
At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

Since the Russian president's visit to North Korea and the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the two countries, North Korea has come under increasing criticism from the West.

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At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

The United States and some countries in Europe have begun to stand up and criticize Russia and North Korea, and by the way, China has also been brought in.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

The Peninsula Conference was held, and the tuyere was aimed at China

During Putin's visit to the DPRK last month, the DPRK and Russia, the DPRK capital Pyongyang, formally signed the "Russia-DPRK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty."

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Putin made a statement shortly after the agreement was signed: the agreement was a major breakthrough between Russia and North Korea, and the treaty clearly stipulated that if one country was attacked or invaded by other countries, the other country was obliged to support and help it.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

This is the best proof of cooperation between Russia and North Korea on security matters, and at the same time, Putin also said that the security issue between Russia and North Korea has always been the focus of his talks with Kim Jong-un.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

The United States wants to establish a small circle centered on itself, from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine two years ago to maliciously provoking the peninsula issue, etc., the United States is obviously already anxious about the failure of its ideas.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Putin's visit to North Korea on the 18th and Vietnam on the 19th and 20th, this series of visits also made the United States restless, one because the relationship between North Korea, Vietnam and Russia has become closer, and the other is because the United States wants to gain a foothold in the Asia-Pacific region, but this plan was broken.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Russia's visit to the country, perhaps because of the Ukraine issue, Russia has been sanctioned by Western countries and urgently needs a new partner, while North Korea is also isolated internationally, and it needs a strong country to back it up, so that the two who have suffered from cold words can finally be united.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

But can this seemingly win-win diplomacy really have the desired effect? What will be the impact on the situation on the Korean Peninsula?

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

After Putin's visit to North Korea, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss this series of issues, at which some Western countries pointed the finger at China for no reason.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Geng Shuang, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, made three consecutive speeches at the meeting, countering the US representative's constant criticism of China's status and role on the Korean Peninsula issue.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Geng Shuang stressed: The United States should conduct deep introspection, especially on its own behavior, instead of shifting the responsibility to others every time.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Geng Shuang said: China has always been serious and responsible on the Korean Peninsula issue, and the whole world can clearly see China's role and everything it has done in the affairs of the Korean Peninsula.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

The Korean Peninsula Issue

Compared with the "Russia-Ukraine conflict", the reunification of the Korean Peninsula has gone through a long history of more than half a century, and it is a thorny issue in Asia and the world.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

North and South Korea are a pair of compatriots whose lives, eating habits, writing, and language are the same, and even so, the governments and peoples of the two countries are still hostile to each other and feel that the other will hurt them.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

The difference between the U.S. support for South Korea after the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and the help of the Soviet Union and China for North Korea when they encountered problems, put the Korean Peninsula in a delicate equilibrium.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

Once reunification is achieved, South Korea will not need to spend too much money on weapons, and they will be able to completely put their military in the hands of North Korea, and they will be able to focus all their energy on developing the country's economy.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

However, according to the South Korean government's thinking, it is to wait until the Korean civil strife and the people in the north finally "surrender" to the south, and South Korea can achieve reunification as long as it sits there and cleans up the mess.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

However, South Korea's vision proved to be impossible to realize, and from the point of view of the North Korean side, the unity of the peninsula should still be from the north to the east, and the necessity of reunification would have the same political convictions as South Korea, which had been suppressed by the United States for a long time.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations


Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been rising recently, and if we look at the military confrontation between the two Koreas last year, today's developments are not entirely unexpected, and despite some efforts by countries like China, the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains uncertain.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

This uncertainty is not only due to the confrontation between North Korea and South Korea, but also because of international pressure and expectations, in which any crisis is not just about North Korea or South Korea, but about regional and world peace and stability.

At the beginning of the United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula, the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK struck first and engaged in fierce confrontations

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