
Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

author:Entertainment small pay

In June 2024, a shocking news spread widely at home and abroad: two executives of a well-known listed company were kidnapped and eventually killed in the Philippines. This vicious incident has not only attracted great attention from the media, but also caused huge repercussions in society.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

EVENT OVERVIEW Two executives travel to the Philippines after receiving an invitation from a mysterious woman, who expected it to be an elaborate trap. They were brutally kidnapped by the kidnappers, and despite the 3 million yuan ransom paid by the family as demanded, the kidnappers still tore up the tickets, which eventually led to the tragic murder of two executives.

Details of the kidnapping

The deception process of the incident can be traced back several months. A mysterious woman connects with one of the executives through the web. She claimed to be a representative of a well-known Philippine company and invited executives to the Philippines to discuss important cooperation projects. The executives were persuaded and even brought their colleagues along to the Philippines.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

Details of the kidnapping After arriving in the Philippines, the two executives were picked up by the woman at the airport. Soon after, they found themselves taken to a remote residence, where several men with guns appeared, quickly took them under control, and took them away. The kidnappers held them in a secret location and kept them under close surveillance.

Ransom demands The kidnappers then contacted the victims' families and demanded a ransom of 3 million yuan in exchange for the safe release of the two. After receiving the phone call from the kidnappers, the family immediately reported the case to the police, but because they were worried about the safety of the two people, the family decided to pay the ransom as demanded by the kidnappers.

Subsequent developments in the kidnapping incident

Ransom payment The family raised 3 million yuan and transferred the money to the designated account according to the instructions of the kidnappers. However, despite the family's best efforts to accommodate the kidnappers' demands, the kidnappers did not release the hostages immediately after receiving the ransom.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

After the ransom was paid, the kidnappers decided to tear up the ticket to prevent future trouble. They took the two executives to a remote mountain forest and brutally killed them. Afterwards, the kidnappers tried to clean up the scene, but were eventually discovered by the police.

Police action Upon receipt of the report, the Philippine police quickly launched an operation to track the whereabouts of the kidnappers through technical means. After several days of intense searching, the police finally found the bodies of the two executives in a hidden location.

The reaction of the victim's family

The pain of the families This is undoubtedly a devastating blow for the families of the victims. They were devastated by the death of their loved ones, and the families publicly expressed their strong condemnation of the kidnappers and gratitude for the swift action of the police in front of the media.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

After the incident was exposed, all sectors of society strongly condemned the kidnappers' cruel acts, and the media reported on the case one after another, calling on the international community to strengthen the crackdown on the kidnapping crime. At the same time, the public expressed its deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims.

Behind the transnational kidnapping

Rampant kidnapping Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines have long been areas with a high incidence of kidnapping, and there are complex social and economic reasons behind them. The wide disparity between the rich and the poor, poor social security and poor enforcement of the law have emboldened the kidnappers.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

Safety precautions For important people such as corporate executives, when traveling abroad or negotiating business, more stringent security precautions should be taken, including hiring professional security personnel and understanding the safety situation of the destination in advance, so as to avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

International cooperation and the fight against crime

The importance of international cooperation International cooperation is particularly important in cases of transnational kidnapping. It is only through close cooperation between the police of various countries that cases can be solved quickly and criminals brought to justice. In this case, the cooperation between the Chinese and Philippine police demonstrates the power of international judicial cooperation.

In order to effectively combat transnational kidnapping, the international community should strengthen information sharing and judicial coordination, improve investigation techniques and methods, severely punish criminals, and protect every innocent life.

Two executives of a listed company were kidnapped and killed! was deceived by a woman to the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million to tear up the ticket

The impact of the incident and the lessons learned

Reflections on the management of the enterprise This incident is a profound wake-up call for the top management of the enterprise. Companies should pay more attention to the safety of their employees, formulate strict travel safety policies, and conduct relevant training to ensure the safety of employees overseas.

Social Warning This incident has brought a profound warning to society. The public should be vigilant and vigilant, especially when coming into contact with strangers or traveling abroad, to avoid becoming a target for criminals.


Summary of the incident Looking back on the whole incident, we can see the cruelty of the kidnappers' methods and the unfortunate suffering of the victims. This is not only a tragedy, but also a profound safety education lesson.

Looking forward to the future, it is hoped that through this incident, it can arouse widespread attention from all walks of life, work together to enhance awareness of prevention, strengthen international cooperation, severely crack down on transnational kidnapping crimes, and protect the safety of every innocent life.


This kidnapping has taught us a profound lesson. Everyone has a responsibility to raise their own safety awareness, and businesses and governments should work together to fight crime and create a safer social environment. Let us work together to avoid a similar tragedy from happening again.

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