
60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

author:Dr. Tang has an interesting talk

Content Sources:

[1] Wu Jiaqi, Wang Lie, Guo Lei, et al. Analysis of the prescription of Wang Lie, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, for the staged treatment of pediatric asthma[J].Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2022,37(10):5759-5762.

[2] Bian Anzheng, Zhang Guiju. Pediatric asthma dampness evil identification and treatment of ancient and modern exploration[J].China Herald of Medicine,2020,17(01):134-137.)

[3] Sun Liping. Wang Lie's clinical experience in the prevention and control of pediatric asthma by Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine[J].Chinese Pediatrics of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine,2019,11(04):277-279.)

The body's innate immune system begins to develop gradually after birth, usually around the age of 6. As a result, preschoolers are highly susceptible to a variety of viral and bacterial infections, with respiratory diseases being the most prevalent. Respiratory viruses or bacteria not only cause respiratory infections, but are also the biggest allergens that induce allergic asthma in children, which is known as cough variant asthma in children in Western medicine and "asthma" in traditional Chinese medicine.

The theory of "wheezing" was put forward by Wang Lie, a master of traditional Chinese medicine. Wang Lie is a well-known pediatric expert in mainland China, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a tenured professor of traditional Chinese medicine in Jilin Province.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

Born in 1930, Wang Lie was originally a pediatrician studying Western medicine, but after finishing his studies at the Liaoning Provincial Medical School and Harbin Medical University, he joined the Changchun First Automobile Factory Hospital. But his interest and admiration for Chinese medicine was already enlightened at a young age.

When Wang Lie was 14 years old, his mother suffered from urine accumulation, although he had the intention to urinate but could not urinate, and his entire lower abdomen was swollen and painful.

During his practice in Western medicine, Wang Lie cured more than 100 pediatric dyspatitis patients with mashed potatoes on his cheeks under the guidance of the old Chinese medicine practitioners, and also had a child who was hospitalized for more than 100 days with fever. Seeing is believing, Wang Lie, who has witnessed the effectiveness of Chinese medicine once or twice, believes in Chinese medicine even more, and has been learning the four hundred flavors of Chinese medicine by himself in his spare time.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

The turning point in his life occurred in 1958, when Wang Lie was selected to Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to begin his studies of traditional Chinese medicine. Although Wang Lie was overjoyed, he also knew that the process of changing from Western medicine to Chinese medicine was very difficult. In order to understand the five elements of yin and yang, the meridians of the viscera, learn to examine the cause, distinguish the syndrome and discuss the treatment, and the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine, Wang Lie put all his free time in the library, got up in the early morning every day, and went to bed in the middle of the night, and even read all the Chinese medicine pediatric literature in the collection of Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

But learning on paper is shallow in the end, Wang Lie knows that it is not enough to just read the book, he must understand, he consulted many good teachers, and never missed any opportunity to practice. In 1969, when Wang Lie met Mr. Deng Minglu, the director of the Department of Chinese Medicine, who wanted to take his students into the mountains to recognize herbal medicines, he immediately volunteered and asked to go with him.

On the winding mountain road, Wang Lie noticed the small yellow four-leaf flowers fluttering in the wind around him, and asked Mr. Deng Minglu what this was. Deng Minglu told Wang Lie that the flower is called celandine, which has a bitter taste and a cool nature, and is commonly used by folk to treat stomach pain, diarrhea and other diseases, but it is slightly toxic.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

When Wang Lie heard that it was slightly toxic, he asked again: "Then what is its therapeutic dose?" Mr. Deng Minglu shook his head and said that he didn't know, and he didn't know when he asked the local medicine farmers. Wang Lie felt that stomach pain and diarrhea were common diseases, and it was very rare that celandine could be treated with herbs, so he picked some and brought them back to the laboratory for research.

With the help of his colleagues, Wang Lei made the celandine into syrup, but the celandine had a certain toxicity, and he searched through the medical books and did not find a detailed record.

Once, a child with whooping cough and diarrhea came to the hospital, and his parents rushed to many hospitals for diagnosis and treatment, but there was no improvement. Pertussis is a pulmonary disease caused by the evil poison of the times, and in Western medicine, it is an acute respiratory disease caused by infection with the bacillus pertussis. Due to the evil lung guard, the lung is not cleared, the stomach is broken, and the stomach is disconnected, so the child will have persistent cough and diarrhea symptoms.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

After obtaining the consent of the parents, Wang Lie gave the child celandine syrup, but the father of the child came to the clinic early in the morning to thank Wang Lie, saying that the child had no cough since last night, and the diarrhea had changed from a dozen times to two. Wang Lie, who had achieved the results, was overjoyed and strengthened, and strengthened his determination to treat diseases with traditional Chinese medicine. Under Wang Lie's continuous research, celandine syrup has also been included in the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China", and it has become a medicinal material for curing diseases and saving people.

After overcoming whooping cough, Wang Lie, who studied pediatric pulmonary diseases, began to study another high-incidence disease in children - asthma. Wang Lie learned from ancient medical books that the mainland has a research history of pediatric asthma for more than 2,000 years, even earlier than adult asthma. Based on the valuable experience of the ancients, Wang Lie led the team to study thousands of cases of pediatric asthma, and in the process, Wang Lie not only figured out the pathogenesis of asthma, but also understood one thing, that is, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is also advancing with the times.

The pathogenesis of pediatric asthma is chaotic, there was no air pollution, electrical appliances and other effects in ancient times, and diet, life and psychological state are also very different, but in summary, it is nothing more than internal deficiency and external evil that lead to the reversal of lung qi. Pediatric asthma is divided into an attack and a remission phase in the Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but Wang Lie believes that a stable period should be added after that.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

The attack period treats the symptoms, and the remission period consolidates its roots, but many parents think that the disease has been eradicated after the remission period, but they don't know that it will repeat the same day one day. Therefore, treatment in the stable phase is also very important. After years of research, Wang Lie creatively advanced the treatment of asthma to a period without obvious symptoms, that is, the "asthma seedling stage".

According to Wang Lie's years of experience, pediatric asthma often has specific clinical manifestations before the onset of the disease. Since there is a way to keep children from the invasion of internal and external evils, it is my duty as a Chinese medicine practitioner. Therefore, Wang Lie combined his knowledge with clinical diagnosis and treatment experience, rooted in the current background and general environment, and summed up the following two points, as long as parents pay attention to these two changes in their children's daily life, they can keep their children away from internal and external evils, and avoid the suffering of lingering diseases.

1. Asthma seedling stage

The definition of the word "seedling" in Shuowen Jiezi is that the cereal crop is a young (not yet flowering) plant, so the asthma seedling stage refers to the child before the onset of asthma. For children, the sooner the diagnosis and treatment of asthma begins, the better, and the opportunity for treatment should not be lost, once it enters the attack or remission period, the physical harm to the child is endless.

60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: It is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them

......In Western medicine, this sound is also known as wheezing, which is a typical sign of bronchial asthma patients and can be heard through a stethoscope. This is a type of additional breathing sound that can be heard on auscultation of the lungs in addition to the breathing sound because the airways are spasmodic and narrow, and the airflow is not smooth, so that in addition to the breathing sound, the patient's lungs can be heard on auscultation. Therefore, if wheezing is heard in the lungs of children with colds or pneumonia, intervention should be initiated as early as possible to prevent the occurrence of asthma in children.

2. Maintain righteousness

Wang Lie believes that the fundamental principle of "prevention before disease" in traditional Chinese medicine is to balance yin and yang, therefore, the maintenance of righteous qi can make diseases and evil inviolable, which is often said in clinical practice to improve immunity. Due to the imperfect development of preschool children's immune system, the first thing parents should do is to let their children go to some densely populated places as little as possible, because the denser the population, the more pathogens, and the children are more likely to be invaded by diseases.

Secondly, the spleen is the foundation of nurture, that is to say, all life activities after birth depend on the acquired spleen and stomach to take in nutrients. Therefore, maintaining a healthy spleen and stomach can also strengthen the healthy qi and improve the child's immunity. However, some parents feel too sorry for their children and do not control their children's diet, which may cause their children to accumulate food and become hot, which will harm their children's bodies.

(Note: "60 years of research on pediatric asthma, 94-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine: it is recommended to do these 2 things in advance, don't ignore them" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)