
Escalate the situation! NATO's 10 battalions pressed the border, Putin issued a bombshell statement, and Russia and Belarus were ready to counterattack in advance

author:New wealth fandom

The deployment of U.S. intermediate-range missiles to the Philippines forced Putin to make a new statement.

According to the global network, on June 28, local time, Putin convened the Standing Committee of the Federal Security Council by video to discuss issues related to the production and deployment of medium and short-range missile systems.

Putin's meaning is clear, it is necessary for Russia to start the production and deployment of medium and shorter-range missiles.

Escalate the situation! NATO's 10 battalions pressed the border, Putin issued a bombshell statement, and Russia and Belarus were ready to counterattack in advance

Putin's decision to make such a decision is clearly based on the "betrayal" of the United States. Russian military expert Ampirogov pointed out that the trigger for Putin's statement was the deployment of the "Typhon" system by the Americans in the Philippines. Since the United States has violated the INF Treaty, then in any case, Russia needs to react to this and make a decision.

Earlier, the Russian side said that it reserved the right to make a-for-tat response where American short-range and medium-range missiles appeared. So, once Russia starts to get started, where will Putin deploy it?

During this time, in addition to the tension on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, the atmosphere in Belarus was not relaxed, and there were frequent changes around:

1. NATO tactical battalions assembled at the border

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency on July 1, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus Muraviko revealed a message that 10 NATO tactical battalions are deployed near the country's borders with EU countries, with a total number of about 20,000 people. Six of the battalions were Americans.

Although NATO said that this was only temporary, it still made Belarus feel like a great enemy. Muraviko uses a proverb to describe it perfectly: Nothing is more permanent than something temporary.

Escalate the situation! NATO's 10 battalions pressed the border, Putin issued a bombshell statement, and Russia and Belarus were ready to counterattack in advance

2. The Ukrainian army is "ready to go" at the border

In addition to NATO's actions, the Ukrainian army is also mobilizing a large number of troops and weapons and equipment to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. At the same time, the Ukrainian army has also deployed electronic surveillance systems near the borders of Belarus and made extensive use of drones.

So far, Belarus has learned that the special forces of the 1st Presidential Brigade of the Ukrainian Army have arrived at the Ofruch settlement in the direction of Rivne-Zhytomyr on the border with Belarus. You must know that the Zhytomyr Oblast is less than 260 kilometers away from the capital of Belarus in a straight line, and if the Ukrainian army suddenly sends a large number of sabotage-reconnaissance teams to the territory of Belarus, it will cause a lot of damage to Belarus.

Under this double pressure, with the relationship between Putin and Lukashenko, Putin will not sit idly by. Affirming the need to start producing short- and medium-range missile systems, Putin said that the location of the missile systems would be decided on the basis of Russia's security concerns.

In Russia's view, any act of aggression against Belarus will constitute a threat to Russia itself. Then, under the situation of the "big army pressure" of the United States, NATO and Ukraine, Putin will most likely decide to continue to deploy medium and short-range missile systems in Belarus to further strengthen Belarus's defense capabilities. Of course, judging by Ampirogov's explanation, in addition to Belarus, North Korea will also be under Putin's considerations. Because in this way, Moscow can pose a threat to the heart of Europe and the US military base in Okinawa.

Escalate the situation! NATO's 10 battalions pressed the border, Putin issued a bombshell statement, and Russia and Belarus were ready to counterattack in advance

Frankly speaking, the United States and NATO are approaching Belarus in this way, whether it is to alleviate the military pressure on the Ukrainian army or to divert Russia's attention, it will deepen the tension of the situation.

Previously, in order to prevent the United States and NATO from coming to this move, Russia deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus as early as last year, and provided Minsk with the "Iskander" tactical missile system capable of carrying nuclear warheads. According to Belarusian news in April this year, Russia has deployed dozens of nuclear warheads in Belarus.

So the question is, can the 8 sets of "Patriots" that Israel intends to give Ukraine really defend against? Even if NATO dares to gamble, I'm afraid Ukraine won't be able to catch it.

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