
The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

author:Sweet Path

As the saying goes, a few families are happy and a few are worried, and various provinces have successively announced the college entrance examination scores, and some students have exceeded the level of performance, and the college entrance examination scores have increased by 100 points more than usual, and there are also some students who feel anxious about whether they can enter the university because the scores are too low.

Nowadays, with the depreciation of academic qualifications, parents expect their children to achieve good grades not only for the sake of face, but also for their future employment prospects. After the popularization of nine-year compulsory education, more and more attention has been paid to children's education, and the number of highly educated talents is also increasing.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Therefore, the key universities have become the expectation of parents. For students with excellent grades, it seems natural to choose to go to a "211" or "985" university, but for candidates with average grades, they not only need to consider the choice of major, but also have to worry about whether they can be admitted.

The official list of "pheasant colleges" alerts parents to the fact that these schools specialize in defrauding students of their money. Although the test results have been determined, parents are still active in trying to secure a better future for their children through other avenues.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Parents with conditions may look for "acquaintances" to help, while those who do not have conditions can only sigh and have to accept the reality and choose a promising major for their children.

In the past, finding relationships may have been an effective avenue, but now it has been completely blocked. After the mechanism of all aspects is sound, students can only be admitted to the ideal university through their own grades. All parents can do is to assist them in making an informed choice and choosing an ideal university so that they are not taken advantage of by unscrupulous people.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Although the education level of parents has generally improved, in the face of many colleges and universities today, it is still inevitable to be confused when choosing. As a result, when choosing a college, they tend to subconsciously choose schools that sound advanced, not knowing that this is actually being deceived.

According to the Ministry of Education's website, in recent years, many "pheasant universities" have emerged in various places to deceive students by falsely posting admissions information and university admission letters. These schools do not have higher education qualifications, and students are wasted their time after applying for the exam.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Officials have released a list of "pheasant universities" in various places to remind parents to be vigilant. These schools often have flashy names that are easily confused with real prestigious schools, such as the China University of Posts and Telecommunications, which seems to be an imitation of the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and even the graduates of BUPT have been deceived.

In recent years, the departments of education, public security, and internet information have been intensifying the rectification of such "pheasant universities" and cracking down on fraud. The education department appeals to parents not to believe the lies of "taking shortcuts" and "no need to fill in the application", even if the score is not high, you cannot go to a prestigious school.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Surprisingly, according to the official list of "pheasant universities", there are a total of 392 schools on the list. Among them, there are 151 schools in Beijing, and these schools are usually named after "Beijing" or "Capital", and the names of the schools all sound very lofty.

Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Guangdong, Tianjin, Shanghai and other provinces also have these schools, covering science and engineering and normal schools. In order to prevent problems, parents are better to keep this list in order to avoid being unlucky.

In order to avoid being "pitted", parents need to correct their mentality and avoid having a "fluke mentality". The main reason why these "pheasant universities" can run rampant is because they take advantage of the "luck mentality" of parents. It is every parent's dream to get their children into a good university, but some parents can accept the good and bad grades of students, and some believe that "man will win the day".

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

In order to avoid false positives of "pheasant university", parents should first adjust their mentality and not be delusional that they can easily get good results. Secondly, it is necessary to do a good job of research before filling in the volunteer, and now that the Internet is developed, it is not difficult to find relevant information. As long as you do these two things, you can significantly reduce the probability of being fooled.

In my opinion, the student's score has been determined, and parents should have a correct mindset and choose a promising major for the candidate within the score range. At the same time, you should also investigate the employment situation of previous graduates of the major in your favorite colleges and universities to understand what the school recruits units.

Filling out the application is a big deal, and if parents are hesitant, they can consult a professional for advice. These experts will select the right university and major for the student based on their scores and aspirations.

The official list of "pheasant universities" in various places has been officially announced, and parents need to be careful about defrauding students of money

Of course, there is also a fee for this. For families with modest financial conditions, if they are undecided, they can also consult the class teacher's advice, but this requires students to do their homework in advance and first determine a few schools of their choice.

Finally, when filling in the volunteers, in addition to avoiding applying for "pheasant university", do not go to extremes. Some students may want to increase the rate of job competition by applying for unpopular majors, believing that the number of applicants is small and the competition for employment is small. But in fact, it is precisely because of the limited employment opportunities that the number of applicants for this major is low.