
Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

author:Liaoning fans in Guangdong


Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great. Netizens hotly discussed and pointed out: How capable Lin Wei is, so floating, a newcomer to the national team, is so presumptuous. In the national team, he is much stronger than Lin Wei. If Lin Wei doesn't change, there will be no development in the future, and Director Guo is helping him and polishing him. Today's young people do not have a sense of collective pride and team spirit. Too much self-focused! This kind of thing is only a façade in the sports world, but in fact, most of them are like this.

Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

If you don't obey the collective interests, you will walk out of the collective, the ball is not very good, the temper is not small, there is no iron discipline, how to lead a good team. Lin Wei didn't understand the coach's arrangement, and he didn't obey, so he only sat on the bench. Although the men's basketball team is not good, there are still a few people who play. Xire is to tolerate him without a lower limit, causing him to be the way he is now, playing a big name in the local team, and also wanting to play a big name in the national team, this kind of person doesn't want it, otherwise he will lose the face of the country with the coach in the international arena. The players who do not obey the management, when they come to the big game, the temper comes up, and they do not follow the coach's arrangement, how to implement the strategy and tactics, and the temper is not terrible, see how to attack.

Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

Lin Wei is fortunate to be young, and every experience is a wealth of growth! Work hard for Lin Wei, when you are strong enough, maybe you will be tolerated! Street slickers will be forgiven, and you will succeed if you work hard to keep improving. The coach needs a team, he needs people who execute his tactics, he doesn't need players who think they are big names. You have to govern the team strictly, you must not get used to it, you must be Coach Guo! Today's athletes are not very good at their skills and tempers! Look at Liu Yudong back then, who dared Wang Zhizhi to do this, this is also the reason for the serious decline of mainland basketball! The coach's tactics can only be a big framework, and the players should play flexibly on the basis of the overall strategy. It's not that the coach is off the field and takes care of the running line!

Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

Except, of course, there will be one or two such special cases per game. Lin Wei is too bold at a young age, he dares to call the coach, he thinks he is great before he reaches the star, or it is the most important thing to learn from Coach Guo with an open heart, Guo Shiqiang's coaching ability is so strong, even a small player dares to call the coach, can the national team enter? Lin Wei is not particularly good, and the Chinese men's basketball team has not yet reached the point where he is indispensable. Remember that basketball is a team sport, and you can't even carry out the coach's requirements and ask him to do something.

Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

Lin Wei, isn't this just playing a big name? Attacking and not defending? Who do you think you are? Isn't Zhao Jiwei a big name than you? Zhao Jiwei's attack is not sharp? Inaccurate three-point? But how desperate is Zhao Jiwei's defense? But if you relax a little, Du Feng can replace him with a scolding, including Xu Jie, and Yang Ming of the Liaoning team is the same, and the players who encounter lax defense are also replaced with a squirt, which of the Liaoyue players who are sprayed is not bigger than you? Which one doesn't have to endure both? Guo Shiqiang is older than Du Feng and Yang Ming, Yang Ming may not be able to spray old players like Han Xiaoxu Allen, but Guo Shiqiang didn't dare to spray in the Liaoning team back then, and these players didn't look at who dared to talk back? Don't you have to listen to Guo Allen or Zhao Jiwei?

Facts speak louder than words, Lin Wei's departure from the Chinese men's basketball team is expected, and the price of growth is too great

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