
"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?
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"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

The great river ballad has been passed down since ancient times. The surging Yellow River has witnessed the birth and extension of Chinese civilization, and this ancient and young mother river has given birth to countless people and given birth to a splendid Chinese civilization.

Introduction: The siltation of sediment has become a stubborn disease that the Yellow River cannot get rid of, and since ancient times, countless people with lofty ideals have racked their brains for it, but they have never found a solution once and for all. The Yellow River's sediment problem is a never-ending nightmare that haunts hundreds of millions of people along its shores.

When people almost despaired, a glimmer of hope finally began to emerge. All the transformations began with a major scientific research achievement on the mainland.

The Tiankun is like a steel behemoth waiting to be attacked, with a total size of more than 140 meters, a width of 27.8 meters, and a draft of nearly 9 meters.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

The numbers are really exciting! Theoretical calculations show that in about 18 years, the Yellow River can remove 1.6 billion tons of sediment per year.

If multiple Tiankun ships can be stationed in the Yellow River at the same time, it will greatly shorten the time for sediment cleanup in the Yellow River, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance people's joy and expectation, and they look forward to the Tiankun being able to devote themselves to the sediment cleanup work of the Yellow River as soon as possible.

And the reality is often heavier and more tortuous than the ideal...

In fact, the root cause of the Yellow River's sediment problem has long been understood. In the Loess Plateau in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, soil erosion is extremely serious and has become a source of large amounts of sediment.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

In order to curb the sediment problem once and for all, we have carried out a series of ecological management projects in the upstream areas over several years, including afforestation and returning farmland to forest, to increase the vegetation coverage and cut off the source of sediment.

Through unremitting efforts, the results of these measures are gradually being felt. According to a study published by Nature, a high-profile international authoritative scientific journal, in the 20 years since the beginning of the new century, the vegetation cover area of the continent has increased by an astonishing 25%, making it the country with the largest increase in green area in the world.

At the same time, we have stepped up efforts in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, using water conservancy hubs such as the famous Xiaolangdi Reservoir to intercept large amounts of sediment. According to an investigation by authoritative media, the 1,200-kilometer stretch of the Yellow River, which stretches from the central plain city of Tuoketuo County to the downstream Taohuayu in Zhengzhou, has been transformed into a crystal clear river.

Although this achievement was not easy to achieve, we did not stop there. Everyone's determination to completely solve the sediment problem of the Yellow River has not diminished in the slightest. After all, sediment accumulation has plagued us for too long, and even if some progress is made, we must not be complacent.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

The task of ecological restoration and sediment management in the Yellow River Basin is very arduous, but only with determination and perseverance will we succeed in the end. Although the achievements made so far are only the tip of the iceberg, the spirit of hard work and perseverance of the Chinese people will never stop.

Looking back, we had to import dredging equipment from abroad; Today, we have been able to independently develop a masterpiece such as the Tian Kun, and the rapid development of science and technology has given us more confidence in the management of the sediment problem in the Yellow River.

Just as we were working hard for the Yellow River control project, an exciting news came - the Tiankun heavy self-propelled cutter suction ship, known as the "dredging giant", was finally born! The parameters of this super-large ship are impressive: with a total length of more than 140 meters, a width of 27.8 meters and a depth of almost 9 meters, it is extremely large.

What is memorable about the Tian Kun is its powerful digging capabilities. According to reports, 6,000 cubic meters of sediment can be excavated per hour, which is incomparable to ordinary excavation vessels.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

The treatment of the stubborn disease of the Yellow River sediment is undoubtedly a world-class problem. People are full of anticipation and excitement about whether the Tiankun can be the ultimate solution to this problem.

According to theoretical calculations, if we go all out and use the Tiankun's excavation capacity of 6,000 cubic meters per hour, it will only take about 18 years to remove the average annual sediment transport of 1.6 billion tons per year from the Yellow River.

If several Tiankun ships are put into operation at the same time and stationed on the Yellow River, this time will undoubtedly be further shortened.

People's hearts are full of joy and anticipation, eagerly looking forward to this "steel monster" being able to devote itself to the great cause of clearing the sediment of the Yellow River as soon as possible.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

However, reality is often heavier and more tortuous than ideal. While people rejoiced, experts raised questions and concerns about whether the Tiankun could actually be used to clean up the Yellow River's sediment.

First, we need to discuss the cost. As a major powerhouse, the Tian Kun must use high-end equipment, so the operating costs are extremely expensive. The monthly expenditure on fuel and ship engine maintenance is probably as high as 30 million yuan, which is an unimaginable astronomical amount for ordinary people.

Second, even if we can afford the huge investment of the Tiankun, it still faces many difficulties in its normal operation and operation in the Yellow River. The flow of the Yellow River is not large, and by 2030, the estimated depth of the downstream channel will be only 2.5 meters.

The Tiankun was designed to be 9 meters deep, and the draft needed to reach more than 4.4 meters.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

What is worrying is that once the Tiankun is used in the Yellow River, its powerful coiling and suction capacity will bring irreparable damage to the already fragile ecological environment. The ecosystem of the Yellow River Basin is extremely sensitive, and the use of the Tian Kun will lead to serious turbidity of the water quality, and the environment on which the organisms in the river depend will be severely impacted, especially the living environment of the river's indicator species, the carp, will pose a huge threat.

What's worse is that if the Tiankun is allowed to mess around and carry out large-scale twisting and suction operations in the Yellow River, it is likely to lead to the occurrence of a major accident such as the bursting of the Yellow River's banks! The reason is that the Yellow River has become a "second-class hanging river" due to years of sediment accumulation, and the height of the river bottom is even higher than the average level of the surrounding cities.

If a large number of riverbeds are excavated, the risk of river embankment collapse will be exacerbated, posing a serious threat to the safety of life and property of cities and people along the river.

In addition, even if the amount of sand dredging does not reach the order of 6,000 cubic meters per hour, it is far more than any city or lake can withstand in a short period of time.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

If it is forced to accumulate nearby, it will soon flow back into the riverbed, in an endless cycle.

Concerns and doubts have affected confidence in whether the Tiankun can actually be used to clean up sediment in the Yellow River.

In the face of the many difficulties and constraints in reality, we must make the painful decision to give up our illusions about the Tiankun. Known as the "dredging giant", the ship is expensive to build, expensive to use, and can cause serious damage to the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin, and the risks are too heavy.

More importantly, the Tian Kun was designed for major construction, not for simple and crude sediment clean-up work. Assigning such a large and powerful weapon to such a single and simple task is like asking a steel beast to cut down trees, which is overkill and ridiculous.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

However, should we just give up and let the stubborn disease of the Yellow River continue? Of course not! Our determination to solve the sediment problem in the Yellow River has not weakened. We just need to think carefully and carefully find a more reasonable and feasible way out.

A closer look reveals that the answer to the question is already evident in some of the governance measures we have implemented. Instead of obsessing with short-term clean-up results, we should look to the future and face the root cause of the problem.

For example, in the upstream areas, we have been actively promoting ecological management projects such as afforestation and returning farmland to forests, with the aim of reducing the amount of sediment generated.

With the increase of vegetation coverage, these measures have achieved initial results, laying a solid foundation for completely eradicating the sediment problem in the Yellow River.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

In the midstream, we rely mainly on water hubs, such as the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, to intercept large amounts of sediment and prevent it from spreading downstream to the lower reaches of the river. Although these measures started late, they will be more effective if we persist.

Instead of letting the Tiankun be mired in the endless journey of sediment cleanup, it is better to concentrate the superior resources on ecological management and the construction of sediment blocking facilities, and cultivate intensively, so as to truly give full play to the value of the country's important weapon.

These measures are part of the solution to the ecological problems of the Yellow River Basin, but for a long time to come, we still need to go all out in both ecological protection and water conservancy project construction.

As long as we persevere and are determined, we will be able to achieve ultimate success.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

Looking back on history, in the 80s of the 20th century, we also needed to import dredging equipment from abroad, and now, we have been able to independently develop such a heavy weapon masterpiece as the Tiankun. The rapid progress of science and technology has provided solid technical support for the management of the sediment problem in the Yellow River, and has increased people's confidence in completely solving this stubborn disease.

We will never be satisfied with the current achievements, and will continue to work hard in the field of ecological protection and water conservancy projects, and shoulder the historical mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As long as we unswervingly love the rivers and mountains of the motherland, we will certainly be able to find the best way to deal with the sediment problem of the Yellow River.

The task of ecological restoration and sediment control in the Yellow River Basin is arduous and the road is long. The mother river, which gave birth to Chinese civilization, has a fragile environment and the road to restoration is full of challenges.

However, only by having the courage to face difficulties can we get out of the difficult situation and regain our vitality.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

Our determination is unwavering, and while what we have achieved so far is just the tip of the iceberg, it has given us a spark of hope.

More importantly, the spirit of continuous upward struggle and self-innovation of the Chinese people will form an infinite driving force for us to move forward.

In the past, we were forced to import dredging equipment from abroad; Now, we have been able to independently develop a masterpiece of heavy weapons like the 'Tian Kun'. The rapid development of science and technology has injected new impetus into the management of the Yellow River, and also made us more confident in the future of solving this problem once and for all.

In the field of ecological protection and water conservancy engineering, we will make unremitting efforts and pursue excellence.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

Judging from the course of the whole incident, solving the sediment problem in the Yellow River is bound to be a long-term and difficult process. It is pointless to pursue only short-term clean-up results, and we need to take a long-term perspective and take a variety of measures according to local conditions.

Although the Tian Kun is known as a great power, it is only a tool and cannot solve all problems. Known as the "dredging giant", this steel giant is exhilarating for its super digging ability, but if it is rashly thrown into the sediment clean-up work of the Yellow River, it is like overkill.

At the same time, we should curb the production of sediment at the source. To this end, we can step up efforts to manage and conserve soil and water in the middle and upper reaches of the region, and make full use of the existing water conservancy hubs to intercept sediment on site and prevent it from spreading downstream.

Only by adopting this method can we fundamentally solve the sediment problem of the Yellow River.

"Tian Kun" super dredger: can it become a superhero of the Yellow River dredging?

The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and its health is related to the well-being of our children and grandchildren.

As long as we cherish the love for the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, we will certainly be able to find the best way to control the sediment problem of the Yellow River, and finally return the river to a source of vitality, green mountains and clear waters.

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