
The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

I don't know when the "nipple fun" has started to rise on the university campus, and the children are deeply immersed in this satisfaction.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

The child's desire is aroused, and since then he has no self-motivation, walking on the college campus like a walking corpse, while the parents who are far away at home are unaware.

Why do college campuses have "nipple fun"? Can these college students still be saved?

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

What does "nipple fun" mean

As the name suggests, the meaning of "nipple music" is a way for parents to coax their children when we are still in infancy, there is no self-awareness in infancy, and only when drinking milk will be quiet, so people will put a tape nipple in the child's mouth when the child cries.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

And "nipple music" is also compared to the satisfaction of people's desires, so that people immerse themselves in a sense of satisfaction, so that people stop thinking about how to progress, relax themselves, the origin of this statement can be traced back to the end of the 20th century, when a master economist put forward, "nipple music" is far more terrible than we imagine.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

In "The Trap of Globalization", the Italian economist proposed the famous "28 rule", that is, 80% of the world's wealth is in the hands of 20% of the people, but this will create a strong wealth gap, which will inevitably cause people's psychological imbalance, and solving this problem is quite critical.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

So there is a way to make "pacifiers", companies try to make people feel satisfied, and have a certain dependence on it, so that people's attention can be shifted to desire, instead of staring at the 20% of people who have obtained wealth, and will not think about how to compete for wealth.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

And most people don't know the "rule of twenty-eight", it is easier to deal with them, as long as they are addicted to the "pacifier" and have a certain dependence, then they will not think about the relevant problems at all, and they will no longer think about how ambitious the goal is, and will only indulge in an environment that is content with the status quo.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

This will not only make people lose their original intentions, but also let themselves subtly choose to live a flat life, and then people's thinking will also be deprived by desire, they will put all their attention on the "pacifier", and will not take the time to progress, and now this evil wind has blown on the heads of college students.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

College students are caught in the "nipple pleasure" dilemma

People who have experienced more than ten years of hard study know that the learning environment in the mainland is actually quite "involuted", since elementary school, the schoolbag is bigger than the children, and now the junior high school students wear glasses early, all kinds of extracurricular cram schools, children's holidays are full, and parents also say that they are afraid that their children will lose at the starting line.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

This is especially true at this stage of high school, many people educate their children that the college entrance examination is the last time in life not to fight for the family, not to fight for money, at this time can only fight for their own knowledge, and as the encouragement behind the suffering, the children's thoughts are only "just be admitted to college, I will be completely liberated when I am admitted to college".

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

Therefore, some children really regard this kind of thinking as a belief in hard work, and after being admitted to university, they really choose to relax completely, without the discipline of parents, without the supervision of strict teachers, without the pressure of academics, there is no need to consider mock exams, and there is no large amount of homework, and the children are completely "free".

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

Occasionally, it's not a big deal to be late, skipping class, and the teacher won't care if you play with your mobile phone or not during class, and the mobile phone will not leave your hand when you return to the dormitory after class.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

Now Internet addiction not to mention that children can't control it, even some adults have lost self-control, and this is the contemporary "nipple music", the world on the Internet is too exciting, you can take you to see all over the country without leaving home, some children now leave the mobile phone will feel uncomfortable, you have to have a mobile phone in your hand to feel at ease.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

We have to admit that the emergence of smart phones has indeed facilitated our lives, but we must also admit that it is also infringing on our children, since the advent of smart phones, no one can do without mobile phones, book knowledge is also loaded into mobile phones, all knowledge is full of electronic flavor.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

The emergence of Meituan and has made children give up the idea of learning to cook, and the emergence of Didi taxi has made children give up the idea of learning to cook.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

The emergence of short videos makes people more addicted to mobile phones, and different novel information will make people feel happy when they rush into the brain, in order to make you more addicted, short videos also specialize in studying your preferences, so that you can't stop at all when you brush it up, and often a few hours pass when you don't realize it.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

College students are now immersed in this kind of gentleness, because they feel that there are no worries, no nagging from their families, no pressure to continue their studies, and they don't realize that the real beginning is when they really graduate and go into society, they give up their efforts and give up themselves.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

It's a shame not to fail, and it's a pity not to fall in love

How "open-minded" can today's children be, let's look at these two sentences to understand, in their eyes, failing to take a course is a thing that must be experienced in college, if you don't talk about love, it's a lifetime of regret, don't you think it's ridiculous as a parent?

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

This is just an excuse for their own indulgence, and in their eyes, failing the course is not a big deal, because they can make up the exam and plagiarize, so they don't work hard at all in the usual learning process, and the things they learn are just scratching the surface and can't learn the fundamentals at all, it's just superficial fooling.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

There are also some students who don't know what to do after graduation, so they tell their families that they want to take the graduate school and civil service exams, but in fact, these two roads are thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, and there are very few people who can succeed, and they also use "exam preparation" as an excuse to gnaw at the old.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

These are because they are too content with the status quo, they will not think about their future at all, and they don't want to think about it, "nipple music" is too common, there are more and more people who are not self-motivated, and there are more and more people who want to lie down for a lifetime.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

In the eyes of many people, unrealistic planning is nonsense, rather than thinking about an unfinished thing at the beginning, it is better not to think about the problem, but this is not responsible for their own life, if there is no goal to chase, then not even a step can not be taken?

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware

Only by finding our own way can we live our own life, become more colorful, and make us really feel worthy of this life.

The rise of "nipple music" in universities has caused many students to be caught up in it, but their parents are unaware