
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

author:Laughing oranges
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!


In the subway, a storm set off a thousand waves. The elderly, the girl, the police, who is right and who is wrong? Where is the boundary between "respecting the old and loving the young"? Let's take a look at what is wrong with our society behind this farce!


01. Subway conflict

Another farce has been staged in the Beijing subway. An old man with gray hair, because of a seat, lashes out at the young girl. He didn't just talk about it, he pushed and shoved it, and even touched the girl's leg with a cane. This scene was filmed by others and quickly spread on the Internet, causing an uproar.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

One has to ask, can older people do whatever they want? Where is the boundary of "respecting the old and loving the young"? Netizens talked a lot, some sympathized with the elderly, and some people were upset with the girl. This controversy has pushed the traditional virtue of "respecting the old and loving the young" to the forefront.

It got a big deal and the police came. The old man was taken away for disturbing public order. In the end, he was also placed under administrative detention for this. This result made many people applaud and feel that the old man should be taught a lesson. But there are also people who feel that they are too cruel to the elderly, after all, they are old.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

However, the truth is often more complex than meets the eye. The old man's neighbors broke the news that the old man was not usually a good stubble. He often quarreled with people and even started beating people. Neighbors stayed away for fear of getting into trouble. Fortunately, the old man's true face has been completely exposed.

This incident shows us that some elderly people always feel that they should enjoy privileges when they are old. They think young people should let them, even if it's in public. However, public order should not be distinguished by age. Everyone should follow the rules and respect each other.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

So, what should we think of this kind of behavior of "relying on the old and selling the old"? Is it that when you reach a certain age, you can be unreasonable? And what role did the old man's family play in this? Let's move on, and you might have more amazing discoveries about the story.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

02. The old man's daughter speaks

Before the subway turmoil subsided, the old man's daughter jumped out to defend her father. She said that her father was old and his behavior might have been a little excessive, but the intention was good. She also thinks that this is just a small matter of seats, and it is too big. As soon as these words came out, netizens became even more popular. Everyone is asking, can you do whatever you want when you are old?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

There is an old saying that "the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked". Seeing the performance of the old man's daughter, people can't help but wonder if there is something wrong with the family's values. When the father did something wrong, the daughter not only did not criticize, but also helped to quibble. This attitude makes people worry about whether the family has been conniving at the wrong behavior of the elderly.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

What's even more surprising is that this old man turned out to be a teacher! Everyone is thinking: how could a person who used to teach and educate people do such a thing? How does he usually educate his students? These questions are chilling.

This incident has also made the traditional virtue of "respecting the old and loving the young" a hot topic again. It has been said that young people should respect the elderly unconditionally.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

How to balance the rights and interests of young and old people has become a difficult problem. The issue of giving up seats on the subway is a case in point. Some people feel that young people should voluntarily give up their seats, but others believe that people with special needs should be cared for, and cannot be simply divided by age.

This incident has revealed some of the problems that exist in our society. Is homeschooling up to date? Do our values need to evolve with the times? How do you find a balance between respecting tradition and adapting to modern society? These are all questions that we need to ponder.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

So, how did our law enforcement respond to such a situation? How should the law balance the interests of all parties? Let's move on, and you might get a deeper understanding of the current state of our society.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

03. Netizens are hotly discussed

In the subway farce, the performance of the police also caused public dissatisfaction. The video shows that when the old man insulted and pushed the girl, the police actually watched from the sidelines. It wasn't until the situation worsened that they reluctantly stepped forward to intervene. This way of dealing with it makes people feel that the police are conniving at the wrong behavior of the elderly. Netizens asked: What do the police officers do to eat? Why not stop it in time?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

This phenomenon of selective law enforcement makes people wonder: is there any meaning to the fact that everyone is equal before the law? Why do law enforcers selectively go blind in the face of the illegal behavior of the elderly? Behind this phenomenon, what is reflected is some people's one-sided understanding of "respecting the old and loving the young".

Why is the phenomenon of "relying on the old and selling the old" so common? The social soil behind this is worth pondering. Is it that our society overemphasizes the importance of age and ignores the rights and wrongs of individual behavior? Or is there something wrong with our education that makes some people feel like they can do whatever they want when they are older?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

We need to re-examine the traditional virtue of "respecting the elderly and loving the young". Young people respect the elderly, and the elderly should respect the young. Only in this way can our society be truly harmonious.

To build a more harmonious and inclusive society, each of us has a responsibility to do so. We need to learn to empathize and understand the situation of others. Both the old and the young should follow the public rules and be considerate of each other.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

It is a long-term task to improve the quality education of citizens and enhance the overall moral level of society. We need to start from family education, from school education, so that everyone is aware of the impact of their words and deeds on society.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!


Each of us is a member of society and has the responsibility to contribute to the construction of a harmonious society. From now on, let us use our actions to influence the people around us and jointly create a better and more harmonious society.

Remember, change never happens overnight. It takes time, patience, and more importantly, continuous efforts from each of us. But as long as we work together, we will be able to create the better future we want.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

Let's take action together and contribute to the creation of a better society!

What do you think of this subway turmoil? What would you do in a similar situation? How to correctly understand "respecting the old and loving the young"? Come to the comment area and discuss with everyone!

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refuses to admit her mistakes, my dad can do whatever he wants when he is old!

Dear readers and friends, May each of us become a communicator of social harmony. May our kindness be like a spring breeze, warming every corner; May our wisdom be like a beacon that illuminates the way forward. May the elderly be treated with the respect they deserve and the young people enjoy equal rights. May public places be filled with mutual assistance and fraternity, and may family education sow the seeds of civilization. Let's work together to create a better tomorrow and make respect, understanding and inclusion the main theme of society. May our society be more harmonious and everyone can be happy and healthy!

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