
Angina pectoris, what should patients with coronary heart disease do? Uncover life-saving tips at critical moments!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart disease patients, have you ever felt helpless and panicked when angina strikes? Don't worry, today I will reveal the life-saving skills at critical moments, so that you can deal with angina pectancia calmly!

First of all, we need to understand the characteristics of angina pectoris. Angina pectoris, usually caused by insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries, manifests as chest pain or discomfort, usually located behind the sternum, and can radiate to the left shoulder, arm, neck, jaw, or upper abdomen. Attacks are often accompanied by a feeling of pressure, tightness, or burning, usually lasting a few minutes and relieved by rest or nitroglycerin.

Angina pectoris, what should patients with coronary heart disease do? Uncover life-saving tips at critical moments!

So, what should patients with coronary heart disease do when angina strikes?

1. Stay calm: When encountering an angina attack, the first thing to do is to stay calm and avoid nervousness and panic, because excessive tension can increase the burden on the heart and aggravate the symptoms.

2. Stop activities immediately: When angina attacks, stop ongoing activities immediately, find a safe place to sit or lie down, and avoid standing suddenly to prevent syncope.

3. Nitroglycerin first aid: immediately take nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue, nitroglycerin has the effect of dilating coronary arteries, increasing blood flow to the heart, and can quickly relieve angina. Note: Nitroglycerin tablets should not be swallowed, they should be placed under the tongue to dissolve before they can work.

Angina pectoris, what should patients with coronary heart disease do? Uncover life-saving tips at critical moments!

4. Call an ambulance: If symptoms do not improve after taking nitroglycerin, you should immediately call the 120 emergency number and seek help from a medical professional. At the same time, inform the people around you about your illness so that you can get timely help.

5. Keep breathing easy: When angina strikes, it's important to keep your breathing smooth. You can breathe deeply, trying to breathe slowly and evenly to increase the oxygen supply.

6. Don't drive yourself: When you have an angina attack, don't try to drive or walk to the hospital on your own, as this will increase the burden on your heart and cause your heart disease to worsen.

Angina pectoris, what should patients with coronary heart disease do? Uncover life-saving tips at critical moments!

Through the above first aid measures, patients with coronary heart disease can better cope with angina pectoris at critical times and reduce the risk. In addition, patients with coronary heart disease should also pay attention to developing good living habits in daily life, follow the doctor's advice, standardize medication, and control various indicators to reduce the risk of angina pectoris.

Finally, I wish all patients with coronary heart disease can be safe and healthy, and stay away from angina! #头条创作挑战赛##