
985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

author:Sweet Path

With the rise of the Internet information age, people's life rhythm has accelerated, and their lifestyles have also undergone great changes. The rise of e-commerce has enabled people to solve various problems without leaving home, especially in recent years, food delivery has become the new favorite of young people.

985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

The convenience of takeaway is that people don't need to go out to buy ingredients and condiments, nor do they have to cook by themselves, they just need to pick up their mobile phones and enjoy the convenience and speed of "people sitting at home, and meals from outside the door".

However, with the rise of the food delivery industry, it has also brought with it a series of problems. In the catering industry, it is inevitable to encounter problems such as the lack of fresh ingredients when ordering food in person.

The takeaway industry is even more involved in cutting corners, hygiene problems, service attitudes, etc., and the most affecting consumer experience is the discrepancy between the real thing and the picture.

985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

Recently, a master's student majoring in architecture at a 985 university in Heilongjiang Province ordered takeout online and found that a piece of chicken was missing from the food. With his professional knowledge, he gave full play to his professional advantages, mapped and analyzed on the spot, and provided corresponding data, and finally came to the conclusion that the dish in the lunch box was indeed missing a piece of chicken with a width of 2.8cm.

In anger, he gave the seller a bad review on the platform and described his analysis process in detail through a message. The merchant responded that the actual product was exactly the same as the picture, and the chicken had always been four pieces, and attached the relevant pictures to the consumer's five-star praise.

985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

This incident caused heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that this graduate student is excellent in professional knowledge, and can even deduce whether the merchant is manipulating the amount of food when ordering takeout. However, there are also more people who think that his approach is too pedantic, that he only understands theoretical knowledge and lacks practical experience, and that he is out of touch with reality.

985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

In reality, some people are jokingly called "high-scoring and imbeciling", who are good at theory but difficult to apply in practice. Highly educated people sometimes struggle to deal with complex issues when they are assertive and inflexible.

985 graduate students gave strange comments on takeaways out of the circle, and were suspicious of life by merchants: nerds

It is not difficult for the merchant to deal with this situation, and it has been suggested that the graduate student be invited to the back kitchen to observe the operation process and let him experience it firsthand. This may be able to solve the problem while earning the merchant a free advertising campaign.

In this incident, the two sides failed to achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, but each stood firm and blamed each other.

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