
Focus on the front line! CCCC Second Public Bureau Mengxing Engineering Co., Ltd

author:CREC China Railway Zhang Xin

The first piece of Zhouping second standard bridge deck pavement project was successfully poured

Focus on the front line! CCCC Second Public Bureau Mengxing Engineering Co., Ltd

On the afternoon of June 24, the first piece of bridge deck pavement of Zhouping No. 2 Standard Project was successfully poured, marking the official start of the bridge deck pavement construction of the project.

The first project of the bridge deck pavement is the first bridge deck pavement on the right side of the K35+075.4 Miaoshang Village separated overpass, with a length of 80m and a width of 11.75m, and is poured with C50 waterproof concrete with a pouring thickness of 10cm. In order to ensure the smooth pouring of the first project, the project held a special meeting to discuss and sort out the major difficulties of the construction process and the key points of ultrasonic paver operation, continuously optimize the construction process from the aspects of ratio design, construction technology, equipment configuration, operators, and on-site preparation, and strictly implement the safety technology step by step.

The first piece of bridge deck pavement project adopts ultrasonic paver construction technology, which effectively accelerates the construction progress, improves the construction quality, optimizes the construction technology, and accumulates valuable experience and consolidates the technical foundation for the subsequent large-scale bridge deck pavement construction of the project. Subsequently, the project will take this opportunity to continue to overcome difficulties, work hard, and promote the high-quality construction of the project.

Xianyang Wutongli project carried out emergency rescue drills for falling from heights

Focus on the front line! CCCC Second Public Bureau Mengxing Engineering Co., Ltd

In order to implement the requirements of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" activity and further improve the safety awareness of all project personnel and the ability to respond to emergencies, on June 28, the Xianyang Wutongli Project organized an emergency rescue drill for falling from height. All employees and subcontracting teams of the construction unit, supervision unit and project management department participated in the drill.

The drill simulated a fall accident caused by heat stroke and fainting due to heat stroke and not wearing a seat belt, and the on-site personnel immediately reported the situation and launched rescue operations. "The drill began", with the order of the commander-in-chief, the personnel of the emergency rescue team quickly went to the scene for rescue in accordance with the division of responsibilities and emergency instructions. The on-site vigilance team will alert the scene of the accident. The medical rescue team conducted a preliminary examination of the wounded, bandaged the injured parts, put the injured on a stretcher and moved them to a safe place, and was escorted to the hospital for further treatment by the emergency rescue team. The accident investigation team rushed to the scene of the accident to investigate the accident.

After the exercise, He Haijiao, a representative of the construction unit, commented on the drill, believing that the drill was well-organized, the division of labor was reasonable, and the expected goals of the drill were achieved. The project manager Quan Qianwei made a summary of the drill, and believed that the drill was closely linked, fast, efficient, scientific and orderly from the discovery of danger to the report of accidents, from the start of the emergency plan to the on-site organization of rescue, which effectively tested the scientificity and operability of the project emergency plan, and improved the safety awareness of all personnel of the project and the ability to deal with emergencies.

Zhou Ping Erbiao held the award ceremony of the "Safety Production Month" online answering competition

Focus on the front line! CCCC Second Public Bureau Mengxing Engineering Co., Ltd

In order to further improve the safety quality of project employees and create a strong atmosphere for all employees to learn safety knowledge, Zhou Ping No. 2 Standard actively responded to the call of the bureau and widely mobilized project employees to participate in the 2024 "Safety Production Month" online answering activity of CCCC No. 2 Public Bureau.

In order to increase the participation of project personnel, the project was extensively mobilized through various channels at the beginning of the activity. The project leaders took the lead in answering questions and set a good example for employees. With the joint efforts of all parties, all members of the project responded positively, participated enthusiastically, and achieved good results. After a month of fierce competition, the event ended successfully, and on June 30, the project held the award ceremony of the "Safety Production Month" online answering competition, commending the employees who won the first, second and third prizes and distributing corresponding prizes.

Source: CCCC Second Public Bureau Mengxing Engineering Co., Ltd

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