
His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts
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His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

In the late autumn of 2009, a shocking scene was staged in a small farm yard in Meizhu Village, Chongtou Town, Yunhe County. 11-year-old Ye Shiyun stood in the middle of the courtyard, facing more than 20 creditors with different expressions, and said in a firm voice although immature: "Uncles and aunts, although my parents are gone, I will definitely pay off their debts."

Please trust me and give me some time.

This thin figure has a perseverance beyond age in his eyes. He had just lost his parents, but he had to face a huge debt of $31,200 alone. Some of the creditors present were surprised, some were skeptical, and some showed sympathetic eyes.

No one could have imagined how this seemingly impossible promise would change the course of the boy's life.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

On September 9, 2009, in Yunhe County, where autumn was getting stronger, an unusual news broke Ye Shiyun's peaceful campus life. While he was listening intently, he was suddenly called out of the classroom, and a relative told him with a solemn look: "Your mother is seriously ill, we have to go back quickly."

Ye Shiyun, who was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, was full of uneasiness. In just half an hour, it was as if a century had passed for him. The moment he stepped through the door, he was instantly made aware of the sight in front of him: his mother's posthumous photo was placed in the center of the hall, surrounded by solemn sacrificial objects.

11-year-old Ye Shiyun collapsed instantly, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. The fact that he hadn't even been able to see his mother for the last time was like a sharp knife that pierced his young heart.

However, the blow of fate is far from over. Just 48 days later, on October 27, Ye Shiyun was once again called out of class. This time, even more cruel news awaits him: his father has also died.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

At the age of 41, his father died of terminal liver cancer, leaving Ye Shiyun and his elderly grandfather to rely on each other.

Standing in the morgue of the hospital, looking at his father's cold body, Ye Shiyun felt that the world was spinning. Having lost his parents in just two months, his world seemed to collapse in an instant.

Grief-stricken, he had to hold back tears and began to think about how to go on in the future.

Just when Ye Shiyun was struggling to accept this cruel reality, creditors began to come to collect debts. Only then did he realize that his father owed a lot of debts in order to treat his mother's illness.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Faced with the questioning of the creditors, the young Ye Shiyun did not flinch, but resolutely decided to take on the responsibility of repaying the debt.

This decision is destined to make a huge change in Ye Shiyun's next life trajectory. His childhood will pass quietly in the difficult years of repaying debts. Faced with a sudden change, the 11-year-old was forced to take on the burden of the family prematurely.

He knew that he had to be strong and not only take care of his elderly grandfather, but also take responsibility for the future of his family.

In Ye Shiyun's eyes, there was more perseverance in sadness. He clenched his fists and secretly vowed in his heart: he must live strongly, live up to his parents' expectations, take care of his grandfather, and pay off all his debts.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

This commitment will be a source of strength to sustain him through the difficult years ahead.

In the summer of 2010, Yunhe County ushered in the hottest time of the year. Eleven-year-old Ye Shiyun didn't care about the heat, he carried a worn-out woven bag on his back, shuttling back and forth through the streets of the county.

His eyes were always on the ground, looking for plastic bottles, cardboard boxes and metal cans that might have been abandoned. This summer, Ye Shiyun began his career in waste recycling.

At first, Ye Shiyun was full of hope to go to the toy factory to apply for a job. However, the experience of rejection again and again made him understand that age is an insurmountable gap.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Just as he wanders in disappointment, he is inspired by the scene of an old grandmother selling scrap. From that day on, Ye Shiyun began his arduous road of repaying his debts.

The harvest on the first day was only 15 yuan, but this meager income made Ye Shiyun very encouraged. This was the first time in his life that he relied on his own labor to get money, and although it was not much, it was full of hope and pride.

Every day at dawn, Ye Shiyun began his "Taobao" journey, and it was not until night fell that he dragged his tired body back to his aunt's house.

By chance, Ye Shiyun met an aunt who was making toys at the door of her house. He humbly asked for advice and quickly mastered the art of toy-making. Since then, Ye Shiyun's life has become two points and one line: going to school and making toys.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Every day after school, he would bury his head in the parts of toys until late at night. His tiny fingers were cocooned, but he never complained.

After a summer of hard work, Ye Shiyun saved more than 1,000 yuan. He did not hesitate to use the money to pay off his first debt. Looking at the surprised and touched expression on the creditor's face, Ye Shiyun felt a sense of accomplishment that he had never felt before.

In the summer of 2014, 16-year-old Ye Shiyun finally got his wish and entered a toy factory to work. More than 8 hours a day, combined with frequent night shifts, left him exhausted.

But whenever he thinks of the debts that have not been paid off, Ye Shiyun will grit his teeth and persevere. He knew it was the only way to pay off his debts.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

In order to save money, Ye Shiyun learned to be budget-conscious. Together with classmates from poor backgrounds, he bought vegetables and cooked, reducing his weekly food expenses from 50 yuan to less than 30 yuan.

Every penny saved is used to pay off debts. Sometimes, he even goes to bed hungry because he understands that eating one less meal means paying off his debts more.

In the past six years, Ye Shiyun has visited the homes of 24 creditors. Sometimes, he had to come to the door several times and beg the creditor to accept the repayment. In the face of this stubborn boy, many creditors were touched by his integrity.

Some of them offered to forgive part of their debts, and some of them financed their studies after receiving repayment. These kindnesses made Ye Shiyun feel warm, and they also strengthened his determination to pay off his debts.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Every time he pays off a debt, Ye Shiyun will carefully record it in his small notebook. Watching the amount of arrears decrease little by little, he felt closer and closer to his goal. Despite the hardships of the process, he never thought of giving up.

In the process, Ye Shiyun not only paid off his debts, but more importantly, he learned perseverance, diligence and integrity. These qualities will accompany him through every stage of his life.

When the last debt was paid off, Ye Shiyun shed tears of excitement. After six years of hard work, this day finally came. He knows that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new life.

There is still a long way to go, but he is ready to create his own future with his own hands.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

In the difficult years of repaying debts, Ye Shiyun never gave up his studies. Every morning, while his classmates were still asleep, he was already sitting in the classroom reviewing their homework. After school, while other children were playing happily, he hurried to the factory or scrapyard.

This dual identity transformation requires great perseverance and self-control.

Surprisingly, under such a heavy pressure of debt repayment, Ye Shiyun's academic performance not only did not lag behind, but has always been among the best. He knows that only by mastering knowledge and skills can he truly change his destiny.

Whenever he was exhausted and wanted to give up, he remembered his parents' expectations, which became the motivation to move him forward.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Teachers see it in their eyes and feel pain in their hearts. They often silently make up lessons for Ye Shiyun to help him keep up with his studies. His classmates were also infected by his strength and took the initiative to share notes and accompany him in his studies.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Shiyun not only did not be defeated by reality, but became stronger and more confident.

In September 2015, Ye Shiyun ushered in an important moment in his life. With the support of all the teachers and students of the school, he was successfully elected as the president of the school's student union. This boy, who was once silent due to family changes, learns to take responsibility in the struggle with debt, and becomes calm, confident and full of responsibility.

When standing on the rostrum to deliver his inaugural speech, Ye Shiyun's eyes flashed with tears. He recalled the hardships of these years, thanked all those who helped him, and expressed his determination to lead his classmates to make progress together.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

The applause from the audience lasted for a long time, and everyone was proud of this strong boy.

Ye Shiyun's growth is not only reflected in his academic performance and personal ability, but also in his character building. He learned to be grateful, to be responsible, and to understand the importance of integrity.

Every time you repay the loan as promised, it is a commitment to your promise and a reward for the trust of the creditor.

This experience allowed Ye Shiyun to mature faster than his peers. He understands that although life is difficult, as long as you don't give up, there is always hope waiting ahead. He often encourages his classmates: "There is no hurdle that cannot be passed, only those who are unwilling to take a step."

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

Under the double pressure of studying and repaying debts, Ye Shiyun not only did not get crushed, but thrived. His story has become an inspiring legend in the school, and it has also made more people see the power of perseverance.

On January 30, 2016, the winter sun shone on the streets of Yunhe County. 17-year-old Ye Shiyun stood in front of the door of the last creditor's house, took a deep breath, and knocked softly.

When he handed over the last payment to his creditors, six years of hardship finally came to an end. Ye Shiyun felt an unprecedented lightness, but he knew that this was not the end, but the beginning of a new life.

Ye Shiyun's deeds quickly spread and touched countless people. In 2016, he successively appeared on the "Zhejiang Good People List" and "China Good People List". The following year, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Upward and Good Youth".

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

These honors are not only an affirmation of his repayment of debts, but also a tribute to his tenacity.

Today, 2 Ye Shiyun has graduated from university and works in an electric power industry company in Zhejiang Province. Although his life has improved a lot, he still maintains a habit of frugality and always remembers those who have helped him.

On weekends, he would take time to return to his hometown to visit his elderly grandfather and his former creditors to express his gratitude.

For Ye Shiyun, paying off debts is just a stage of life. In the future, he hopes to use what he has learned to contribute to the development of his hometown and help more people in need.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

He often said, "If my story inspires even one person, it's meaningful." Ye Shiyun is using his own actions to write a new chapter in his life.

Ye Shiyun's story is like a beam of light that illuminates the kindness and integrity in people's hearts. The promise of an 11-year-old child not only touched 24 creditors, but also aroused the importance of integrity in the whole society.

He proved with his actions that honesty does not matter age, but only in the choice of the heart.

This story tells us that in the face of difficulties, the courage to take responsibility and perseverance is the key to solving the problem. Ye Shiyun's experience shows the brilliance of human nature and the power of integrity.

His parents died of illness one after another, and the 11-year-old boy found 24 creditors and spent 6 years paying off his father's debts

It reminds us not to forget the most basic moral code of integrity in this fast-paced society.

At the same time, Ye Shiyun's story also shows us that there are still many ordinary people in the world who are struggling silently, and they interpret the meaning of life in their own way. These ordinary and extraordinary stories are worth discovering, disseminating and learning.

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