
Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

author:Colorful drawing board aKI


Autumn and winter are here again, do you feel your throat dry like a desert and cough constantly? Don't worry, your lungs are calling you for help, it needs to be hydrated and cared for. Today, discover six of your lungs' favorite drinks to make your lungs "drink" healthier and more comfortable!

Monk Fruit Tea: The "Scavenger" of the Lungs

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

The first to appear is the monk fruit tea, known as the "little master of traditional Chinese medicine", which not only has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling inflammation and relieving pharynx, but also the "scavenger" of the lungs. However, people with a weak spleen and stomach should pay more attention not to let the cold of monk fruit hurt the stomach.

Fat Sea Tea: A "Cleanser" for the Lungs

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

The second is Fat Sea Tea, a seed plant in the genus Sycamore, which has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving the throat and detoxifying, and is known as the "cleanser" of the lungs. But keep in mind that people with a weak spleen and stomach may feel uncomfortable after eating fat sea.

Chrysanthemum tea: a "little expert" in clearing heat and detoxifying

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

Chrysanthemum tea, sweet and slightly cold, can disperse wind and heat, calm the liver and eyes, clear heat and detoxify, is the best drink for people suffering from liver fire and lung fire. However, for people with a weak spleen and stomach, the cold of chrysanthemums may make people feel uncomfortable, so you should think twice before drinking.

Licorice tea: the "sweetheart" of cough and lungs

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

The tonic herb represented by licorice is a kind of tonic medicine with cough suppressant, moisturizing the lungs and benefiting the spleen, and is the "sweetheart" of weak spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, cough and cough and other diseases. However, if it is a symptom such as damp obstruction, vomiting, edema, etc., you should not drink licorice tea.

Honeysuckle tea: the "savior" of pain and swelling

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

Honeysuckle tea, since ancient times, has been known as clearing heat and detoxifying, its nature is sweet and cold, fragrant and rich, has the effect of dispelling wind and dampness, invigorating blood and removing stasis, is the "savior" of lung fire, stomach fire, heat poison and so on. If the spleen and stomach are weak and cold, the cold breath of honeysuckle may make people feel uncomfortable.

Lily Tea: The "Messenger of Calming"

Don't let coughing become your daily routine! Try these teas and the lungs say: finally comfortable!

The last dish is a drink called "Lily Tea", which has cool medicinal properties, can warm the lungs, moisten dryness and relieve cough, and is a kind of "soothing messenger", which can treat symptoms such as hypothermia, insomnia, and palpitations.

Okay, guys, are these six teas already ready for you? Remember, it varies from person to person, and you need to choose the right tea leaves to make your lungs "drink" better. Autumn is high and cool, let's drink a cup of clear tea that clears the lungs, relieves cough and dissolves phlegm, so that your mood will be better! Don't forget, drink in moderation and overdo it!