
She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children
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She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

In the Chinese literary scene in the second half of the 20th century, an incredible love story quietly played out. She is Qiong Yao's confidant, a talented female director.

For the sake of love, she is willing to spend 45 years with a married man. What's even more amazing is that she not only got along with this man's wife, but also actively chose to be infertile for life in order to raise the other party's children.

This woman's name is Liu Lili, and her story subverts the world's inherent perception of love. In this relationship, which spans nearly half a century, we see a deep emotion that transcends the conventional, a love that is not understood by the world but is sincere and moving.

Liu Lili's choice is not only a persistent pursuit of love, but also an interpretation of the best side of human nature.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Qiong Yao, a name that is like thunder in the Chinese literary world, contains a twists and turns behind her life story. When she was young, Qiong Yao was troubled by her studies and was full of frustration.

In her darkest moments, she tried to end her life three times, but was discovered in time each time. The twist of fate came when she met Qingyun, a young man who loves literature.

Inspired by him, Qiong Yao began to try to write short stories and submit them to major media outlets, thus starting her literary career.

However, the failure of her marriage and the incomprehension of her family made Qiong Yao decide to go to Taipei to seek new opportunities. There, she met two people who changed her life: Ping Xintao and Liu Lili.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Ping Xintao became Qiong Yao's husband, while Liu Lili became her closest friend and right-hand man in her career.

In Qiong Yao's creative career, Liu Lili plays a pivotal role. Her talent is no less than that of Qiong Yao, as a director, she has directed many popular Qiong Yao dramas, such as "Wild Goose in the Woods", "A Red Bean", "Wanjun" and so on.

Qiong Yao once said affectionately: "Lili is the person who knows the character of my novel best. This sentence not only shows the tacit understanding between the two in their careers, but also reflects the deep friendship between them.

In Qiong Yao's pen, those classic lines such as "I didn't mean to destroy this family, but I want to fit in", "You only lost a leg, but she lost her whole love", etc., are even more vivid and touching under Liu Lili's interpretation.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Their collaboration has not only created one classic work after another, but also witnessed each other's growth and success in their careers.

Just as Qiong Yao's career was booming, Liu Lili's life also ushered in a major turning point. She met the love of her life, Qiong Yao's queen screenwriter Dong Jinhu.

However, the beginning of this relationship is destined to be extraordinary, because Dong Jinhu is already a married man. This complex relationship not only tested Liu Lili's wisdom and courage, but also pushed her to a challenging life choice.

The story of Qiong Yao and Liu Lili shows how talent and friendship can be intertwined into beauty on the stage of life. Their relationship is far more than ordinary work partners, but an indispensable part of each other's lives.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

In the years that follow, we will see how Liu Lili finds a balance between love and morality, and how Qiong Yao uses her brushstrokes to document this extraordinary friendship.

When Liu Lili met Dong Jinhu, her heart set off huge waves. Dong Jinhu is her senior, and the two met because of the fate of the same school. Although they don't have much intersection in the film and television industry, with the increase in contact, feelings gradually develop between them.

Dong Jinhu is delicate and cares for Liu Lili, which is in stark contrast to Liu Lili's vigorous and resolute character in his work but often seems rough in life.

However, this budding love was shrouded in the shadow of morality from the very beginning. Dong Jinhu is already a man with a wife and children, which puts Liu Lili in a serious moral dilemma.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

She loves Dong Jinhu deeply, but she can't ignore the damage this relationship may bring to his family.

At this difficult moment, Liu Lili chose to confide in her best friend Qiong Yao. Surprisingly, Qiong Yao not only did not dissuade her, but fully supported her in pursuing this relationship.

Qiong Yao's attitude gave Liu Lili great courage, and she decided to face this complicated situation head-on.

With apprehension and determination, Liu Lili took the initiative to find Dong Jinhu's wife Wang Mei. Facing Wang Mei, Liu Lili did not avoid his feelings, but sincerely expressed his heart: "I just want to be a member of this family, and I don't want to break it up."

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

This sentence not only reflects Liu Lili's courage, but also shows her wisdom and mind.

In order to express her sincerity and not affect Wang Mei's family, Liu Lili made an astonishing decision - she chose to have an abortion and underwent sterilization.

This decision not only deeply moved Wang Mei, but also completely dispelled her doubts about Liu Lili. Since then, Wang Mei has fully accepted Liu Lili, and the three of them have started a 45-year life together.

In this process, Liu Lili showed extraordinary wisdom and open-mindedness. Instead of choosing to destroy a family, she blended in in her own way. Her sacrifice and dedication not only won Wang Mei's understanding and acceptance, but also proved her sincerity and selflessness with practical actions.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Liu Lili's story shows us how to find a balance between love and morality in the face of complex feelings. Her choice may not be understood by everyone, but it is undoubtedly a brave attempt, a unique interpretation of love.

In this special family, Liu Lili is not limited to the role of "third party". Instead, she became an integral part of the extended family and built a deep bond with Wang Mei and the children.

This non-traditional family model, although incomprehensible to outsiders, has created a unique harmony between them.

Liu Lili treats Wang Mei's children as if they were his own children. Once, when the child at home suddenly fell ill, Liu Lili rushed to the hospital without saying a word, not only took care of it carefully, but also bore all the medical expenses.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

This kind of selfless dedication makes the children have a deep affection for her. When Dong Jinhu's parents were sick and needed to be taken care of, because Wang Mei had to take care of the children, Liu Lili stepped forward and took care of the elderly in every detail.

These actions not only moved Wang Mei, but also made the whole family full of gratitude to Liu Lili.

In this family, a delicate and harmonious balance is formed between the three adults. Dong Jinhu juggles between the two families, with Wang Mei taking care of the children and Liu Lili becoming another pillar of the extended family, providing tremendous financial and emotional support.

Not only has she been successful in her career, but she has also selflessly used her income for this extended family.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Amazingly, this unconventional family model has lasted for 45 years. In these long years, they did not clash because of jealousy, but established a family bond that transcended blood.

Wang Mei's children even began to call Liu Lili "aunt" and regarded her as family. This change in relationship not only reflects Liu Lili's kindness and dedication, but also shows Wang Mei's tolerance and understanding.

The harmony of this family not only breaks the prejudices of the world, but also gives a new meaning to the concept of "family". They prove that happiness can be achieved with enough understanding, tolerance, and love, even non-traditional family models.

Liu Lili's story shows the great sacrifice made by a woman for love, and it also reflects her wisdom and heart. She interprets the true meaning of love in her own way, and also provides us with a new perspective to think about family and relationships.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

In this special family, everyone finds their place and value. Wang Mei got a "sister" who understood and supported her, and the children had two mothers who loved them, while Dong Jinhu got complete love in the understanding and tolerance of the two women.

This non-traditional family model, although not accepted by the world, creates a unique happiness between them.

Their story is not only a challenge to the traditional concept of family, but also a profound exploration of the nature of love. It teaches us that true love should not be bound by inherent frameworks, but should be inclusive, understanding, and selfless.

In this particular family, we see how the power of love transcends worldly boundaries and creates a new kind of family harmony.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

Time flies. In 2007, Liu Lili, who was already in his old age, was diagnosed with cerebellar atrophy. In the last stages of her life, we witnessed the most touching expression of the sincere feelings of this special family.

Wang Mei's children did not hesitate to step forward and take care of Liu Lili like their own mother. Their actions are not just motivated by gratitude, but by deep feelings that have been built over the years.

At the same time, Wang Mei also deeply felt that Dong Jinhu lacked due respect for Liu Lili. At this critical moment, Wang Mei made an unexpected decision - she resolutely filed for divorce and actively promoted Dong Jinhu and Liu Lili to enter the marriage hall.

On the sickbed, witnessed by Wang Mei and the children, Dong Jinhu and Liu Lili held a simple and solemn wedding. This belated wedding is the best interpretation of their relationship for many years, and it is also the greatest affirmation of Liu Lili's life.

She is Qiong Yao's best friend, who has served a husband for 45 years, and is sterilized for the rest of her life in order to raise her original children

In 2015, Dong Jinhu died suddenly of a heart attack. Three years later, in 2018, Liu Lili also passed away after a long period of illness. At the last moment of her life, Liu Lili gently tapped Wang Mei's palm three times, as if silently telling her gratitude.

This simple but loving act became the final footnote to this extraordinary friendship.

The last action in Liu Lili's life, gently tapping three times on Wang Mei's palm, deeply touched Qiong Yao. The famous writer was moved by this extraordinary friendship that spanned half a century, and created a work called "I Love You Three Times" for this purpose, which was adapted into a film.

Through this work, Qiong Yao not only tells a touching true story, but also challenges the traditional concept of family. She uses delicate brushstrokes to depict a sincere emotion that transcends the mundane, allowing readers to see another possibility of love.

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