
Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

author:wH Technology.


Shen Teng Ma Li, the golden partner of comedy movies, joined forces again to light us up in the dim theater. In their new work "Catching the Doll", the role played by Shen Teng is still the character that makes the audience laugh. He stands there without any action or dialogue, and his appearance is a kind of comedic embodiment in itself.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

In the film, Shen Teng confidently declared that he was his son's solid backing, but in fact, when his little backing called his father while gliding in a wheelchair, Shen Teng didn't look back once, just mechanically responded three times "Hey! ”。 This contrast can't help but make the audience laugh and feel the kind of Chinese-style fatherly love - the strictness on the surface, but the deep love hidden behind it. Chunlan played by Ma Li is the prototype that everyone can find around in real life, and her complaints about Shen Teng can make you suffocate in laughter.

The whole family pretended to be sick and pretended to be poor


Another plot in the film that makes people laugh so hard that they can't stop is the big scene of pretending to be sick and pretending to be poor collectively staged by this family. In order to let his son pick up bottles to subsidize the family, the whole family staged a drama. Behind the seemingly nonsensical plot, there is a satire on contemporary social issues, and the film shows a family's helplessness and struggle against the dilemma of life in a relaxed and humorous way.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

Whether it is Shen Teng looking at the ceiling with an innocent face, or Ma Li's pretending to cough sickly, their performances are extremely exaggerated, making people think deeply in laughter. This fusion of banter and irony is not only a ridicule of life's predicament, but also a profound reflection on reality.

The re-expansion of the universe of Xihong City


"Catching the Doll", as the third part of the Xihong City universe created by Yan Fei and Peng Damo, inherits the hilarious genes of the first two parts. In this series, we have seen the evolution of Shen Teng and Ma Li's characters, from acquaintance and love to the current raising of a baby. This movie isn't just about telling a comedic story about a father, it's more like a synonym for growing up.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

The interaction between Shen Teng and Ma Li on the screen made countless viewers feel tears of happiness. In this movie, the painting style of the two still maintains their usual style, but with a hint of novelty, which secretly touches the audience's laughter. It's like saying that there are always so many unsatisfactory things in life, and what we need may be a little tears of happiness.

The comedic effect of setting off discussion among the audience


The release of "Catching the Doll" will undoubtedly set off a wave of discussion again. The comedic effect in the film is achieved through exaggerated interpretation and deep insight into life, which is not new in comedy films, but the interpretation of Shen Teng and Ma Li has given them new vitality. Their performances multiply the comedic effect of the film and resonate with the audience at the same time.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

This is not only because of Shen Teng and Ma Li's acting skills, but also because their characters touch certain corners of everyone in real life. On the Internet, netizens have begun a heated discussion, some praise Shen Teng and Ma Li's performances, and some tell interesting stories about their watching movies, and everyone is expressing their love for this movie in their own way.

Reflective revelation after hilariousness

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

After the hilarious "Catching the Doll", what left us with is a deep reflection on reality. The film not only shows the deep affection between family members, but also reflects the challenges that social reality brings to ordinary people. Through their characters, Shen Teng and Ma Li let us see the difficulties in life, and at the same time remind us of the importance of finding fun in difficult environments.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

This effect of provoking deep thought from comedy is the great charm of "Catching the Doll". When the audience leaves the theater, they may laugh because of the hilarious plot of the movie, but more often than not, they will fall into deep contemplation because of the deep meaning of the movie. On social media, young users enthusiastically discuss every joke in "Catch the Doll". They share their experiences online, tease each other about the funny scenes in the movie, and even imitate the characters in the movie. This kind of interactive discussion makes "Catching the Doll" not only a movie, but also a cultural phenomenon.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

In this process, everyone becomes a part of the film, and their discussion and sharing allow the vitality of the film to continue. And this kind of discussion on social media triggered by the movie is also the best gift that Shen Teng and Ma Li have brought us.

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" netizens; It's not that they didn't even watch the performance, laughing until their stomachs hurt!

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