
How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

author:Morning Star Station

1. Hangzhou Lingyin Temple

As one of the "Five Spirits Dojo" built by the Eastern Jin Dynasty Huili Zen Master, Lingyin Temple is famous, often attracts tourists like weaving, the mountain temple inside and outside are the ancient trees of the forest, the stone path is lined with green dust, the ancient temple buildings, each of which reveals the heavy sense of history, can not help but make people awe-inspired, the temple is full of incense, the atmosphere makes people feel extremely quiet and peaceful, as if all the troubles have disappeared.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

2. Xiamen Nanputuo Temple

You can get free incense at the incense giveaway, then wash your hands and walk up to the Heavenly King Hall for worship, the atmosphere at the door makes people naturally calm down, ready to enter this solemn and sacred place, and if you are lucky, you can also meet the monks chanting.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

3. Wuhan Guiyuan Temple

Guiyuan Temple belongs to the Caodong sect, one of the five seven sects of Zen Buddhism, enter the left and right sides of the Luohan Hall, according to their actual age, the boys start counting on the left, the girls start counting from the right, enter the door from the Arhat with the eye, after counting, remember your Arhat number, go out to buy your number card, you can free unsign on the WeChat public account, you can also spend money on the spot to unsign, provide free incense, three per person, enter from the side door, do not step on the threshold, boys left foot in, right foot out, girls right foot in, left foot out.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

4. Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Kaiyuan Temple was founded in the Tang Dynasty, is one of the largest Buddhist temples in Fujian Province, the temple preserves many precious cultural relics and historical relics, the architectural style of Kaiyuan Temple is unique, the integration of Buddhist culture and southern Fujian architectural characteristics, the east and west towers in the temple are the landmark buildings of Quanzhou, strolling in the temple, as if traveling back to the Tang Dynasty, feeling the prosperity and solemnity at that time.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

5. Zhoushan Puji Temple

Puji Temple opens at 6 o'clock in the evening, the ticket is 5 yuan, only cash is accepted, 1 yuan and 3 pillars of incense, the main requires marriage, career, and wealth.

The Yuantong Treasure Hall enshrines the only male body and male appearance of the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the country, asking for the health of the family and making a great wish;

The Manjushri Hall is dedicated to Manjushri Bodhisattva, seeking study and wisdom;

The Fuxian Bodhisattva enshrined in the Fuxian Hall seeks a career;

The Jizo Hall is dedicated to the King of Jizo Bodhisattva, seeking health;

The Daxiong Treasure Hall is dedicated to the three Buddhas (Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Medicine Buddha) to increase blessings and wisdom;

The Garan Hall is dedicated to the Garan Bodhisattva seeking wealth,

The Temple of the Heavenly King is dedicated to Maitreya Bodhisattva and Veda Bodhisattva, seeking happiness and peace in and out;

Guanyin Treasure Hall asks for a child.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

6. Lama Temple, Beijing

After entering the door, you can receive free incense on the left and right sides of the Zhaotai Gate, and ask for wealth: Lama Palace

Seeking a career: Falun Palace

Peace: Hall of Blessings

Seek health and longevity: Suicheng Palace

There are a total of 3 French logistics offices where you can ask for bracelets, which are on the west side of the ticket gate, the east side of the Zhaotai Gate, and the west side of the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

7. Guangxiao Temple, Guangzhou

It is one of the famous ancient buildings in Guangdong, more than 2,000 years of history, first through the gate of liberation, the palace of the king of heaven, the two protectors of the two generals, the palace of the king of heaven is dedicated to Maitreya Bodhisattva, Maitreya Buddha symbolizes the amount of great blessings, there is tolerance is great; On both sides are the four heavenly kings, representing the wind and rain, and behind them are the Vedic Bodhisattvas, the guardian gods of the temple.

The Daxiong Treasure Hall enshrines the three saints of Huayan, and the back is dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva, representing the Bodhisattva who drives Cihang upside down, chooses to turn around, purify all sentient beings, and worship in order from left to right, and do not turn back

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

8. Shanghai Longhua Temple

The name of Longhua Temple comes from the story of Maitreya Bodhisattva becoming a Buddha under the Longhua tree in the Buddhist scriptures, and it is said that Longhua Temple was built by Sun Quan for his mother during the Three Kingdoms period, and has a history of 1700 years.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

9. Xi'an Daxingshan Temple

It has a history of 1700 years, it is one of the existing Buddhist temples with a long history in Xi'an, and it is also one of the top ten temples of the domestic incense fire, everyone can receive 3 pillars of incense for free, you can ask for a sign, write a prayer card, put a lotus lamp, and the special importance is that the Bodhisattva of Daxingshan Temple signs a special spirit, remember to make a wish.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

10. Nanjing Ancient Jiming Temple

480 temples in the south of the day, the most prestigious of which is the Jiming Temple, after thousands of years, from the "first temple of the Southern Dynasty" to the temple with the most incense in Nanjing today, here has always been the top stream of Nanjing.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

11. Luoyang White Horse Temple

Luoyang White Horse Temple Jianghu people called "the first ancient temple in China", was founded in 68 A.D., has a history of 1900 years.

How many of the 11 monasteries with the most "incense" in China have you visited?

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