
Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

author:New wealth fandom

"Heinous terrorist attacks"

A few days ago, according to CCTV News, Serbian Prime Minister Vucevic said that he strongly condemned the "heinous terrorist attack" in Belgrade and stressed Serbia's ability to respond to the "terrorist threat" to ensure the safety of Serbian citizens. Vucevich called on citizens not to panic. On the same day, Serbian Defense Minister Garcich also condemned the attack on the police, saying that "we will respond to terrorism in any form with severity and uncompromising".

Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

On June 29, Serbian Interior Minister Dacic reported that a Serbian policeman was attacked in front of the Israeli embassy in Belgrade and the attacker was killed.

That evening, Serbian President Vučić went to the hospital to visit the wounded police officers and promised to fight "terrorists" in an all-round way, according to the Associated Press. "We are hunting them down, we will not show mercy to the terrorist acts that are taking place in Serbia, we will not," Vucic said. ”

Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

In addition, the Serbian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the Serbian side has zero tolerance for "terrorism" and any form of "extremism".

However, this will not be the last attack in Belgrade, where there has been too much bloodshed.

Vučić is too hard!

In the end, it is still the internal problems that have not been completely solved.

Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

Hostile relations between the Kosovo authorities and Serbia have persisted since the outbreak of a full-scale war between the Serbian army and ethnic Albanian rebels at the end of the 90s of the 20th century, which led to NATO's intervention in Belgrade.

A new round of contradictions and conflicts has to start from May last year.

The protests in Serbia over two "mass shootings" have gradually turned into violent demonstrations, even against Vučić. The reason behind this incident is certainly not because of the "mass shooting", if there is no behind-the-scenes promoter, Serbia will not be able to set off such a big upsurge of "forcing the palace" for a while, this practice is very American, and the opposition supported by the United States has taken the opportunity to "arch the fire" and "force the palace", this is not the usual routine of the United States, change to a president who listens to the United States, not "pro-China".

Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

It is clear that so far, Serbia's internal contradictions and conflicts are still escalating and show no signs of stopping.

Because of the provocation of the United States, the hatred of people in different regions for each other has become an ideology, which means that the seeds of hatred will not be extinguished every day, and Serbia is in danger of breaking out contradictions and conflicts at any time.

Finally, for a long time, China has been paying close attention to the situation in northern Kosovo, and at the same time has repeatedly stated to the UN Security Council that Serbia's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity should be fully respected. But China can help for a while, but it can't help for a lifetime.

In May this year, when a Chinese company undertook the construction of the Serbian National Football Stadium project in Belgrade, Vučić expressed his vision and expectations for the construction of the project in his speech at the groundbreaking ceremony. He also thanked China for its continued strong support for the development of Serbia, and looked forward to working with Chinese friends to complete this "great project".

Vučić was furious! Serbia suddenly had a heinous event, and the US conspiracy finally succeeded

At this time, there is no other country than China that can help Serbia complete the construction of the project in this time of chaos.

But in the end, it is up to Serbia to become strong on its own, otherwise it will be stormy.

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