
China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

author:No boredom, ancient and modern
China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!
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China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

In the Chinese beverage market, there is a beverage that is playing a puzzling drama. Its taste has been described as a "stinky mat", and it tastes like tasting "swill", but it has miraculously won the favor of hundreds of millions of consumers.

This product, which is nicknamed "the most difficult drink", is none other than Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water.

It has not only created hundreds of millions of yuan in sales in the domestic market, but also exported overseas, and even won praise from foreign dignitaries. What is the magic that makes this drink with such a special taste become a phenomenon that sells well all over the world while being criticized? Let's unravel this contradictory yet fascinating puzzle.

The legend of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water began in 1905, when the Laoshan Company successfully launched the first mineral water in Chinese history with its excellent research and development capabilities.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

This groundbreaking achievement laid the foundation for the company's future innovation. However, the real turning point came in 1961, when the company made a bold decision: to set its sights on the international market.

Southeast Asia has become the second home of Laoshan white-flowered snake grass and water. It's hot and humid all year round, and many hard-working people are in dire need of a drink to cool off quickly.

With its unique flavor and efficacy, Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water quickly captured the hearts of local consumers. Despite the high price as an imported commodity, this has not affected people's love for it in the slightest.

With the passage of time, the influence of Laoshan white-flowered snake grass water has continued to expand. It gradually opened up the global market and eventually successfully exported to more than 20 countries. Surprisingly, this specialty drink originating from China has won the favor of dignitaries from many countries.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia is a big fan of Laoshan white flowers and snakes. He has publicly stated that he must drink this drink every day, otherwise he will feel unwell all over his body.

Such admiration undoubtedly adds a touch of mystery to the Laoshan white flower snake grass water in the international market.

What is even more impressive is that during the visit of former Singaporean Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong to China in 2000, he specifically named him to taste Laoshan white flower snake grass water. This detail not only reflects the international influence of the drink, but also adds an interesting footnote to the cultural exchange between China and Singapore.

The transformation of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water from obscurity to the international stage not only shows the unique charm of the drink itself, but also reflects the huge potential of traditional Chinese drinks in the international market.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Its success has provided valuable experience and confidence for other local Chinese brands to enter the international market.

However, while enjoying international success, the development of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water in the domestic market has not been smooth sailing. How it went from being unknown in its home market to becoming a household name is a dramatic story.

Before 2003, Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water was almost unpopular in the Chinese domestic market. Its unique taste did not immediately win the favor of domestic consumers, but was once regarded as an "unacceptable" drink.

However, a twist of fate is just around the corner, and an unexpected cyber incident completely changes the fate of this drink.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

The turning point began with a tasting livestream of several well-known streamers. When the famous anchor Luo Yonghao and his team tried Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water for the first time, their reaction aroused the attention of the whole network.

After Luo Yonghao tasted it, his expression was extremely painful, and he said bluntly: "It's so unpleasant, I can't describe it in words!" Similarly, when Dong Yuhui, a well-known anchor of New Oriental, promoted this drink in the live broadcast room, his facial expression was instantly distorted, as if he had experienced a torture of taste buds.

Far from scaring consumers, the backlash from these streamers has sparked intense public curiosity. Netizens poured into the live broadcast room, competing to buy and try.

For a while, the "Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water Challenge" was all the rage on social media, and countless netizens rushed to post their exaggerated expressions after tasting it.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

A netizen's comment pushed this experience to a climax: "How to describe this taste? It's like a big man who has never taken a bath, and the smell of straw mats that have slept for 10 years.

Such a vivid metaphor quickly spread online, sparking more interest.

In the face of such a negative but topical evaluation, the brand of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water made a bold decision: to adopt a self-deprecating marketing strategy. They humorously ridiculed themselves on major social media platforms, such as "because it is too delicious, it is difficult to give up the ......", this self-defeating marketing method unexpectedly won the favor of consumers, making Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water quickly popular on the Internet.

As the topic increases, more and more people are starting to try this "unpleasant" drink. Surprisingly, many people fall in love with it after their first attempt.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Some consumers said that just one bite can quickly relieve hangover and make people feel refreshed. It has also been found that it can relieve sore throat after drinking, and the symptoms are significantly improved.

These unexpected effects have gradually won the reputation of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water.

The spread of word-of-mouth is staggering. Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water has gradually become the sales champion in the domestic market from the initial obscurity, with sales of hundreds of millions of bottles! It has not only become the preferred drink for many health enthusiasts, but also a must-have choice in the trunk and refrigerator of many middle-aged people.

From the initial controversy to the later popularity, the rise of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water in the domestic market is full of drama. Its success not only proves that the old adage "good medicine is bitter" is still valid in the modern market, but also demonstrates the growing demand for healthy drinks among Chinese consumers.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

This shift from being disliked to being sought after also reflects the changing attitudes of contemporary consumers towards drinks. People are no longer simply looking for sweetness and deliciousness, but are paying more attention to the functionality and health effects of drinks.

The success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water has created a new beverage consumption trend to some extent, making "unpleasant" a unique selling point.

However, the success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water is not accidental, and its unique formula contains a combination of traditional wisdom and modern technology. This secret is the key to its ability to stand out in the fierce market competition.

The success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water is not accidental, and it contains the ingenious fusion of traditional wisdom and modern technology. The core ingredients of this drink are Laoshan mineral water and the essence extract of white flower snake tongue grass, which combine to create its unique taste and efficacy.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Snake tongue is a distinctive Chinese medicinal material, named for its unique growth habits. This plant likes to grow in places with abundant dew, and its leaves often lick dewdrops, resembling snake letters, hence its name.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the white flower snake tongue herb is sweet and cool, and has a variety of effects, such as clearing heat and detoxifying, refreshing the mind, sweet cold and damp heat, etc. It is the addition of this traditional Chinese medicine that gives Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water its unique taste and health value.

The health value of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water has not only been recognized in China, but also internationally recognized. In 2016, the drink was awarded the Healthiest A-Grade Drink title in a beverage test held in Singapore.

The Singapore government has even issued it with the highest nutritional label, an international recognition that further confirms the health value of the drink.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

However, as the old Chinese saying goes, "good medicine is bitter", the unique taste of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water has also become one of its major characteristics. This slightly bitter taste reflects the rich Chinese medicine ingredients contained in it.

With the increasing awareness of health care, this unique taste has become a major selling point to attract consumers.

The success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water not only demonstrates the application of traditional Chinese medicine wisdom to modern beverages, but also shows how health and taste can be balanced in a single drink.

Its existence has injected a fresh force into the homogenization of the beverage industry in the market.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

It's worth noting that despite the widespread acceptance of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water, it's not for everyone. Some consumers have reported that they will have diarrhea after drinking.

This reminds us that even healthy drinks need to be consumed in moderation according to the individual's body type.

In addition, the success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water has also triggered people's thinking about the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. Its existence proves that the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and the modern beverage industry can be perfectly combined.

This combination not only creates unique products, but also opens up new avenues for the transmission of traditional culture.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Overall, the secret of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water's unique formula lies not only in the high-quality raw materials it uses, but also in its successful combination of traditional wisdom and modern technology to create a drink that can not only meet the health needs of modern people, but also inherit traditional culture.

This spirit of innovation undoubtedly provides valuable inspiration for the future development of China's beverage industry.

The reaction of Laoshan white flower snake grass water in the market can be described as extremely opposed. Some people hate it so much that it is as if they are tasting the most difficult liquid in the world to swallow; Others see it as a daily necessity and need to drink it every day to keep their bodies comfortable.

This extreme reaction reflects the mixed emotions of consumers about the drink.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Some consumers said that the unique taste of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water made them want to stop. They believe that this slightly bitter taste is effective in relieving fatigue in the body, especially during the hot summer months, and will feel refreshed after drinking.

Some consumers describe that drinking it seems that the pores of the whole body have been opened, and they feel cool and comfortable in an instant.

Others regard Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water as a secret weapon against the wine game. They say the drink has a significant hangover effect, and just one bottle can quickly relieve the symptoms of drunkenness and bring people back to consciousness.

However, there are also many people who find it difficult to accept its taste. Some people describe it as "taking a sip of mat water", a unique experience that puts some people off.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Some consumers said that they almost spit it out when they tried it for the first time, and the taste was too special.

Interestingly, over time, many people who were initially unreceptive to its taste gradually became loyal consumers. They said that after many attempts, they began to appreciate this unique taste and felt the health benefits it brings.

One consumer shared, "At first, I thought it was very unpleasant, but now I have a bottle every day, and I feel refreshed.

This love-hate consumer response not only demonstrates the unique charm of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water, but also reflects the diverse needs of modern consumers for healthy drinks.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

Its existence seems to break people's inherent perception that drinks are "delicious" and bring new possibilities to the market.

Despite the great success of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water in the market, we still need to look at its efficacy with a rational attitude. At present, there are no definite scientific studies on the actual health effects of this drink.

As consumers, we should drink it in moderation and not exaggerate its efficacy.

Looking forward to the future, the development path of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water is still full of opportunities and challenges. Its success has opened up new possibilities for the application of traditional Chinese medicine in modern beverages.

China's strange drinks are popular: stinky mats, but middle-aged groups are vying for them, with sales exceeding 100 million!

At the same time, it also needs to maintain its uniqueness while constantly optimizing the taste to appeal to a wider consumer group.

In any case, the legend of Laoshan Baihua Snake Grass Water has become a unique chapter in the development of China's beverage industry. Its existence reminds us that while pursuing deliciousness, we should also pay attention to the health value of drinks.

For those who haven't tasted this unique drink yet, try it with an open mind and maybe find an unexpected surprise.

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