
Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

College Expansion: Behind the scam, the real universities are 985 and 211

In recent years, the voice of university enrollment expansion has become louder and louder, and it seems that anyone can squeeze into the university as long as it is a high school student. However, as the number of college graduates has skyrocketed, more and more people have begun to question: what is the purpose of university expansion? Could it be that except for key universities such as 985 and 211, the rest of the universities are just to let thousands of high school students enter society later? Let's dive into this question and uncover the truth behind the expansion of university enrollment.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

The original intention of the university to expand its enrollment

First of all, we need to understand the original purpose of the university's expansion. When the government implemented the policy of expanding the number of university students, the original intention was to improve the overall quality of the people and cultivate more high-quality talents. However, in the process of implementing this policy, it has gradually deviated from its original intention. Although the expansion of university enrollment has achieved remarkable results in terms of quantity, it has not been improved in terms of quality. The teaching quality and resources of many ordinary universities are far inferior to those of 985 and 211 universities, resulting in a great reduction in the competitiveness of students in the job market after graduation.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

985, 211: Real University

The 985 and 211 project universities are the top representatives of China's higher education. These schools far surpass ordinary universities in terms of faculty, scientific research level, teaching resources, etc. The students who enter these colleges and universities are usually outstanding students from various provinces and cities, who not only excel academically, but also occupy a favorable position in the future job market. It can be said that 985 and 211 colleges and universities are veritable "real universities".

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

Ordinary universities: a "buffer zone" for delayed entry into society

Compared with 985 and 211 universities, students from ordinary universities face more severe employment pressure after graduation. Statistics show that 80% of jobs in society are not majors studied in college, and 90% of jobs can be filled by high school graduates. The existence of ordinary universities seems to have become a kind of "buffer zone" that delays high school students' entry into society. During these four years, students may ostensibly be in higher education, but in fact they may just be wasting time and money to escape the pressure of employment.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

The Graduate's Dilemma

Many average college graduates, after stepping out of school, find that they don't have much of an advantage in the job market. They face a highly competitive employment environment and often have to work in jobs that have nothing to do with their major. As a result, not only four years of time were wasted, but also increased the financial burden on the family. If these students enter the workforce directly after high school, they may have already accumulated some work experience and will be able to adapt to society earlier.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early

Family's choice

For the average family, sending their children to college is a big expense. Especially for those children who are not interested in learning, going to college not only wastes the family's financial resources, but also delays the time for the children to enter the society and accumulate work experience. If your child doesn't like to study, or doesn't have a clear career plan, it may be wiser to let them enter the workforce early.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early


We need to rethink our policies to expand enrolment. University education should be aimed at producing high-quality talents, not at delaying students' entry into society. We need to focus on vocational education and skills training so that students who are not interested in academics can find their own path. Only in this way can we truly improve the quality of the people, and not turn universities into a "buffer zone" for delayed employment.

Ordinary college is a joke? Children from ordinary families should not waste another four years, it is wise to work early


The original intention of the university expansion policy was good, but in the process of implementation, there were deviations. 985 and 211 colleges and universities are real universities, and they have cultivated a large number of high-quality talents. Ordinary universities, although they have increased in numbers, their graduates are not as competitive as they should be in the job market. Instead of letting children who don't like to study waste time and money in ordinary universities, it is better to let them enter the workforce early, accumulate work experience, and lay the foundation for future development. We need to re-examine the policy of expanding university enrollment and find an education model that is more suitable for the needs of contemporary society, so as to truly improve the quality of the people.

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