
General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

author:A bookmaker in the sea
Opening statement: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources combined with personal opinions, and the source and screenshot of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


Sun Liren was an outstanding general during the Anti-Japanese War, but there were many setbacks in his life.

His wife forced him to marry another nurse as a concubine, and in his later years he was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, and died of illness only two years after his release, but even so, he raised all four of his children to become scientists.

What happened to him, and why did his wife insist on letting him take a concubine?

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Tsinghua University top student

Sun Liren was born in 1900, the 26th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, and was a native of Lujiang, Anhui Province. His ancestors had been studying for generations, and then turned into business, and his family gradually became wealthy, but under the influence of the war, his assets gradually depleted.

By the time of Sun Liren's grandfather's generation, there were not many assets left, so the family moved to Lujiang, bought land and houses, and lived a rural life again, and through the efforts of his grandfather and father, their lives gradually improved.

Sun Liren's father was a man of the Cixi era, and his uncle, who was also a Dengke Jinshi, was born in such a scholarly family, and Sun Liren received a strict education from his father since he was a child.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

In the backyard of his house, there is a house where they are private schools, and Sun Liren's father specially invited a gentleman to teach him and his younger brother to read, and personally gave the teacher a ring ruler and asked the teacher to discipline him strictly.

Sun Liren gradually became a talent under the strict teaching of his teacher, and later showed a very amazing talent.

In 1913, the United States founded Tsinghua University with the returned Gengzi compensation, which was mainly used to train Chinese students to study in the United States. Since the Gengzi compensation money was collected from the provinces at that time, the proportion of students enrolled in them was also different according to the different contributions of each province.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Sun Liren's Anhui Province has only 5 places, but Sun Liren and his younger brother stood out in the examination of thousands of people and successfully won two places, and Sun Liren's results ranked first in Anhui Province.

In August 1914, Sun Liren entered Tsinghua University to study, and in 1924 he graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University.

At Tsinghua University, Sun Liren joined the national basketball team and won the championship for the country for the first time in the 5th Far Eastern Games.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

After graduating from Tsinghua University, Sun Liren was sent to the United States to study with excellent grades, according to his father's idea, he still wanted to study civil engineering, but Sun Liren did not think so at that time.

At that time, China was in the era of warlord warfare, and Sun Liren thought that civil engineering was not of much use to the country, and he always wanted to study military affairs. So after studying civil engineering for a year, he switched to military engineering.

Sun Liren entered the Virginia West Point Military Academy in the United States, where he studied for three years, in 1927 Sun Liren graduated from the military academy, in Western Europe Britain, France, Germany and other countries after inspecting the military, he returned to the motherland.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

As a high-end military talent who graduated from the United States, Sun Liren was scrambling from many places as soon as he returned to China. As soon as he returned to China, he entered the Central Party School of the Kuomintang as a lieutenant instructor.

Soon after, he was invited by the Army, Navy and Air Force Headquarters to serve there as colonel and deputy commander-in-chief.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Enter the Song Ziwen faction

In January 1932, he was introduced to Song Ziwen's team and served as a colonel in Song's tax police corps. In the next five years, he trained 3,000 infantry with his "Sun's Drill Code", which was a major combat force during the Anti-Japanese War.

However, the origin of Sun Liren's Song Ziwen faction doomed him to be clearly separated from Chiang Kai-shek's lineage, which also laid the groundwork for his subsequent encounters.

In 1937, when the all-out Anti-Japanese War broke out, in September, Sun Liren led the fourth regiment of the tax police he trained to the front line of the Songhu battlefield. On the battlefield of Suzhou Creek, Sun Liren was unfortunately injured by a Japanese artillery shell, and was wounded by 13 bullets.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

After more than 8 hours of blood transfusion and rescue, Sun Li woke up and was out of danger. Doctors told him he had been hit in the lungs and nearly punctured in the heart.

But fortunately, Sun Liren came back to life and was not disabled, and he could still gallop on the battlefield. After recovering from his injuries in three months, he participated in the siege of Wuhan and made two military achievements.

After the Kuomintang moved its capital to Chongqing, Sun Liren reorganized the tax police regiment and expanded the strength to more than 20,000. However, it did not take long for Chiang Kai-shek to cut off all his troops and reorganize the new 38th Division of the Nationalist Army.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Two months later, Sun Liren's 38th Division was transferred to Burma and became a unit of the Chinese Expeditionary Force. Their mission was to go to Burma to fight the Japanese forces encircling southwestern China, and to open the Yunnan-Burma Highway, through which they could quickly obtain Western aid.

In this battle of the expeditionary force, Sun Liren fought for 3 years, and he relied on his elite troops and excellent American weapons to defeat the Japanese army, and also let them see the real Chinese army.

One of the most remarkable battles was when he led 1,000 troops to successfully annihilate a Japanese brigade and rescue a large number of Western missionaries and journalists, who praised Sun Liren.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Sun Liren's military career has also ushered in his own highlights, and he has the highest reputation among Chinese soldiers in the Western army and the Japanese army. Li Ao once spoke highly of him, saying that he was the most outstanding general in the Kuomintang clique.

But he shines in the military, but he has a lot of regrets in his life.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Marry a concubine to bear children

In fact, Sun Liren had been married before going abroad to study, his first wife was called Gong Xitao, and she was the wife that his father married for him, Sun Liren had no feelings for her, and they had never lived together.

After Sun Liren returned to China, he never thought of taking Gong Xitao to live by his side, and Gong Xitao also thought that it was more important to serve his in-laws, and they had been living a life of separation between the two places.

If Sun Liren hadn't met Zhang Jingying later, he might have taken Gong Xitao to live by his side after stabilization, then she would not have died alone, but unfortunately there is no if in history.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Sun Liren met Zhang Jingying at a dance, she was a lively Hunan girl, at that dance she deeply attracted Sun Liren with her beautiful posture and bright smile, and they danced several dances together.

People who fall in love will become stubborn, Sun Liren married Zhang Jingying despite the opposition of his family, and since then they have lived together in Nanjing, but they have never had children of their own.

In 1949, when the Kuomintang was defeated, Sun Liren took Zhang Jingying to Taiwan, when he was over half a hundred years old, but he still had no children and no daughters. But he didn't care about it, he adopted seven sons during the war and already had many children.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

But Zhang Jingying didn't think so, she was unwilling to have no successor to her husband, so she tried her best to try, and finally found out that she had infertility.

In order for her husband to have children, she forced him to marry another concubine, but Sun Liren completely disagreed. Later, she came up with her killer idea, if she didn't marry a concubine, then she would go to the monk's house, which finally persuaded Sun Liren.

Sun Liren later married Chang Meiying, a local nurse in Taiwan, who expressed her willingness to marry Sun Liren after hearing his name. They had no physical problems and later gave birth to 4 children.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

In 1952, at the age of 52, Sun Liren finally welcomed his first child, a daughter whom he named Sun Zhongping, and later received a master's degree in materials engineering from Cornell University in the United States.

Sun Liren's second child, Sun Anping, is a boy who entered the Institute of Physics at Tsinghua University and obtained a master's degree, and after graduation, he worked in Silicon Valley.

The third child, also a boy, named Sun Tianping, was born in 1956 and received a master's degree in business administration from Tsinghua University.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Sun Liren's youngest daughter is Sun Taiping, she was admitted to the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University, and then went to the United States to study, and obtained a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke University and a postdoctoral degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Their success was inseparable from the earnest teaching of their father Sun Liren, because at that time they had been placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek, and they could not go out to study without any income.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

He was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years

After Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan, he lost the support of the United States for a time, and in order to regain the trust of the United States, he has been courting Sun Liren, wanting to rely on his influence in the United States to regain the support of the United States.

At this time, the CIA of the United States was also planning a plan for Taiwan's "horse change", and Sun Liren had been caught up in the political whirlpool at this time.

In 1954, Chiang Kai-shek's father and son used the excuse of "using Sun Daijiang as the pretext" to charge Sun Liren with "military advice" and rebellion, set up an investigation team against him, and completely dismissed Sun Liren.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

Beginning in August 1955, Sun Liren lived under house arrest. It was not until March 20, 1988 that 88-year-old Sun Liren finally ended his 33-year house arrest career and ushered in a time of freedom.

But at that time, he was not particularly happy, and he told the media that he wanted innocence more than freedom. However, until his death two years later, the Nationalist Government did not really give him a just result.

When people are old, they will always miss their hometown very much, and the same is true for Sun Liren, who always wants to return to his hometown Anhui, but he always can't make it.

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

At that time, he was already suffering from various diseases and needed to go to the hospital for treatment, so he had to let his children go home to visit his grave and pay respects, but he himself never returned until his death in November 1990.

Before he died, lying on the hospital bed, holding the doctor's hand, he kept repeating five words: "I was wronged." ”

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists


There are triumphs and frustrations in people's lives, and it often doesn't take a long time to go from the glory to the dust, seize the opportunity to do what you think is important, then no matter what the result is, you will not regret it.



Chinese Expeditionary Force - Sun Liren

The son of Sun Liji, a famous general of the Anti-Japanese War, was invited to Beijing to watch the ceremony, and planned to move his father's tomb back to the mainland_China Political Treasury_The Paper

General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists
General Sun Liren, who was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for 33 years, was asked by his wife to marry a nurse and give birth to four scientists

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