
Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!


How "watery" is the nomination for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards?


After the announcement of the list of nominees for Best Actor at the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards, netizens poured into social media and launched a battle between "water" and "dry". Some people think that these nominees are not strong enough, and even feel that Andy Lau's existence is a bit "out of place". So, what exactly is the list of nominees? Let's dive into this topic from a few perspectives.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Netizens bluntly said that the list of nominees is "water"

Seeing the list of nominees for Best Actor in the Hundred Flowers Awards, many netizens instantly felt that this award had become a "large collection of traffic stars". Some netizens joked: "The nomination for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Award feels like a participation award for traffic students." Why did Andy Lau suddenly appear like an uncle who moved next door? These words directly put Andy Lau and several other young actors in a comparison, thinking that Andy Lau's addition makes people feel a little "abrupt".

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Some netizens have conducted an "in-depth analysis" of this phenomenon: they believe that in recent years, the nomination criteria for the Hundred Flowers Award have become more and more relaxed, and many celebrities are nominated because they have many fans and high popularity, rather than relying solely on the quality of their works. For example, although Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi, and Zhang Yixing have many fans, whether they can win the Best Actor award in terms of acting skills is indeed a debatable question.

Andy Lau's nomination was questioned

In this list of nominees, Andy Lau is undoubtedly the most eye-catching name. Netizens' evaluation of Andy Lau is polarized. On the one hand, some people think that Andy Lau, as an old-timer in the entertainment industry, is eligible for nomination for his role in "The Wandering Earth 2". After all, he is a representative figure in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and his acting skills and influence are all there.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

On the other hand, many netizens questioned Andy Lau's nomination. They believe that although "The Wandering Earth 2" is a big-budget sci-fi blockbuster, Andy Lau's performance in the film did not leave a deep impression. Someone commented: "Andy Lau's performance in "The Wandering Earth 2" is like a clerk in a brand-name clothing store, although the clerk's costume is very good-looking, but he himself has no special performance. ”

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

The performance of the other nominees was also judged

In addition to Andy Lau, other nominees were also discussed. For example, Wang Junkai's role in "Ten Thousand Miles Home" is considered to be a bit stereotypical, and although Yi Yang Qianxi's performance in "Man Jianghong" has improved, whether it is enough to meet the level of the best actor has also sparked discussions. Zhang Yixing's "All or Nothing" was evaluated as "driving high and going low", and Zhu Yilong's role in "Life Events" was also accused of being too bland.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

This makes us have to reflect on whether these young actors are really nominated only because of their popularity, rather than their actual acting skills. Some netizens joked: "The current Hundred Flowers Award is really a 'traffic' award, I don't know if the judges have given each traffic student a 'hard work award'." ”

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!
Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Netizens excavated the historical background of the nominee list

Many netizens began to dig into the historical background of the Hundred Flowers Award, trying to find out some "rules" in the nomination list over the years. Some netizens said that the nomination and award of the Hundred Flowers Award did have some strange phenomena. In previous years, Huayi Brothers has been accused of manipulating the results of the Hundred Flowers Awards, resulting in some films and actors that should not have won awards. This background raises more doubts about this year's list of nominees.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Netizens even cited some typical cases over the years to prove this point. For example, some netizens said: "I remember that there was a year before that the Best Actor of the Hundred Flowers Award was an actor that no one had heard of, and he won the award." Looking at these people now, I feel as if I have returned to the era of 'Huayi's back garden'. ”

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Multiple interpretations of the nominee list

In the face of these controversies, some netizens interpreted these nominations from different angles. They believe that while there may be some controversy about the acting skills of these nominees, from another perspective, it is also an attempt at different styles. Some netizens said: "Although these young actors may not have reached the level of Best Actor, their efforts in these films should not be ignored." ”

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

They believe that the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award is not only an evaluation of the actor's acting skills, but also a chance for emerging actors to show. This diversity of nomination criteria may reflect the current development trend of the film and television industry, and perhaps this is a new attempt.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Conclusion: The deep-seated issues behind the controversy

In this debate between "water" and "no water", we see multiple voices behind the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award. Some people think that this is a "traffic star festival", and some people think that it is an incentive for young actors. From history to the present, the controversy of the Hundred Flowers Award is not new, and it has always sparked various discussions.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

Behind these controversies is a question of the current evaluation standards of the film and television industry, as well as a deep thinking about the relationship between traffic and power. The award itself is the result of a comparison and selection, and whatever the outcome, it will be an important topic for us to discuss the current state of the film and television industry.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

What do you think of these nominations? Do you think Andy Lau's nomination really feels a little wrong? Or is the nomination of a young actor itself worth discussing? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section, maybe one of your comments can spark a new discussion.

Nominated for Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards: Is Andy Lau a highlight or a chicken rib? Netizens are arguing!

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