
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

author:Lin Ruoxin

Summer vacation is coming, many parents will take their children out to travel, vacation, this is not a rare agreement to let Wang Xiaofeima take two children out,

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

However, I still can't go back to Beijing, netizens said that going to Japan is a place designated by the big curve, so Wang Xiaofei, Zhang Lan, and the nanny Aunt Xiao Yang, with two children, the family appeared in Okinawa, Japan!

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

Just now Zhang Lan posted a video on the Internet, taking her grandchildren to dinner, only to see her granddaughter with long hair, like a big S when she was young, netizens have left messages that she does look like a mother,

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

Later, Zhang Lan also posted a photo of the family by the sea, Zhang Lan was in the middle, holding her granddaughter with her left hand and her grandson with her right hand, the picture was really warm, I have to say that the 66-year-old Zhang Lan is not easy, she has to come to Japan to see her grandchildren once, but it is worth it to see the family happy and happy together!

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

As soon as the video came out, it caused heated discussions on the whole network: "Netizens have left messages, why can't they go back to Beijing, how many beautiful scenery there are in Beijing, how good it is to go back to Beijing, it is reported that the big curve disagrees, netizens say that this is afraid that the cash cow will come and can't go back, and some netizens said that the two children are hunchbacked, and they don't care about their mothers.

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

In the video posted by Zhang Lan, there was a moment when her granddaughter turned around, and netizens left a message to remind Zhang Lan to hurry up and play the code, otherwise she will be accused again, you just say what is the matter, grandma has to code the photos of her grandchildren, and if she doesn't code, she will be sued, and she is also drunk"

Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S
Zhang Lan Wang Xiaofei's family is on vacation in Okinawa, and her grandchildren rarely appear on the scene, netizens: Xiao Yue'er is like a big S

I have to say that the big curve is really interesting, what is it for?


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