
Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

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Ma Weidu, a well-known cultural scholar, suddenly rushed to the hot search!

Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd., in which it holds more than 95% of the shares, unilaterally announced on May 31 that it had terminated the employment relations of more than 80 people without communicating with its employees, and the labor contracts were terminated on June 30.

This incident sparked heated discussions among netizens, a blogger publicly called out, and many netizens also questioned it, some people hoped that he would be responsible for learning from Fat Donglai, and some even thought that he was going to run away.

According to the insider, the laid-off employees originally promised 2N compensation has now been reduced to N, and many people have applied for labor arbitration, and relevant departments have intervened.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

The legal person of the company said that it was aware of the arbitration application, and the matter was going through the procedure, and the company may implement compensation for the sake of reputation under the pressure of public opinion.

On July 1, Ma Weidu made a rare appearance at the Capital Normal University to give a speech, and chose to remain silent despite the doubts of the outside world.

When it comes to strange layoffs, we have to mention the practices of Manchester United and Volkswagen.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In the face of operational pressure, Manchester United Football Club has adopted a "time-limited choice" strategy for non-football staff, asking them to decide whether to resign within a very short period of time, and promising September bonuses for those who leave early.

This method of exchanging time pressure for financial compensation undoubtedly puts employees in a dilemma, feeling the helplessness of being forced to leave their jobs and having to weigh the immediate financial benefits.

Volkswagen, on the other hand, is more direct, offering German executives a severance bonus of up to 50,000 euros to entice them to voluntarily terminate their contracts, so as to achieve the goal of reducing the size and improving performance.

While these practices may seem effective, they ignore employees' need for job stability and a sense of belonging, raising questions about corporate social responsibility.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

If Manchester United and Volkswagen's layoffs are still "clearly priced", then the layoffs of Ma Weidu's Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd. are more sudden and brutal.

On July 1, Ma Weidu rushed to the hot search because the company laid off more than 80 employees, and this storm of layoffs without warning quickly aroused widespread concern in the society.

According to the exposure, the company unilaterally announced the termination of labor relations without any communication with employees on May 31, and required all laid-off employees to leave their jobs before June 30.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

This kind of practice of completely ignoring the feelings of employees is undoubtedly a great disregard for the rights and interests of employees.

In the face of doubts and accusations from the outside world, Ma Weidu himself chose to remain silent.

Despite his rare appearance at Capital Normal University on July 1 to give a speech, there has been little response to the layoffs.

This attitude undoubtedly intensified the boiling of public opinion, and netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and disappointment with Ma Weidu.

Some people accuse him of inconsistency in words and deeds, and lack of responsibility as an entrepreneur; Some people hope that he can become a model of responsible entrepreneur like Fat Donglai; What's more, he thinks that he is preparing for running away.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Ma Weidu may be silently paying attention to all this, and thinking about how to give a more reasonable explanation and compensation plan.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In addition to the above cases, there are many more bizarre ways to lay off employees.

ByteDance adopts a "trickle of water" style of layoffs, HR talks with employees one-on-one in private, and resigns directly after negotiating compensation; An advertising agency forced employees off by moving its office to a remote mountainous area; Micro Connect requires employees to contribute $1 million to the company's projects, and then quickly lay off employees and provide "N+3" or better than the statutory compensation.

While each of these layoffs has its own merits, what they all have in common is that they all ignore the feelings and needs of employees, turning layoffs into a cold deal.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

For the laid-off employees, they not only have to face the sudden blow of unemployment, but also bear the huge pressure from their families and society.

Many employees were told they could get 2N compensation before being laid off, but ended up receiving N compensation that was much lower than expected.

This gap left them angry and disappointed.

In order to protect their rights and interests, a number of laid-off employees have applied for labor arbitration and look forward to seeking justice through legal channels.

One of the directors of photography, who had worked for four years, received a layoff notice without warning, lamenting that the company was not doing well and was full of confusion and worries about his future.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In the face of public opinion caused by these strange layoffs, companies should deeply reflect on whether their actions are in line with professional ethics and social responsibility.

Layoffs are one of the necessary means for enterprises to adjust their strategies and optimize their structures, but they should never be at the expense of employees' rights and interests.

Future layoffs should be more humane, transparent, and fully respectful of employees' wishes and feelings.

Society should also strengthen the supervision and guidance of enterprise layoffs to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of employees are effectively protected.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

The emergence of strange layoffs not only exposes the loopholes and short-sighted behaviors of enterprises in management, but also has an immeasurable impact on employees' mental health and career development.

We call on all companies to face layoffs in a more responsible manner and respect the efforts and contributions of every employee.

We also hope that the society can form a more complete legal system and social security mechanism to protect the rights and dignity of employees.

Only in this way can we jointly build a more harmonious, stable and sustainable ecological environment for labor relations.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In discussing the phenomenon of strange layoffs, we have to face up to the deep-seated socio-economic dynamics behind it.

With the acceleration of globalization and digitalization, the market is becoming increasingly competitive, and companies have to make frequent strategic adjustments and organizational optimizations in order to remain competitive.

In the process, some companies ignore the value of employees as a core resource, and see layoffs as a quick way to reduce costs, rather than an integral part of strategic transformation.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In the modern workplace, the role of employees goes beyond the simple workforce to be a key driver of innovation, growth and success.

When formulating layoff policies, enterprises should fully consider the career development path of employees, their psychological capacity, and the difficulty of reemployment in the market.

We can provide professional career planning services, psychological counseling services, and re-education and training to help laid-off employees make a smooth transition, regain confidence, and reintegrate into the workplace.

With the rise of social media and self-media, the speed and breadth of information dissemination is unprecedented.

If a company's layoff method is not handled properly, it will not only damage the company's image, but also may cause widespread social concern and negative public opinion.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

In the process of layoffs, enterprises should pay attention to information disclosure and transparency, respond to the concerns of employees and society in a timely manner, and demonstrate the sense of responsibility and integrity of the enterprise.

We call on the government, enterprises, social organizations and individuals to work together to build a fairer, more reasonable and more humane layoff mechanism.

Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: Ma Weidu rarely appeared, the company responded, and the inside story was exposed

The government can introduce relevant policies and regulations to regulate the layoffs of enterprises and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees;

Enterprises can actively fulfill their social responsibilities, optimize the layoff process, and pay attention to humanistic care;

Social organizations can provide professional support and assistance to promote the re-employment and career development of laid-off employees; Individuals, on the other hand, should continue to improve their abilities and enhance their professional competitiveness to cope with the uncertainty in the workplace.

Only in this way can we work together to create a more harmonious, stable and prosperous workplace environment.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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