
Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

author:Poison Crow Movie
Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

1, Uncle Monkey God of Little Lori

A story of faith, kindness and the brilliance of humanity. The protagonist of the film, Pavan, a devout Hindu, meets Shahida, a lost little girl in Muslin, by chance. Faced with this innocent child, Pawan decided without hesitation to help her return to Pakistan and reunite with her parents.

In the process of sending Shahida home, Pawan encountered many difficulties such as conflicts with the consulate and deception by the tourist office, but he never gave up and always stuck to his beliefs and mission. The last scene of the film is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience, which is full of human kindness, water tenderness, beautiful scenery and sincere emotions, which makes every audience moved. The film shows the beauty of human nature and conveys selfless love that transcends faith and borders. In this world, kindness and love are always the most powerful forces.

Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

2. Butterflies

It tells a touching story of friendship, family and nature. Lisa, an 8-year-old single parent, opens up a world of fantasy for us with her endless curiosity and enthusiasm for asking questions. The old man of the neighborhood, although his son has died, his love for life has not diminished, especially his fetish for collecting butterfly specimens is even more impressive.

Lisa and her neighbor's grandfather set out to find the butterfly "Isabella", and in this adventure, they asked questions and interacted with each other, showing Lisa's innocence and revealing the gentleness and tenacity of the old man's deep heart. And Lisa's act of letting go of the butterfly is a kind of innocent reverence for life and nature.

Although this movie is old, its warmth and touching still deeply touch the hearts of every audience. The images of the old man, the little Lisa and the butterfly have all become unforgettable classics in our hearts.

Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

3, Genius Girl

The film focuses on a young girl who becomes the focus of family strife after showing off her amazing talent for math. Her uncle and grandmother, two relatives who loved her dearly, had serious disagreements over how to educate and raise the gifted girl. It's a story about a mathematical genius, and it's also a profound exploration of human nature, family affection, and the way to educate.

The film delicately shows people's confusion and struggle in the face of life choices, and the behavior of grandmothers and uncles is thought-provoking. How to make the right choice, especially for children who have not yet established self-awareness, can be a difficult problem. Because right or wrong is often subjective, and life does not allow assumptions. For those families who place too much importance on their children's achievements, this movie undoubtedly provides profound inspiration and food for thought. Every child is unique, and they need to be understood and respected, not expected and shaped by a single child.

Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

4. Angel Love

Rio Ozawa, a 14-year-old girl, has gone astray due to life changes, and uses aid and fraud as means to accumulate money, with a glamorous appearance but a desperate and empty heart. By chance, she met Kozawa Mitsuki, a university teacher with the same surname as herself. Radiance is handsome and upright, and although it looks a little wooden, it quickly attracts Rio and makes her feel sincere. However, as fate would have it, Guanghui suffered from a malignant tumor and had little left of his life, so he couldn't devote himself to this relationship.

The film depicts Riao's inner struggle and growth with delicate brushstrokes, as well as the subtle and deep emotional entanglement between her and Guanghui. Although the end of the film has a hint of regret, it is also full of hope and redemption, which is endlessly memorable.

Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

5. This killer is not too cold

An extraordinary relationship between Leon, a professional killer, and Matilda, a young girl. In the film, Natalie Portman made a stunning appearance in the role of Matilda, who was only 12 years old, and her performance was sincere and profound, which became a highlight of the film. The two are interdependent in life, facing a harsh environment together, showing the complexity and warmth of human nature.

After its release, the film was widely praised by the audience and was hailed as a classic among action movies. The action scenes in the film are extremely tense, and the emotional expression is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the audience can also feel the temperature of human nature in the tense and exciting plot. At the same time, "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" has been highly praised by film critics for its unique perspective and plot, and is considered a film work with both depth and breadth, which can be called a classic among classics.

Lolita can't be missed, 5 movies of little Lori and uncle

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