
Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love
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Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

In July 2002, the Hawaiian sun shone on a couple. Their wedding went on quietly, without the flashing lights of the media, without the guns and guns of reporters.

The bride is a Chinese diving legend, Fu Mingxia, and the groom is Hong Kong's Financial Secretary, Leung Kam-chung. The combination of the newcomers has sparked a lot of speculation and controversy as there is an age gap of almost 30 years between them.

24-year-old Fu Mingxia, the halo of the Olympic champion has not faded, young and beautiful; 50-year-old Liang Jinsong, a political elite, mature and steady. Can this age-spanning love stand the test of time? Why did they choose such a low-key way to get married? Let's step into the emotional world of the three diving queens, unveil the mystery of their marriage, and find out.

Gao Min's diving career is like a passionate symphony, full of challenges and breakthroughs. In 1985, the young Gao Min joined the national team and began her diving journey under the strict guidance of coach Xu Yiming.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

Xu Yiming's words were as deep as an imprint in Gao Min's heart: "You are not here for a set of sportswear, nor for traveling abroad, but to let the Chinese national anthem play in the diving competition venue."

Adhering to this sense of mission, Gao Min practiced the basic skills day after day. Each movement is repeated dozens of times until it is perfect. Her hard work quickly paid off, and just one year later, Gao Min was making her mark on the international stage.

However, this is just the beginning. Xu Yiming has set a higher goal for her: to become the first athlete in the world to break 600 points in diving.

Through unremitting efforts, Gao Min finally achieved this seemingly impossible task at the age of 22. Not only did she become the first Olympic gold medalist in women's springboard diving in Chinese history, but she also managed to break the 600-point mark.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

However, behind the brilliance are countless wounds. From the knees to the elbows, to the eardrums and waist, there is hardly a part of Gao Min's body that has not been injured.

After retiring, Gao Min's life opened a new chapter. She first fell in love with Su Dong, a cadre of the National Sports Commission, and the two went to the United States to study together. However, because of disagreements about the direction of future development, this relationship eventually ended without a hitch.

After returning to China, Gao Min chose to go to the Chinese community in Canada to find new opportunities.

The gears of fate are quietly turning at this time. At a Chinese gathering, Gao Min met Chen Zhigang, a Chinese professor at the University of Edmonton. Chen Zhigang admired the former diving queen, and the two quickly fell in love.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

After getting married, Chen Zhigang learned that Gao Min dreamed of owning a private diving gym as a child, so he silently raised funds to realize his wife's dream. When Gao Min saw this diving hall full of love, his heart swelled with infinite emotion.

Today's Gao Min has changed from a diving queen to a happy housewife. She has a son with Chen Zhigang and has a happy life. Despite receiving invitations from many countries, Gao Min has always insisted on cultivating diving talents only for China.

Eventually, she accepted the position of coach of the Canadian diving team, both realizing her value and living up to the training of her homeland.

Gao Min's story tells us that the excitement of life lies not only in the success of the career, but also in finding sincere love and ordinary happiness. From the splendor on the diving platform to the warmth of life, Gao Min uses his own experience to interpret the multiple definitions of success.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to pursue their dreams while not forgetting to find their own happy harbor.

Fu Mingxia's diving career is legendary. In 1992, at the age of 13, she won gold at the Barcelona Olympics, becoming the youngest champion in Olympic history.

The courage and strength shown by this small figure on the diving platform amazed the whole world. In the subsequent Atlanta and Sydney Olympics, she made persistent efforts to become the first double champion in the history of the Chinese Olympic Games, and her name was firmly engraved on the monument of the diving world.

Fate always likes to joke. In 2001, at a Hong Kong awards ceremony, Fu Mingxia, dressed as a black woman, amazed the audience. Her beauty and temperament attracted the attention of Leung Kam-chung, then the financial secretary of Hong Kong.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. However, the huge age gap between 50-year-old Liang Jinsong and 24-year-old Fu Mingxia has caused a lot of speculation and criticism from the outside world.

Some people question whether Fu Mingxia chose this marriage for money and status, and some people worry about whether this relationship can stand the test of time.

In the face of disturbing doubts, Fu Mingxia chose to prove her sincerity with actions. She is not moved by the temptation of money from the outside world, and still maintains her independence and career pursuit.

And Liang Jinsong touched Fu Mingxia's heart bit by bit with his delicate thoughtfulness and meticulous care. Their relationship, transcending the boundaries of age, is based on mutual understanding and respect.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

In July 2002, the two decided to hold a low-key wedding in Hawaii, USA. They want to stay out of the public eye and focus on each other's feelings. However, as soon as the marriage news was announced, it still caused an uproar.

In the face of the media's long guns and short guns, Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong chose to remain silent and respond to doubts with practical actions.

After getting married, Fu Mingxia faced many challenges. Due to her special status, she was unable to stay in Hong Kong for a long time. Despite this, Liang Jinsong has always been by her side and enjoys the bits and pieces of life with her.

Even in the face of media doubts and public pressure, the two still insisted on going their own way, interpreting the power of true love with their actions.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

In 2003, Leung made the surprising decision to resign as Financial Secretary and devote himself to family life. This decision deeply touched Fu Mingxia, and she was even more convinced that she was married to true love.

In the years that followed, the two were happy to have two sons and lived a peaceful and happy life.

Fu Mingxia's story tells us that true love knows no age. She bravely followed her heart, was not afraid of the outside world, and finally reaped her own happiness. Despite facing many challenges, Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong used mutual support and sincere feelings to compose a moving hymn to love.

Their story is not only an interpretation of love, but also a demonstration of the wisdom of life.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

After the 2004 Athens Olympics, an unremarkable celebration banquet became a turning point in Guo Jingjing's life. Here, she met Huo Qigang, the young master of the Huo family.

At that time, Huo Qigang was deeply attracted by Guo Jingjing's beauty and temperament, and surrounded her all night, showing a strong interest. However, the simple Guo Jingjing did not have a good impression of this rich son, but was wary and quite resistant to his enthusiastic attitude.

Guo Jingjing's world has always revolved around diving. She put all her energy into training, and even handed over all the bonuses and endorsement income to her parents to manage. This kind of focus and purity attracted Huo Qigang even more.

He realized that if he could win Guo Jingjing's heart, it was not because of his family background.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

In the face of Huo Qigang's enthusiastic pursuit, Guo Jingjing hesitated again and again. She worries that the aura of a rich boy will affect her athletic career, and she is also afraid of getting caught up in complex relationships.

After careful consideration, Guo Jingjing finally agreed to Huo Qigang's pursuit, but put forward three strict conditions: not to interfere with her training, not to be visited at the training venue, and not to consider marriage before retiring.

These conditions are undoubtedly a big test for Huo Qigang.

During the Beijing Olympics, Huo Qigang respected Guo Jingjing's wishes and chose to stay in the hotel to watch the game on TV, not to disturb her performance. Every time Guo Jingjing jumped into the water, Huo Qigang's heart hung in his throat, worried about whether her eyes could withstand the pressure of the water.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

This kind of silent care and support deeply touched Guo Jingjing.

In the end, Guo Jingjing lived up to expectations and achieved another great result in the Olympic Games. This victory is not only her personal achievement, but also the result of her and Huo Qigang's joint struggle.

Eight years of waiting has finally come to fruition. In 2012, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang held a grand wedding, and 1,800 guests witnessed the happy moment of the couple.

This wedding is not only a triumph of love, but also a reward for patience and perseverance. Guo Jingjing spent eight years verifying Huo Qigang's sincerity, and Huo Qigang won the heart of the goddess in his heart with endless tolerance and support.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

Their stories teach us that true love takes the test of time and requires mutual understanding and respect. In this fast-paced society, the love story of Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang is undoubtedly a clear stream, which makes people feel the value of sincere feelings.

Gao Min, Fu Mingxia and Guo Jingjing, the three leaders in the diving world, have all created remarkable achievements on the field. However, when they took off the halo of athletes and entered the palace of marriage, they chose a completely different path in life.

Gao Min and Chinese professor Chen Zhigang met and fell in love, and finally found a balance between career and family in Canada. Her choice shows her yearning for an ordinary life and her insistence on professional values.

Fu Mingxia bravely followed her heart, regardless of the doubts of the outside world, and formed a good relationship with Liang Jinsong, who was 26 years older than her. Her story illustrates that love has nothing to do with age, only cares about two hearts that know each other.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

Guo Jingjing experienced eight years of long-distance love, and finally achieved positive results with Huo Qigang. Her experience tells us that sincere feelings need time to precipitate and both parties to work together.

Although these three marriages are different, they all interpret the true meaning of love: mutual understanding, growing together, and moving forward hand in hand.

The story of Gao Min, Fu Mingxia and Guo Jingjing is not only about love, but also about how to maintain oneself in marriage and how to balance career and family. The three diving queens did not stop after retiring and continued to shine in their respective fields.

Their partners have been extremely supportive and understanding, allowing them to continue their pursuit of self-worth in their new life stages. Gao Min coached in Canada and inherited his diving skills; Fu Mingxia and Guo Jingjing contributed to public welfare, demonstrating their sense of social responsibility.

Three generations of diving queens: one married to Chinese, one married to the God of Wealth, and one married to love

These stories set an example for future generations of athletes, showing how they can find balance and happiness in life after their competitive careers are over. Their experience tells us that success lies not only in the glory on the field, but also in how to manage a happy family life and realize the unity of self-worth.

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