
Saponaria thorn: From humble thorns to health patrons, secrets you don't know!

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#如何挑选好的皂角刺? #

Hi man, today we're going to talk about something that looks ordinary, but actually works really well – the soaphorn thorn. Don't be fooled by its appearance, it's a hidden treasure! Saponaria thorn, a dry thorn that grows from the Saponaria tree, can be used to reduce swelling and drain pus, and can also be used to kill insects. Just imagine, this little thing, as long as you poke it on your skin, the scabies and leprosy on your body will disappear without a trace!

Saponaria thorn: From humble thorns to health patrons, secrets you don't know!

If you are suffering from scabies and leprosy, then the soaphorn thorn may be your savior. However, you have to be careful, pregnant people should be careful, this little trouble, may make you very excited.

However, don't think that soaphorn thorns are for external use, and they can also be taken internally. However, remember, be sure to take it under the guidance of your doctor, never take it without permission, and pay attention to safety!

When choosing thorns, it's like picking a watermelon, listening to the sound and seeing the color. High-quality saponaria thorns, the main spine is long cone-shaped, purple-brown or tan in color, tough in texture, and not easy to break. Thinly sliced, with a sharp tip at the top, the woody part is yellowish and white, the pith is loose, and it is light reddish-brown.

Saponaria thorn: From humble thorns to health patrons, secrets you don't know!

To protect the soap, it is necessary to protect your treasures, and store them in a dry, damp place to ensure that they are in the best condition.

Oh, I'm going to have to be careful when you mention that. Saponaria thorns are good, but they are not a panacea. Some foods, such as spicy food, seafood, etc., may cause discomfort. Therefore, when consuming saponaria thorns, be light.

Saponaria thorn: From humble thorns to health patrons, secrets you don't know!

Alright, friends, this is the end of our little lesson for today. Don't look at the soaphorn thorn is not big, but it has a great effect. When used correctly, it will become a little helper for your health. However, don't forget that eating too much is also beneficial. See you next time, and don't forget to bring your pesky guy too, and we'll be blessed together!