
"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

author:Chase the drama with great joy
"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

Costume dramas have once again become the focus of the audience's attention since the release of "Ink Rain and Clouds". Recently, the two dramas "Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" have sparked extensive discussions and heated discussions with their unique plot settings and casts.

As soon as "Yan Xinji" was broadcast, it immediately sparked extensive discussions and heated discussions. Luo Yunxi and Song Yi are the leading actors, and their performances in the play have attracted the attention and various evaluations of the audience.

Some viewers expressed dissatisfaction with Luo Yunxi's thin image and overly fancy makeup in the play. A netizen commented: "I was a little shocked when I saw Luo Yunxi's style. He looks a bit like a painted figure, not very realistic. This point of view resonated with some viewers, who thought that this kind of makeup was somewhat out of place with the atmosphere of a costume drama.

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

At the same time, the audience also began to compare the image difference between Luo Yunxi and the second male lead in the play. A netizen commented on social media: "Seeing the comparison between the male protagonist and the male number two, it is a world of difference. The masculinity of the male number two is in stark contrast to Luo Yunxi's softness, which makes people question the choice of role. ”

The interaction between mother and son in the play has also become one of the focuses of criticism from the audience. Some people think that the intimate dialogue between mother and son seems a bit reluctant and lacks a sense of reality. One viewer wrote in the comments: "The interaction between mother and son is a bit embarrassing. It's as if the intimacy between them doesn't come out very naturally. ”

In addition, the audience also expressed some concerns about the development of the main line of feelings in the play. In particular, the chemistry between Song Yi and Luo Yunxi failed to completely impress the audience. Some netizens left a message: "Seeing the two of them together, I feel that something is missing." It could be that the spark between them didn't really come into being. ”

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

Overall, although the debut of "Yan Xinji" is highly anticipated, it also exposes some problems in the audience's evaluation. Luo Yunxi's image and performance, as well as the details in the plot setting, have become the focus of discussion among the audience. The development of future dramas may need to be closer to the expectations of the audience in order to win wider recognition and support.

"Du Hua Nian" is in stark contrast to "Yan Xinji", and has won the enthusiasm of the audience with its unique plot setting and protagonist image. Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai play the protagonists in the play, and the love story of killing and rebirth between them has become the focus of the audience's talk. Especially the image of the princess played by Zhao Jinmai, she shows a firm and domineering side, which is completely different from the traditional princess image, and immediately aroused widespread resonance and love.

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

In the development of the plot, the princess's strong performance and protection of the colt left a deep impression on the audience. Her decisiveness and bravery in times of crisis gave the audience a unique image of a heroine. A viewer posted on social platforms: "Zhao Jinmai's performance in "Du Hua Nian" is really eye-catching, the princess is no longer a weak little fairy in feathers, she has her own firmness and responsibility. ”

The setting of the plot is also an important topic for the audience to discuss. The show is an eclectic blend of elements of killing and rebirth, making the plot compact and tense. The audience showed great expectations and praise for the gradual development of emotions in the play. One viewer commented: "The plot of "Spend the Year of China" is really enjoyable to watch, and each episode is full of unexpected twists, especially the emotional entanglements between the protagonists, which makes people's hearts beat faster. ”

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

Overall, the performance of "Du Hua Nian" in the costume drama market has aroused high praise and heated discussions among the audience. The image of the princess played by Zhao Jinmai and the novel setting of the plot brought a refreshing experience to the audience. In the future development of dramas, the audience is looking forward to more exciting plots and character depth to continue to attract their attention and support.

In addition to the development of Zhao Jinmai in the film and television industry, he is also actively involved in public welfare. She is not only an actress, but also an ambassador for children's charity activities. Over the years, she has frequently appeared on the stage of various public welfare activities, calling on all sectors of society to pay attention to children's education and welfare issues.

At a public welfare activity on children's education, Zhao Jinmai's appearance caused heated discussions among netizens at the scene. Some netizens sighed: "Seeing Zhao Jinmai's sincere statement at the public welfare scene, I feel that she is not only an excellent actor, but also a responsible social citizen." An enthusiastic netizen shared her experience of the charity event on social platforms: "Zhao Jinmai is not only an image ambassador, but her sincerity and care in the event make people feel that she is serious about children's issues. ”

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

In addition to children's education, Zhao Jinmai also uses his influence to speak for the disadvantaged. She not only stands on the stage to appeal, but also promotes the development of public welfare in the society through practical actions. In a project about improving the living conditions of children in poverty-stricken areas, Zhao Jinmai's participation touched many netizens. A netizen commented: "Seeing her personally communicating with the children on the spot and sharing her experience, I feel that she is really a warm artist." ”

On social media, some netizens actively discussed and supported Zhao Jinmai's public welfare behavior. A netizen wrote in the comments: "Seeing such an excellent star, not only paying attention to her works, but also seeing that she is using her own strength to help people in need, it is really moving." Another netizen also left a message: "I hope that more celebrities can be like Zhao Jinmai, not only pay attention to their acting careers, but also actively participate in public welfare activities and contribute their own strength to the society." ”

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

To sum up, although "Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" are both costume dramas, there are obvious differences due to the plot setting, actors' performances and audience responses. Each drama attracts different types of audiences because of its unique charm, showing its own style and influence. In the development of future dramas, these elements will continue to influence the audience's choice and attention, and will also promote the diversified development of costume dramas in the TV drama market.

"Yan Xinji" and "Spending the Year of China" each watched 6 episodes, one has been abandoned, and the more you watch it, the more addictive you become!

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