
Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

author:Shen Boi

The new information of the 126th episode of the Year of Devouring the Starry Sky has come out.,Judging from the new information.,It's not a lot of information, but it's very exciting.。 From Bai Carlo telling a secret, to unlocking the six treasures, and then to Luo Feng making a lot of money in the end.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

One, Baicaro tells a secret

First of all, there is Baicaro. Judging from the new information, it is obvious that the male protagonist Luo Feng has subdued Baicaro and made Baicaro his subordinate. This hundred carrots are amazing, because he is an alien, and he is also the leader of the younger generation of the alien blade clan, and he has now reached the eighth order of the universe level.

He was originally ordered by the ancestor of Nuo Lanshan to invade the earth and wanted to get the earth, but he didn't expect that Luo Feng on the earth had already been prepared, so when he invaded the earth, he was miserable, and he was miserably subdued by Luo Feng.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

After becoming Luo Feng's subordinate, Baicaro told a secret. What's the secret? There is a mechanical spaceship hidden on the earth, and the purpose of the Ancestor of Nolan Mountain is to let him get this spaceship. Luo Feng came to his senses as soon as he heard this, because the ancestor of Nuolan Mountain actually plotted a spaceship on the earth, then there must be good things in this spaceship.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

After all, the Ancestor of Nuo Lan Mountain was a master of the ninth order of the universe level, and what he could pay attention to and plot must be extraordinary. I didn't know before, but now that I know, naturally Luo Feng won't miss this spaceship, so he immediately let Baicaro lead the way, and then found this spaceship from the mechanical family.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

Second, the six treasures are unlocked

However, after finding this mechanical spaceship, Luo Feng made a difficulty, because the external entrance of this mechanical spaceship actually has a powerful defense device, and stellar people can't enter it at all, and if they want to forcibly break in, they will inevitably end up in ashes. But fortunately, at this time, Bai Carlo took the initiative to ask Ying, saying that he could go, after all, he had reached the eighth order of the universe level, which was not comparable to a stellar level monk, and he was sure enough. So Luo Feng let Bai Carlo go and break into the mechanical spaceship.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

Baicaro is really powerful, and soon broke into the mechanical spaceship, and even invaded the control room of the mechanical spaceship, and thus unlocked the six treasures inside. What are the six treasures inside? It is the three Star Destroyer main guns and the three high-energy laser cannons. Especially the main cannon of annihilation, this is a weapon that can destroy a planet, and anyone who doesn't want to see it can get it.

Devouring the new information of the starry sky, Bai Carlo told a secret, the six treasures were unlocked, and Luo Feng made a lot of money

Three, Luo Feng made a lot of money

Now it seems that Luo Feng has really made a lot of money, after all, the treasures of this mechanical clan are really too precious. After Bai Carlo got these treasures, he would naturally give them to him, after all, Luo Feng was the owner of Bai Caro. Luo Feng has also become a rich man, and he can buy anything he wants in the future, and he no longer has to think about saving money.

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