
Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

author:Easy to learn education

In the past few years, I believe that many people feel that life is very tiring, and the problems are one after another, as if no matter how hard they try, they can't see the direction of the way forward.

Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

But someone said: "The answer to life must be found in Wang Wei's poems." ”

Anyone who likes Wang Wei knows that in his life, Wang Wei has experienced great prosperity in the world, and then has nothing.

But his charm lies in the poetry of any situation.

"The middle-aged man is quite good, and the late home is in the south of the mountains. Every time you go alone, you know what you are winning.

Go to the poor place of the water, and sit and watch the clouds rise. Occasionally, Lin Suo, talk and laugh without a repayment date.

- "Farewell to the South"

A few simple words, even after thousands of years, can still make people feel his calm state of mind.

Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

In a stormy life, there are times of good times and adversity. Or the work is not recognized, or the effort is not rewarded, or it is in a desperate situation with no way out......

The most difficult time in life may be the time for change, as long as you go bravely, life may usher in a turnaround!

How to break the game: Keep learning and keep up with the pace of the times

Many times you will find that people who love to learn and those who don't love to learn will end up living two completely different lives. If you improve your academic qualifications a little more, your life will open up one more outlet.

Therefore, there are more and more people who don't have time and energy to worry about it, and the same academic ability is a more suitable way for most people to study for graduate school.

What is an equivalent academic qualification for a master's degree?

Applicants with equivalent academic ability refer to those who have the same academic ability as graduate students can apply to the degree-awarding institution in accordance with the requirements and measures of the Regulations of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on Conferring Master's and Doctoral Degrees to Personnel with Equivalent Academic Ability to Graduate Students, and can obtain a master's degree certificate recognized by the state after passing the examination conditions of the degree-awarding institution.

Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

In a nutshell, its advantages include the following:

The entry threshold is low

The equivalent academic ability is the only one among all part-time graduate students who does not need to take the entrance exam.

The certificate has a high gold content

The appearance and recognition of the master's degree obtained by the applicant for a master's degree with the same academic ability are no different from those of the full-time one, and have the same legal effect.

Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

Shenshuo has a low risk

Colleges and universities with the same academic ability generally give candidates a five-year credit validity period, so that they can take the master's degree examination multiple times, and there are more opportunities for the examination, which also reduces the risk of applying for a master's degree faced by students.

Learning styles are more flexible

Applicants with the same academic ability can choose the online learning mode, online credits, and flexible study time, so that you can study according to your own schedule, and work and study are not wrong.

Want to break out of the siege of life? Let's apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability!

As Grandma Moses said, "You have to believe that in time, you will eventually grow into what you want to be, and embrace your own future." "Interested friends can send private messages to understand, register, and consult [the same academic ability to apply for a master's degree].

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