
The foreign young lady posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend, netizens: Like Magajue, he will definitely not be happy

author:1000 degrees of sharing

Today, let's talk about a warm and embarrassing thing - a foreign young lady generously posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend on her social platform, wanting to receive a wave of blessings, but accidentally triggered the "keyboard storm" on the Internet.

This thing is even more unexpectedly than the sudden rainstorm in the summer!

Sweet photos, full of love

On a sunny afternoon, a transnational couple snuggled under the blue sky and white clouds, and the camera froze the warm moment when they looked at each other and smiled. The foreign young lady is full of happiness, as if there are stars twinkling in her eyes, while the Chinese boyfriend is doting, and her smile hides infinite longing for the future. Such a picture should be a beautiful existence that warms people's hearts and transmits positive energy, right?

The foreign young lady posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend, netizens: Like Magajue, he will definitely not be happy

So, she shared this happiness with great expectations with netizens all over the world, hoping to get everyone's blessings and likes. But the reality is often more "bloody" than the script.

Cyber violence raided, and love became a storm

However, the comment area was not covered with flowers and applause as she wished, but a miasma of black smoke. The remarks of some netizens are simply shocking, not only did they not show the slightest respect and blessing for this transnational relationship, but instead pointed the finger at the man, and even used extremely bad words, comparing the man to "murderer Magajue".

Hey, it's a good thing, a show of affection that was supposed to be a sweet sharing instantly turned into a live broadcast of online violence. The foreign lady was probably also confused, and muttered in her heart: "What the hell is going on?" Can I take a photo and attract such a big movement? ”

The foreign young lady posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend, netizens: Like Magajue, he will definitely not be happy

Who was Maccabius? The absurd logic of cyberbullying

Speaking of "Magajue", it may be a slightly unfamiliar name for many young friends, but a few years ago, he did become the focus of public attention because of a campus tragedy that shocked the whole country.

But the problem is that comparing an innocent person who has nothing to do with the incident with such a negative person is not only a great insult to the person concerned, but also a typical bad act of "spreading falsehood" and "indiscriminate attack" in online violence.

The foreign young lady posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend, netizens: Like Magajue, he will definitely not be happy

This kind of absurd logic is like you posted a photo of food in your circle of friends, and someone commented: "You eat so deliciously, are you a starving ghost reincarnated?" "Completely ignoring the facts, not considering the feelings of others, just trying to be happy for a while, how sad!

Rationality returns, respecting every love

In this era of information explosion, each of us should be the first person responsible for our words and deeds. In the face of various voices on the Internet, we should learn to distinguish between truth and falsehood and think rationally, instead of blindly following the trend and becoming the promoter of online violence.

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in the world, it knows no borders, race, or skin color. When a couple bravely overcomes many obstacles and chooses each other as partners in life, they deserve the blessings and support of the whole world, not unwarranted accusations and abuse.

The foreign young lady posted a sweet photo with her Chinese boyfriend, netizens: Like Magajue, he will definitely not be happy

So, let's start with ourselves, reject online violence, and respect every sincere love. When you see similar photos again, you might as well try to feel the deep affection that spans thousands of mountains and rivers with a warm heart, instead of hurting innocent people with a cold keyboard.

Conclusion: Love makes the world a better place

Finally, I would like to say that love is the most powerful force in the world. It is capable of crossing thousands of mountains and rivers and connecting two distant hearts. Whether you're a lover in a foreign country or a close couple, cherish each other and love bravely. Because in this world, there is nothing more beautiful than two hearts that love each other and cling to each other.

And those who like to vent their frustrations and create trouble on the Internet, please also remember: every click and comment you make may become a light or a haze in other people's lives. So, please use your kindness and reason to add a touch of warmth to this world!


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