
Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization

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Mr. Li is a sales manager of a foreign-owned company, with a successful career and a happy family, which can be described as a winner in life.

However, during a business trip, he suddenly felt chest pain, sweating, difficulty breathing and other symptoms, and after being rushed to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed him with coronary heart disease.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

"Coronary heart disease?" Mr. Li was puzzled and asked, "But I have been following a healthy lifestyle, how could I suddenly get this disease?"

"The etiology of coronary heart disease is complex, not only related to genetics, age, gender and other factors, but also lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, high-fat diet, etc.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

However, with prompt diagnosis and treatment, coupled with good lifestyle modifications, coronary heart disease can be controlled. "

Mr. Li nodded, determined to follow the doctor's instructions and fully cooperate with the treatment.

During his stay in the hospital, he found the hospital diet to be too light and boring, and after he was discharged from the hospital, he decided to learn more about how he should eat in the future to keep his heart healthy.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Mr. Li consulted the doctor: "I heard that onions are good for heart health, can I eat more onions?"

The doctor replied: "Onions do contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system, such as antioxidants, vitamin C and sulfides.

But be careful, after all, onions are irritating vegetables, and eating too much may irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so it's okay to eat onions in moderation, but not in excess. "

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

"So, what other foods need to be eaten less or avoided during recovery?" Mr. Li asked.

"During the recovery period, it is recommended to eat less foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat, as well as smoked foods," the doctor said.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

1. High-salt foods

Excessive sodium intake can lead to edema and increase the burden on the heart, so in addition to adding less salt, avoid high-sodium foods such as pickled products, soy sauce, and pickled vegetables.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

2. High-sugar foods

Excessive sugar intake can increase body weight, cause complications such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and endanger heart health, so you should stay away from high-sugar foods such as cola, pastries, and desserts.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

3. High-fat foods

High-fat foods such as organ meats and fried foods can increase cholesterol levels, clog blood vessels, and put a burden on the heart, so it is ideal to choose healthy vegetable oils or lean meats.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

4. Smoked foods

Baking, grilling, smoking, etc., can produce harmful substances that can damage the cardiovascular system if ingested in excess.

Can people with coronary heart disease eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

After listening to the doctor's advice, Mr. Li felt that it made sense and decided to pay more attention to his daily diet.

He firmly believes that as long as he eats reasonably, keeps exercising, and maintains a good lifestyle, his heart will become healthier and continue to win a better tomorrow for his family.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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