized that she had spent too much money, and the total number of accounts was staggering.

While confessing the incident to John, she complains about John's incompetence: "I try to be content, but I'm fed up with the poverty I have now. ”

After saying that, she realized that she had lost herself in vanity, broken her vows, and broken her lover.

That week, she was immersed in self-blame, and this remorse reached its extreme when she found out that her husband had canceled the coat he had so long wanted to buy.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

That night, Meige and her husband had a long talk, and she found herself again.

This conflict made them cherish each other more and love each other deeply.

The next day, in order to buy back her husband's favorite coat, she put down her coat and asked Sally to buy the silk she had bought for a "huge sum."

Sally readily agreed, and Meige immediately took the money to order the coat, intending to surprise her husband.

After that, their marriage was still in turmoil, and their family did not become rich.

Although they live in poverty, they are very content, holding umbrellas for each other and creating a home full of warmth.

This simple happiness is contagious to the people around them, and the neighbors love to visit their homes.

The most romantic thing in the world is to marry your first love and experience the fireworks, firewood, rice, oil and salt in the world together.

To truly love someone may be to be willing to spend the rest of your life with him and create happiness for each other even if the road ahead is tortuous.

When you are lost, encourage each other and get out of the haze; When you are confused, become each other's beacon and move forward hand in hand.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

Good love is hand in hand

Amy is the youngest child in her family and the most sober child in her life, and she has the courage to pursue everything she desires and is good at seizing every opportunity.

Amy longs to enter high society, wants to have money, status, talent, so she socializes with people who have all of them, and she socializes with people with ease.

With her well-bred conversation and elegant manners, Amy won the affection of her aunt and the opportunity to study in Europe.

When she first arrived in Europe, she studied painting hard in the hope of becoming a painter, and after realizing that she didn't have the talent to become a painter, she decided to find another way.

She realizes that marrying into a wealthy family becomes the only way for her to enter high society.

She also hopes that by marrying a rich man, her family can live a good life.

Fred, who happened to be from a good family, launched a passionate pursuit of her, which met her criteria for choosing a mate, and she also thought about marrying him.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

Soon after, Laurie's appearance makes Amy see her heart clearly, and she wants to pursue true love more than money.

As a result, Amy decisively rejected Fred's marriage proposal.

When she was reunited with Laurie, she happened to be riding home with her aunt in a carriage.

After meeting Laurie, Amy was pleasantly surprised and immediately invited him to the party.

At that time, Laurie had just fallen out of love and was depressed all day.

When he met Amy again, his low mood eased and he happily agreed to go to the party.

At the party, they danced and talked together, surprised by the change in each other, and the relationship became closer.

After that, they went to Nice together to relax, and spent a month together day and night, which warmed up their relationship.

But Laurie is still immersed in the sadness of a broken love, often too lazy to go out, and loses his enthusiasm and fighting spirit for life.

Amy couldn't bear to see Laurie fall, and couldn't help but say to him: "I despise you, you have been abroad for half a year, but you have achieved nothing, I can't bear you like this." You can't discard other good things just because you don't get what you want. ”

With Amy's company and relief, Laurie suddenly came to her senses and decided to start a new life.

They also fell in love with each other in this time and decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

After they got married, they ran a business together and also established a charity to help women aspiring to become artists.

Good love is the achievement of each other, and it is equal.

Because of this love, you accept each other's shortcomings, and in the process of loving each other, you also become a better version of yourself.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

Good love is soul resonance

Joe once said, "I don't think I'll ever get married." I'm happy to be alone, and I like the freedom too much to rush to abandon for the sake of a mortal. ”

In her opinion, freedom is more important than love, and if she can, she is willing to write for the rest of her life.

It wasn't until later, when she met the person with the same soul, that she regained her belief in love.

After staying at home for a long time, Jo wanted to change the environment and learn more, so he went to Mrs. Kirk's house in New York and became a tutor for two girls.

It was here that she met the love of her future, Professor Barr.

When they first met, Joe was curious about what kind of person he was, so she quietly looked at him through the curtains.

He was German, with a big beard and unkempt hair, but he was intelligent and looked gentlemanly.

After coming into contact with Professor Barr, Joe was attracted to his sagacity, and Professor Barr also admired Joe's talent and independence.

Professor Barr noticed that Joe liked to read books and gave her a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare, and Joe was ecstatic when he received the gift.

The best relationship is not to talk about it, nor to understand it without saying anything, but these three feelings

Professor Barr knew her love of writing and sincerely suggested that she study real people as training in writing, rather than writing something that pleases others.

Later, when Joe left New York and returned home, Professor Barr was very reluctant.

Soon after, Professor Barr stumbles upon one of Joe's poems, feels Joe's loneliness, and realizes that he is in love with Joe.

He desperately rushes to Joe's hometown and plucks up the courage to visit Joe's family.

Seeing Professor Barr again, the flame of love in Joe's heart was quickly ignited.

She fell in love with the simple but kind professor, and soon married him.

When her aunt died, she gave the estate to Joe, who hoped to use it to start a school and take care of homeless children.

Professor Barr and Joe are like-minded and very supportive of Joe's decision.

When he first started the school, Joe occasionally made mistakes and didn't know how to deal with them.

At this time, Professor Barr will always step up and teach the disobedient children well in an appropriate way.

What we like is often people who are at the same frequency as our own thoughts and have the same three views.

After meeting him, we can let go of ourselves and be ourselves.

He understands your desire to speak, and you understand his deep affection.

With people with the same frequency as the soul, simple three meals a day are full of happiness.

I like a sentence in the movie "Heartbeat": "If a person is like a rainbow, he knows what he encounters." ”

When we were young, we all longed for a vigorous love, only to find out later that it was even harder to meet someone we could be with for a lifetime.

Good love is not a momentary heartbeat, but a mutual affection; It's not about blindly paying, it's about each other's achievements; It's not that there is nothing to talk about, it's the same frequency of the soul.

May you and I meet the right person, enjoy the prosperity of the world, taste the fireworks of the world, and spend the four seasons together.

Author | Poetry and Poetry