
It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

The speed of urban development is increasing day by day, and more and more people are flocking to cities in the hope of finding better life opportunities in the city. However, a recent survey shows that in the next five years, cities will usher in a huge transformation, and about 70% of people will not be able to make ends meet in the cities, so they will have to return to their rural hometowns to survive.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

The reasons for this prediction are manifold. First of all, with the development of technology, many traditional industries are gradually being replaced by artificial intelligence. The application of AI artificial intelligence technologies such as unmanned driving, unmanned express delivery, unmanned takeaway, unmanned hotels, unmanned restaurants, unmanned vending stores, and unmanned supermarkets has gradually been commercialized. These unmanned industries have deprived people of employment opportunities in the cities, resulting in the inability of ordinary people to make ends meet in the cities.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

Second, this trend of unmanned is not limited to the industries listed above, it is rapidly penetrating many other fields. For example, in the healthcare sector, many simple diagnostic and therapeutic tasks can already be performed by AI, which threatens some jobs in the healthcare industry. For example, in the field of education, intelligent education platforms are gradually replacing traditional teaching models, and the career prospects of some teachers have become unstable.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

This wave of industrialization has led to the loss of jobs for a large number of people in the cities, who can no longer rely on wages to support themselves and their families. Although the government has introduced a series of employment policies and subsidy measures, these measures can only alleviate short-term difficulties, but do not solve the underlying problems. As a result, many people have no choice but to return to their rural hometowns and start farming or other rural industries to survive.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

However, this wave of urban relocation is not entirely hopeless. Although unmanned has brought many employment difficulties, it has also created some new employment opportunities. For example, the development and maintenance of AI technology requires the support of professional and technical personnel. The expansion of Internet services also requires more network managers, and so on. These new jobs, while relatively limited, can provide a glimmer of life to those who are unable to adapt to existing skill needs.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

Throughout the process of urban development, governments, businesses and individuals need to work together to solve the employment problem. The government should increase its efforts to nurture and support emerging industries, and provide more training and educational resources to improve people's skills. Enterprises should also actively explore business models that adapt to the new era and create more employment opportunities for people; At the same time, individuals should also continue to learn and improve their abilities to adapt to the changes in social development.

It is predicted that within five years, 70% of people in urban areas may have difficulty surviving and will return to rural life

Overall, in the next five years, urban development will usher in a huge transformation, and the trend of unmanned will lead to the loss of many jobs. While this is a big challenge for many, it can also be a new beginning. Only through the joint efforts of all parties can we find better solutions, make urban development more in line with people's needs, and enable ordinary people to find a better way out of life in cities.

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