
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

author:Falling Snow Movie

Thank you for your generous friends, my recommendation, my cognition can be affirmed by you, has always been the driving force for me to persevere, thank you very much!

Looking at all of Jackie Chan's movies, although he crushed all Chinese actors at the box office, his movie ratings are never too high. Not to mention that it has entered the top 250 on Douban, there are not even movies with a rating of 8.3 or more, let alone action movies like "Casting a Name", which can be ranked in the top 10 in Chinese.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

Even Jackie Chan's best movie, "Police Story 1", is extremely easy to focus on action and comedy, and forget the excellent quality of the movie itself.

For example, when Luo Xue watched this film for the first time, she felt that the quality was very average, and there was no amazing sense of "Smiling Proud Jianghu 2: Undefeated in the East" and "Casting Names", and it was not even as good as the visual impact of "New Shaolin Five Ancestors", but it was a bit like a running account movie like "Fang Shiyu Series".

However, the charm of "Police Story 1" is that you can't think about it, and once you start thinking about it, you will be attracted to the hidden charm of this movie.

Therefore, it is no wonder that "Police Story 1" was able to win the two heavyweight awards of Best Film and Best Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 1986.

The following is a serious spoiler, it is recommended that friends who have not watched it go to the movie first, and then watch the falling snow! (Friends who don't have channels, you can click on the snow on the menu homepage to watch the movie)

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

1. Anti-traditional

Compared with the wonderful fights and funny scenes, "Police Story" is the most overlooked, and it is also the most valuable, which is actually Jackie Chan's subversion of the structure of the movie. And this disruption has even affected the global film structure for decades to come.

For a long time, almost all movies have been accustomed to the traditional model of foreshadowing first, then turning, and finally ending! For example, Jackie Chan's rest of the "Police Story Series", Jet Li's "Letter to Dad", "Jingwu Heroes", "New Shaolin Five Ancestors", Donnie Yen's "Fuse" and other films are all such classic routines.

But "Police Story", as a movie written, directed and acted by Jackie Chan, breaks this rigid film model. started with the biggest villain who caught the film at the beginning and achieved the peak of his career, and then experienced the classic routine of being powerless, being reversed by Zhu Tao, falling into a desperate situation, and turning defeat into victory.

At the same time, in addition to the anti-traditional in the overall story, there are also a lot of such extremely unconventional details in local details.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

For example, in the story of Mars pretending to be Zhu Tao's subordinate to assassinate Sha Lianna, there is obviously a traditional structure of "Kou Zhun interrogating Pan Renmei at night" and "Bao Gong interrogating Guo Huai at night", which is also used by Stephen Chow in "Jiupin Sesame Official". But in "Police Story", it does the opposite, not only creating an extremely humorous comedy "laughing fruit", but more importantly, having the courage and courage to break the tradition!

Moreover, the design of the film's spectacular action scenes from the beginning has influenced the global film structure for decades to come, especially in the 20 years from 2000 to 2020.

For example, in 2004's "Kung Fu", at the beginning, the Axe Gang slashed and killed the Crocodile Gang; In 2007's "Vote for Fame", at the beginning, Pang Qingyun fought against the Taiping Army; In the same year, "The Assembly" was an extremely tragic battle scene from the beginning. Moreover, in the movie "The Lord of the Rings 1", the movie also begins with an extremely magnificent Middle-earth War.

It can be said that this kind of film structure, which attracted the audience with fierce battles from the beginning, has become a fixed model for attracting audiences in subsequent films. In the era of mobile Internet self-media short videos, this model has penetrated into the hearts of every creator!

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

At the same time, in "Police Story", Jackie Chan is not only anti-traditional in the structure, but also very anti-traditional in the treatment of specific characters.

For example, the police, who are the patron saints of the people, will be overwhelmed with fear when faced with gunfights with bandits, and will even pee their pants directly, which is seriously different from the traditional image. And it also forms a strong contrast with the high spirits of everyone when assigning tasks, so that the film has formed an anti-traditional and contrasting effect at the character level.

In addition, if you look carefully at this movie, you will find that Jackie Chan is not only an excellent actor and director, but also a very good master of suspense.

In the arrest of Zhu Tao at the beginning of the movie, the police arranged it very properly and blocked all of Zhu Tao's retreats, but I didn't expect someone to leave his post without permission, which led to Zhu Tao's successful escape.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

The later plot also echoes the audience's speculation, so the question is, who is this mole?

Generally speaking, whoever drops the chain in a key position is a mole. Chen Jiaju also thought so at the time, but because there was no evidence, he couldn't be sure, so when the mole appeared in the end, it was reasonable, and he felt that the director did not deliberately reverse and was slightly surprised.

It can be said that Jackie Chan used the structural turns, reversals, and suspense to the extreme in "Police Story", and it is no wonder that this film will help Jackie Chan win two awards: Best Picture and Best Director.

However, outside of the story, the realism shown in this film is so profound and so touching!

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

2. Be more realistic

A movie, if it is only a good story, then it is at most an excellent feature film, but it can never be called a masterpiece, but "Police Story" deepens the core of the movie while telling the story well.

It not only shows the cruel and weak side of the police, but also explores the feelings and rationality of the law in the most profound way.

For example, the villain Zhu Tao in the movie, although he is obviously a complete bad guy and should be locked up and even shot, but when the police are unable to come up with substantive evidence, every evidence presented by Zhu Tao's defense lawyer makes the defense so rational and logical, so that logically speaking, Zhu Tao is indeed not guilty.

Especially if the audience puts aside the movie screen and only judges from the dialogue between the two, they feel that the defense lawyer is extremely correct. However, such an excellent lawyer is willing to deliberately help the guilty get rid of the guilty, and the director clearly presents the cruelty of reality.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

Similarly, there is still the director who wants to arrest Chen Jiaju, does the director believe him? Believe! That's why I finally say, "It's not good, if you don't do it, I don't know how to help you." However, from the available evidence and logic, there was nothing wrong with the Director in arresting him and charging him with first-degree murder.

As Uncle Bi said, "If you say this, who will believe you?" Now is not the era of Bao Qingtian, everything has to be evidenced."

Therefore, we found that legal reason and reason formed a fierce collision in the movie, Zhu Tao was guilty but found not guilty, and Chen Jiaju was not guilty but was charged with first-degree murder, this collision even makes people start to think about how justice can be more fair, how to not let go of any bad guy, and not wronged any good guy.

And the biggest charm of movies is actually to reflect the real society through false stories, so as to make society develop better.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

In addition, the satire of reality in "Police Story" is actually extremely violent, when Jackie Chan was framed and was about to be charged with first-degree murder by the director, he said angrily: "When we were fighting with people, he was thinking about eating with the people above in the office, and we were desperately trying to get people back, he was thinking about the procedure was right!" I couldn't sue Zhu Tao, so I came up with a bad idea and asked me to protect the female witnesses, how simple it was! He just moved his mouth, we have to go desperately, you are stepping on the shoulders of your subordinates to upgrade, have you thought about it for your subordinates, die a subordinate, you only need to write a report, bow three times, we people are also mother-raised, without our subordinates charging into battle, how can you be qualified to sit in such a big office"!

Now it seems that this sentence is talking about the Administrator? The Director is only between love and law, and must choose law! But the leaders and bosses in real life, which one did not rely on the hard work of the employees to achieve bungalows, luxury cars, beauties, and travel around the world, but the employees only got 996!

In contrast, although men have the curse of 35 years old, once a woman gets married, it means that she loses her entire workplace, and even if she gives birth to a child, it is difficult to find a job in a short time.

This is reality, this is reality, this is Jackie Chan's strong indictment through "Police Story"!

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

Of course, in addition to the story and core, the sensory stimulation of this film in action has reached a certain peak!

3. More dangerous

Now, Tom has taken "Mission Impossible Series" to the sky and the earth, which is one of the best action movies in film history, and Tom has also become the actor with the most difficult action coefficient in the world with a series of challenges such as climbing the Burj Khalifa, climbing airplanes, holding breath in deep water, and ultra-low-altitude skydiving, and has even surpassed Jackie Chan.

However, the biggest charm of Jackie Chan's action movies is actually the real danger!

Although Tom's actions are dangerous, there are not many protective measures, and the danger of Jackie Chan is really fighting against death, and every dangerous action that is commonplace today was a real danger without protection back then. For example, climbing double-decker buses with bare hands, speeding buses forced to stop, and the most classic shopping mall jumps.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

It is no wonder that in "Dragon and Tiger Warrior", all dragon and tiger warriors in Hong Kong are recognized that Jackie Chan's "Police Story" opened the most volatile era of Hong Kong action films: "This era is the most difficult action in the film industry."

"Jackie Chan's "Police Story" fights for life, it is completely local's life-fighting shooting, and there is no post-processing action at all."

The danger of Jackie Chan has actually been praised in too many film review columns, but what Luo Xue wants to say is that in Jackie Chan's movies, it is not only Jackie Chan who fights for his life. In contrast, Maggie Cheung, the dragon girl of the year, was even more difficult.

is different from Michelle Yeoh, who is also from a beauty pageant, although Michelle Yeoh's actions in "Police Story 3" are dangerous, she has actually been leaning on the label of beating women for a long time, Michelle Yeoh's danger belongs to her own job, and Maggie Cheung's danger is a real danger.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

In "Police Story", Maggie Cheung's Ami riding a motorcycle, the first time I saw it was happy, with Chaplin-like humor, but when I watched it later, I gradually felt frightened, mastering that high-speed motorcycles are on the boundary between being out of control and not completely out of control, which is extremely dangerous for an adult man, not to mention Maggie Cheung. In the tidbits of the second part, he was hit on the head and broke the bloodstream.

It can be said that in "Police Story", it is not only Jackie Chan who is desperate, but also every character in the movie. Therefore, every time Jackie Chan's action movie watches the last tidbits, he can feel the difficulty of the movie's action, as well as the heart-pounding of this difficulty.

For example, if you jump in a shopping mall, it is said that you jumped a little earlier because your foot slipped, and if you didn't jump out if your foot slipped and didn't jump out, that's another story.

On the whole, "Police Story" has achieved the pinnacle of similar movies in terms of narrative structure, story turns, core ideas, social responsibility, action presentation, and funny humor.

God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!
God's work! The most dangerous action movie in film history, crushing the "Mission Impossible Series"!

Okay, let's talk about it here today, I think what Luo Xue said still makes some sense, so please turn it to a comment, just give one, I want to understand a movie from different dimensions, if you want to watch a good movie, please pay attention to Luo Xue, thank you!

Thank you for your rewards, compared to a few yuan, Luoxue is more pleased that my ideas and my cognition can be affirmed by you. In the vast sea of people, it is a rare happiness in life to be appreciated by you. I can't say thank you, but I can only say thank you!

Last Recommendation: The One God! In the past 129 years of film history, the best action movie in the world!

Recommended in the last issue: Jet Li's five best action movies, "Jingwu Heroes" are not eligible for the list!

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