
Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

author:Witness to history

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Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the national feather, died of sudden cardiac arrest while competing in Indonesia.

And behind this, a series of behaviors of the Indonesian event party are outrageous!

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

There was gross negligence on the part of the tournament team, not only did it not use the life-saving defibrillator in the first place, but it also quibbled that the rules of the Badminton Federation did not allow medical personnel to enter the stadium quickly.

But even if the medical personnel finally entered the scene, they were at a loss and amateurish.

What's even more excessive is that up to now, the Indonesian side has not said a word about the compensation for Zhang Zhijie's family, as if it wants to push it off.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

The Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) is even more responsible, its official website does not report on this tragedy, and the interface is still festive, which is simply a disregard for life.

At the age of 17, it was the best years of my life, with the infinite love for badminton, with the expectations of my family, the teachings of my coach, and the support of my teammates, I set foot on this court with great longing.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

But who would have thought that fate would be so cruel and ruthless.

Imagine the scene where the atmosphere on the field was enthusiastic and the crowd cheered one after another.

Zhang Zhijie fought the court, and every move was full of strength and determination.

However, at that moment, his body suddenly had a condition, cardiac arrest, and the whole person collapsed instantly.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

At that moment, the whole world seemed to stand still, and time seemed to freeze.

Next, let's talk about the major negligence of the Indonesian tournament side.

Let's talk about the problem of improper first aid, this is the key to human life! At the moment of Zhang Zhijie's emergency, time is life, and every second is extremely precious.

But what about the tournament side? I didn't even get the defibrillator in the first place! Friends, the defibrillator is an artifact that can pull people back from the ghost gate at a critical moment.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

But what about the medical staff of the Indonesian race side? Their performance was amateurish to the extreme.

They may be in a hurry, or they may be overwhelmed, and they have not shown the professionalism and emergency response skills they should have.

How can this work? This is a great disrespect for life and a gross disregard for the safety of athletes.

They should have been trained to respond quickly and accurately to unexpected situations, but the reality is so disappointing.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

Let's talk about the ugly act of the Indonesian side in shirking its responsibilities.

They actually used the rules of the Badminton Federation as an excuse to claim that the rules did not allow medical personnel to enter the stadium quickly.

What kind of logic is this?

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

The rules are meant to ensure that the game is fair and orderly, but shouldn't they be flexible when it comes to human lives? Are rules more important than life?

? This is ridiculous!

What's even more infuriating is that the follow-up reaction is even more chilling.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

The official website of the Indonesian Badminton Association did not even report on this incident, as if it had never happened.

What kind of indifference and ruthlessness is this?

Don't they have a trace of guilt and self-blame?

A young life is lost in the event they host, but they choose to remain silent and escape, completely failing to show the empathy and responsibility they deserve.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

In the face of such a tragedy, our Chinese badminton team and the National Table Tennis Center will definitely not sit idly by.

They stood up and issued a righteous condemnation, and resolutely demanded that the Indonesian event team take its due responsibility and give Zhang Zhijie's family reasonable financial compensation.

This compensation is not only a matter of money, but also a consolation for the lost lives, a kind of comfort for the families, and a kind of justice for the justice.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

At the same time, we have made full use of the pressure of international public opinion to call on the Indonesian side to abide by humanitarian and universal values.

In this era of globalization, sport knows no borders and every athlete should be respected and protected.

We cannot tolerate the Indonesian race's disregard for life and evasion of responsibility, and we must make them pay for their mistakes.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

We have strong expectations for the future.

First of all, the Indonesian side must strengthen the medical protection measures for the event.

It's not just an empty phrase, it's a real thing.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

It is necessary to equip advanced medical equipment, carry out strict professional training for medical personnel, and formulate perfect emergency plans to ensure that rescue can be carried out quickly and effectively in any emergency.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

And we have to be tough on the Indonesian side.

Tolerance is never the solution to the problem, it only emboldens them.

We must hold them accountable to the end, make them deeply aware of their mistakes, and let them understand that the life of every athlete is incomparably precious, and there is no room for the slightest negligence or slackness.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

Let's go back and think about Zhang Zhijie, he is a shining star with infinite possibilities.

He may dream of one day standing on the podium of a world champion and letting the flag fly because of him; Perhaps looking forward to using their strength to win more honors for the motherland.

But all of this came to naught in that instant.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

How grief-stricken his family must have been! He worked hard to cultivate him, watching him grow step by step, but lost him in an instant.

His coach, who once had high hopes for him and guided him carefully, now has to face such a cruel reality.

His teammates, the partners who fought side by side, should be so sad and helpless in their hearts.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

Sports events should be a stage full of passion, dreams and glory, and a place for athletes to show themselves and challenge their limits.

But if the lives of the athletes are not guaranteed, then everything will be meaningless.

Indonesian tournament side, you must reflect deeply, seriously rectify, and give everyone a satisfactory explanation.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

We cannot allow the tragedy of Zhang Zhijie to happen in vain, and his departure should be a powerful impetus for the reform of sports events.

Let every event organizer attach great importance to medical security, so that every athlete can work hard without worries on the field.

Continue to pay attention to this matter, seek justice for Zhang Zhijie, and speak out for the safety of all athletes.

Wrath! Indonesia did not mention the compensation for the death of the national feather player, and the official website of the Badminton Association did not report the full color of the interface

Because every athlete is our pride, and their lives are worthy of our full protection!

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