
The squeeze is outrageous, 12 hours of nightmare in the factory, the work does not stop, but the salary is only more than 4,000

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

In today's society, factory workers are often faced with heavy work tasks and low wages. This is a sad situation, especially in some factories, where working hours are as long as 12 hours and the two-shift system is unbearable. From 8:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. the next morning, there was almost no noon break, and the two of them changed meals, working 20 shifts a month with very little rest. Even so, the wages of workers are only more than 4,000 yuan, and this kind of capital squeezing is really unacceptable.

First, let's take a look at the working environment and working hours of the workers. Most factories operate a 12-hour two-shift system, which means workers work 12 hours in a row. I started work at 8:30 p.m. and worked until 8:30 a.m. the next morning. At noon, I can't completely rest, so I can only eat for two people, and there is almost no time to rest. At the end of the month, workers work 20 shifts and have only one day off a week. Such high-intensity work is a huge challenge for workers, both physically and psychologically.

The squeeze is outrageous, 12 hours of nightmare in the factory, the work does not stop, but the salary is only more than 4,000

Let's take a look at the level of workers' wages. Although they put in so much labor time and energy, their monthly salary is only more than 4,000 yuan. This level of wages is really unacceptable. Staying up late and working overtime, physically and mentally exhausted, but the income is so meager. This situation not only makes the workers feel sad, but also makes them feel helpless. Who would want to work in such an environment if they weren't forced by life?

Second, long working hours and low wages have had a negative impact on workers. The first is physical health. The continuous 12 hours of high-intensity work seriously affected the health of the workers. They don't get enough rest, their bodies don't recover, and they are prone to various health problems in the long run. The second is mental health issues. Long working hours and low wages make workers feel very stressed and psychologically burdened. This situation can easily lead to the emergence of psychological problems and affect the overall quality of life of workers.

The squeeze is outrageous, 12 hours of nightmare in the factory, the work does not stop, but the salary is only more than 4,000

In addition, this working environment and salary level also affect the family life of workers. Due to the long working hours, it is difficult for them to have time to spend with their families, and family relationships are also affected. Children need the love and companionship of their parents, but the workers do not give them enough time and energy. The relationship between husband and wife is also susceptible because they don't have enough time to communicate and communicate during long hours. As a result, the quality of family life has declined, and the happiness of workers has been greatly reduced.

Faced with this situation, the quality of life of workers has also been seriously affected. Long hours of work and low wages prevent them from enjoying the pleasures of life. The monthly salary is only enough to maintain basic living expenses, and it is difficult to have extra money for leisure and entertainment. Outside of work, they can only rest, and they simply do not have the time and energy to enjoy life. This state of life really makes people feel sad and helpless.

The squeeze is outrageous, 12 hours of nightmare in the factory, the work does not stop, but the salary is only more than 4,000

So, why is this happening? The main reason for this is the squeezing of capital. In order to maximize profits, factories try to lower workers' wages as much as possible and extend workers' working hours. They treat workers as a tool to make money, ignoring their basic rights and quality of life. Workers are not duly rewarded for their hard work, and their basic rights and interests are not guaranteed. This kind of capital squeezing makes the life of the workers difficult and helpless.

What should we do about this? First, the government and relevant authorities should strengthen supervision of factories to ensure that workers' basic rights and interests are protected. It is necessary to formulate reasonable labor laws and regulations, regulate the working hours and wage levels of factories, and ensure the basic rights and interests of workers. Second, workers should also unite and fight for their rights. Through organizations such as trade unions, they can express their demands and fight for a better working environment and wages. Finally, all sectors of society should also pay attention to the living conditions of workers and give them more attention and support. Only by working together as a whole can we change the plight of workers and give them a better life.

The squeeze is outrageous, 12 hours of nightmare in the factory, the work does not stop, but the salary is only more than 4,000

In short, the 12-hour working day and low wages in factories have seriously affected the quality of life of workers. This kind of capital squeezing is unacceptable, and it also makes the workers feel sad and helpless. We need to work together to change this situation and protect the basic rights of workers through government regulation, solidarity among workers and the concern of society, so that they can live a better life. Workers deserve to be duly rewarded for their hard work, and they deserve to have a happy and good life. This can only be achieved if the whole of society works together.


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