
Coronary heart disease patients beware! Have you mastered the first aid method for sudden angina?

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart disease is a serious cardiovascular disease, and angina pectoris is one of its typical symptoms. For patients with coronary heart disease, it is very important to master the first aid method of angina. This article will explain the symptoms of angina, its causes, and first aid measures to deal with it.

1. Symptoms of angina

Angina pectoris is a condition of chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries. Symptoms of angina pectoris include:

1. Chest pain: manifested as a feeling of pressure, tightness or burning, located in the back of the sternum, which can radiate to the left shoulder, left arm, neck, jaw or upper abdomen.

Coronary heart disease patients beware! Have you mastered the first aid method for sudden angina?

2. Duration of pain: generally a few minutes, rarely more than half an hour.

3. Predisposing factors: exertion, emotional agitation, cold, full meals, smoking, etc.

4. Accompanying symptoms: sweating, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, etc.

2. Causes of angina

The main cause of angina is a lack of blood supply to the coronary arteries, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle. Coronary atherosclerosis is the most common cause of insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries. In addition, coronary artery spasm, thrombosis, etc., can also cause angina.

3. First aid for angina

1. Stop activities immediately: As soon as angina occurs, you should immediately stop the ongoing activities and sit or lie down to avoid nervousness and anxiety.

Coronary heart disease patients beware! Have you mastered the first aid method for sudden angina?

2. Nitroglycerin: Patients with coronary heart disease should carry nitroglycerin with them. When angina is attacked, nitroglycerin tablets are placed under the tongue to dissolve, and nitroglycerin quickly dissolves and releases nitric oxide, dilating the coronary arteries and relieving angina.

3. Call 120: If angina lasts for a long time, more than 20 minutes, or is accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, nausea, vomiting, etc., you should immediately call 120 emergency number and seek professional medical attention.

4. Stay calm: When angina attacks, keep your mind calm and avoid tension and anxiety to avoid aggravating the condition.

5. Sublingual administration of vasodilator drugs: such as fast-acting Xingxin pills, Musk Baoxin pills, etc., can quickly dilate coronary arteries and relieve angina.

Coronary heart disease patients beware! Have you mastered the first aid method for sudden angina?

6. Seek medical attention in time: When angina occurs frequently, or the condition worsens, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible for further examination and treatment.

In short, patients with coronary heart disease should master the first aid method of angina, so that they can take timely measures to alleviate the condition and reduce the risk in the event of sudden angina. At the same time, regular physical examinations, following doctors' advice, and maintaining good lifestyle habits are of great significance to prevent the occurrence of angina. #头条创作挑战赛#