
Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

author:Madoka chats about interesting things
Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all
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Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

In Hannam-dong, the richest city in Seoul, a luxurious villa lives an eye-catching woman. She is the 48-year-old Kim Hee-young, who was named "the strongest junior on the surface" by the Korean media.

How could this undiminished beauty snatch the heart of SK Group President Chey Tae-won from the daughter of the former president of South Korea? The contest between them not only touched the nerves of the entire Korean society, but also triggered a divorce lawsuit with hundreds of billions of won.

This thrilling love story spanning 11 years is like a realistic version of a Korean drama, full of entanglements of power, money, and desire. Let's step into the emotional vortex of this chaebol family and uncover the mystery of "Lady Hannam-dong".

Kim Hee-young's saga begins with her stunning appearance. As the leader of the "Miss Korea" beauty pageant in the United States, she has conquered the hearts of many rich people with her noble and elegant temperament and frosty beauty.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

However, Kim Hee-young is not only skinny, she is also an experienced psychological counselor with a deep insight into the weaknesses of human nature.

The gears of fate began to turn in a fortuitous business event. SK Group President Chey Tae-won, the helmsman of South Korea's top chaebol, was immediately attracted to Kim Hee-young in the crowd.

Her beauty is the first impression, but what fascinates Choi Tae-won even more is her gentle and considerate personality and keen insight.

However, the beginning of this relationship is destined to be full of hardships. Choi Tae-won is already married to Roh So-young, the daughter of the former president of South Korea, and the marriage between the two is seen as a strong union.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

Kim Hee-young is also married to an American and has a son. In the face of many obstacles, Kim Hee-young did not hesitate to invest in this relationship.

She skillfully used her knowledge of psychology to become a spiritual harbor for Chey Tae-won. Whenever Choi Tae-won was troubled by work pressure or family conflicts, Kim Hee-young always gave him the most intimate advice and comfort.

Gradually, Choi Tae-won discovers that only by Kim Hee-young's side can he find inner peace and a feeling of being understood.

Although the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper, the disparity in social status, the constraints of morality and ethics, and the burden of family responsibilities have become huge obstacles between them.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

As the head of SK Group, Chey Tae-won's every move affects the company's stock price and public attention. And Kim Hee-young, as a married woman, is also facing huge moral pressure and social opinion.

However, the power of love is powerful. It pushes Kim Hee Young and Chey Tae Won to face all challenges bravely. Kim Hee Young has shown extraordinary courage and determination, and she is willing to give everything for this relationship.

And Choi Tae-won, despite being in a high position, was also moved by Kim Hee-young's sincerity and courage, and gradually regarded her as an indispensable person in his life.

This encounter began as a chance encounter, but it became more profound because of the mutual attraction and understanding between the two. It is not only a collision of beauty and power, but also the resonance of two souls.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

In South Korea's hierarchical society, the relationship between Kim Hee-young and Choi Tae-won is undoubtedly a challenge to traditional concepts, and it also indicates the many tests that will be faced next.

The love story of Kim Hee-young and Choi Tae-won is like a fierce chess game, and every move requires a huge price. Kim Hee-young took the lead in making an amazing move, and she resolutely gave up her original life.

This once beautiful woman, in order to follow her inner love, divorced her American husband and lost her property and property. She took her daughter alone and threw herself into the arms of Choi Tae-won without hesitation.

This decision not only shows her determination to "give up everything for love", but also deeply touches Choi Tae-won's heart.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

Choi Tae-won is shocked by Kim Hee-young's actions, and he is determined to give this woman who has given everything for him a stable home. However, as a chaebol boss in a high position, his every decision can cause a huge storm.

Despite this, Choi Tae-won took a huge risk and embezzled public funds to buy a luxury villa in Hannam-dong for Kim Hee-young's mother and daughter. It is this villa that has earned Kim Hee-young the reputation of "Mrs. Hannam-dong" and has become a symbol of her status.

However, this decision also had serious consequences for Choi Tae-won. After the East Window incident, Choi Tae-won was sentenced to three years in prison for embezzlement. This news was like a bombshell and caused a huge sensation in South Korean society.

The media reported on the incident, and SK Group's stock price was severely affected as a result. Choi Tae-won had to pay for his actions, but his feelings for Kim Hee-young did not diminish in the slightest.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

After this turmoil, Choi Tae-won made a decision that shocked the whole of South Korea. He published a heartfelt confession in the "South Korea Daily", confessing that he had been separated from his wife Lu Suying for many years, and implored her to fulfill his relationship with Kim Hee-young.

This confession was like a thunderbolt that caused an uproar in South Korean society.

However, the price of love is not only sweet. As the relationship became public, Kim Hee-young had to face doubts and accusations from society. The label of "Little Three" brought her great pressure, but she chose to bear it silently and proved the sincerity of this relationship with her actions.

In the process, we saw Kim Hee-young's strength and courage. Not only does she have to face social criticism, but she also has to take care of Choi Tae-won's emotional needs while also raising her own daughter.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

Under this kind of pressure, Kim Hee-young still maintains elegance and calmness, which may be one of the reasons why she has always attracted Choi Tae-won.

The story of Choi Tae-won and Kim Hee-young shows the power of love, but also reveals the price it needs to pay. Their choices not only changed the trajectory of their lives, but also affected the fate of many people around them.

This relationship is like a double-edged sword, bringing happiness and pain. But it is precisely this contradiction and struggle that makes this story so moving.

In this love wrestling, another key role cannot be ignored - Choi Tae-won's original wife Lu So-young. As the daughter of the former president of South Korea, Roh Su-young has a prominent family background and outstanding personal ability.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

She is not only a graduate of top universities such as the University of Chicago, Stanford University, and Yonsei University in South Korea, but also a well-deserved talent.

In the face of her husband's betrayal, Lu Suying did not choose to withdraw silently. On the contrary, she has shown amazing intelligence and resilience. When Choi Tae-won was imprisoned for embezzlement, Roh Su-young ran around and worked tirelessly.

Not only did she manage to reduce her husband's sentence, but she also managed to get a pardon. These actions undoubtedly left a deep impression on Choi Tae-won and won her the sympathy of public opinion.

However, Lu Suying did not stop there. She knows that in order to win this contest, feelings alone are far from enough. So, she began an elaborate counterattack.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

First of all, Roh So-young spent 11 years successfully pushing her three children into the core management of SK Group. This move not only strengthened her position in the group, but also laid the groundwork for the future division of property.

Her foresight is evident at this moment.

Secondly, Lu Suying and her best friends created a forum on the Internet called "The Bad Wife is Angry" and launched a public opinion war against the "Little Three". This move not only won public sympathy, but also won her more support in the divorce proceedings.

She has used the power of social media to turn personal emotions into public issues and turn the tide of public opinion.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

In the end, when Choi Tae-won filed for divorce, Roh So-young did not immediately agree. She understands that "time is money" and chooses to wait for the most favorable moment.

This strategic waiting eventually won her a huge amount of property division. Lu Suying's calmness and sanity played a key role in this game.

Lu Suying's counterattack shows her wisdom and courage as a successful woman. Instead of being trapped by the haze of feelings, she calmly analyzes the situation and develops a strategy that is most beneficial to herself.

She used her social resources and connections to exert her strength on the two battlefields of law and public opinion at the same time, and finally gained the upper hand in this contest.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

Lu Suying's actions are not only to protect her own rights and interests, but also to defend her dignity. She used practical actions to show the world that even in the face of betrayal, women can choose to be strong and use wisdom and courage to fight for everything they deserve.

This contest of wisdom not only changed Lu Suying's fate, but also staged a wonderful "revenge" for the whole society. It reveals the importance of wisdom and strategy in a complex situation where feelings, money, and power are intertwined.

Lu Suying's story will undoubtedly become a role model and a source of strength for many women facing similar situations.

The divorce proceedings between Choi Tae-won and Roh So-young lasted for seven years, making it one of the longest and most expensive divorce cases in South Korean history. In this protracted legal battle, love and wealth have become the focus of wrestling, tugging at the nerves of the entire Korean society.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

In the face of this tug-of-war, Kim Hee-young did not sit still. She began to carefully shape her public image in an attempt to reverse society's negative perception of her. With Chey Tae-won's support, she encouraged the establishment of a foundation called T&C Philanthropy Group.

Kim Hee-young actively participates in various charity activities, frequently attends public welfare occasions, and even takes care of disabled children herself, showing a motherly image. These actions not only softened the public's attitude towards her, but also showed that she was not just a "little three" who coveted wealth.

At the same time, Kim Hee-young did not neglect his care for Choi Tae-won. She personally cooked food for Choi Tae-won, took care of his daily life, and proved her sincerity to Choi Tae-won with practical actions.

In the eyes of Choi Tae-won, these actions undoubtedly show that what Kim Hee-young really likes is not his wealth, but the person himself. Kim Hee-young's intentions further consolidated the relationship between the two, and also gave Choi Tae-won a strong backing in this lengthy lawsuit.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

However, Lu Suying did not give up. Over the past seven years, she has gained a comprehensive understanding of SK Group's assets and prepared for the eventual division of assets.

Her every step is calculated with unparalleled precision, demonstrating the keen insight of the elite of the business world. Lu Suying's persistence and hard work eventually paid off.

After a lengthy lawsuit, Roh So-young managed to get a share of Chey Tae-won's huge fortune and became the fourth largest shareholder of SK Group. This result not only proves Lu Suying's wisdom and ability, but also allows her to win back in this emotional battle.

She uses practical actions to tell the world that even if the marriage fails, women can still get the respect and rights they deserve through their own efforts.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

This tug-of-war, which lasted for 7 years, is not only a legal battle, but also a contest about love, dignity and wealth. It shows the complexity of human nature and reflects Korean society's views on marriage, love, and morality.

Both Kim Hee-young and Roh Su-young have shown their wisdom and resilience in this contest.

The outcome of this divorce case has also made people rethink the relationship between marriage, love and wealth. It reveals that in modern society, marriage is not only a union of feelings, but also a bond of interests.

At the same time, it has also sparked an in-depth discussion on the phenomenon of "little three", providing a very representative case for this sensitive topic.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

This complicated emotional entanglement finally ended with Lu Suying's victory in the division of property. For Ms. Kim, however, this may be exactly what she was hoping for.

As she once said, "I'm not interested in money", she pursues Chey Tae-won's sincerity.

Now, although Kim Hee-young has not yet received Choi Tae-won's marriage proposal, she has successfully replaced the status of the original partner and become the person next to Choi Tae-won. This result may be the reward of her years of hard work.

However, this relationship leaves us with many deep thoughts: how exactly do people weigh the scales of money and love? Should society's attitude towards the "Little Three" change? How do we deal with moral and ethical challenges? These questions may need to be answered by everyone in their own lives.

Kim Hee-young: At the age of 48, he won the old man of 10 billion, but threatened: He is not interested in money at all

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