
Affected by the payment of medical insurance DIP, the loss is fully borne by the department, and the profit is taken by the unit

author:Lady Luck is round

The doctor is benevolent, where is home

In the midst of the busy city, there is a tertiary hospital known as the "patron saint of life", which is like the heart of the city, beating the rhythm of bringing hope to countless patients. However, under this seemingly glamorous appearance, there is hidden bitterness and helplessness that no one knows.

The implementation of the medical insurance DIP payment policy was originally intended to better protect the rights and interests of patients and improve the efficiency and quality of medical services. However, in practice, it is like a double-edged sword, bringing both the spring breeze of reform and the chill. In this tertiary hospital, the adjustment of policies has directly affected the operation of the department and the income of medical staff. The loss is borne by the department in full, and the profit is taken by the unit, which makes the already busy medical staff even worse.

Affected by the payment of medical insurance DIP, the loss is fully borne by the department, and the profit is taken by the unit

The spring breeze in February has not completely blown away the cold of winter, and the medical staff in the department have already started a new round of busyness. Wearing white uniforms, they shuttle between the ward and the operating room, guarding the lives of every patient with their professional knowledge and skills. However, when the performance sheet at the end of the month was handed out, the meager number made them feel extremely sad. The average performance of 65 medical staff is less than 3,000 yuan, which is so insignificant compared to the hard work and sweat they have put in.

Although the colleagues in the doctor group earn above average, they also give the most. They not only have to face heavy clinical work, but also undertake scientific research, teaching and other tasks. The colleagues in the nursing team worked even harder, guarding the patients day and night, giving them warmth and strength with meticulous care and care. However, under the pressure of policy, their efforts do not seem to be paid as they should be.

The atmosphere of this morning's department meeting was extremely heavy. The head of the department stood in front of the podium and announced a shocking news with a solemn face: the transfer of critically ill patients from other hospitals was prohibited. Behind this decision is the deep worry and helplessness of the department director about the future fate of the department. He is well aware that in the current healthcare environment, accepting critically ill patients from other hospitals means taking on more risks and responsibilities. If something goes wrong, not only the department's reputation will be damaged, but even his personal career may be in jeopardy. Therefore, he made this difficult decision to keep the risk out.

However, this decision caused an uproar in the department like a bombshell. Many colleagues expressed confusion and anger that as doctors, they should have the courage to take risks and challenges to provide the best medical care to patients. However, under the pressure of reality, they also had to compromise and back down.

The director of the department is a medical expert with a doctorate degree, a senior professional title, and a master's supervisor, who enjoys the treatment of special government allowances and is the leader of the department. However, under the impact of the policy, he also felt unprecedented pressure and challenges. He is well aware of his great responsibility, not only for the development of the department, but also for the lives of patients. As a result, he made many difficult decisions and was under pressure and doubts from all sides.

Affected by the payment of medical insurance DIP, the loss is fully borne by the department, and the profit is taken by the unit

As his student, I deeply understand his distress and helplessness. I know that he has been working silently for the department and patients, and his heart is full of love and dedication to the cause of medicine. However, under the pressure of reality, he also felt powerless. I once asked him, "Teacher, why did you make such a decision?" He was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "Child, do you know? As a doctor, my greatest wish is to be able to treat every patient. However, under the pressure of reality, we had to make some difficult choices. I hope you can understand me. ”

Listening to the teacher's words, my heart was filled with endless emotion. I know that he has been working silently for the department and patients, and his heart is full of love and dedication to the cause of medicine. However, under the pressure of reality, he also felt powerless. I deeply understand his hardships and helplessness, and I am willing to follow him to face the challenges and difficulties in the future.

However, I can't help but ask: in this era full of changes and challenges, how can we stay true to the original intention of the benevolence of doctors? How can we provide better care to our patients? How do we deal with the pressures and challenges of reality? These questions have always haunted me and I can't let go.

Affected by the payment of medical insurance DIP, the loss is fully borne by the department, and the profit is taken by the unit

Perhaps, we can't change the cruelty and ruthlessness of reality, but we can choose to stick to our beliefs and original intentions. We can choose to use our knowledge and skills to bring hope and warmth to patients, so that they can feel the beauty and warmth of the world. We can choose to face the challenges and difficulties of reality bravely, and use our wisdom and courage to create a better future.

Finally, I would like to say to all medical staff: no matter how difficult and tortuous the road ahead is, we must stick to the original intention of benevolence and provide better medical services for patients. Let's work together to create a better future!

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