
What does "mantis" mean? 螽 doesn't pronounce chóng, nor does it pronounce dōng, so how do you pronounce it?

author:A guest history said

Today we're going to talk about an interesting and biodiverse topic called "Mantis".

Okay, now that the pronunciation problem is out of the way, let's dive into this mysterious little creature!

What does "mantis" mean? 螽 doesn't pronounce chóng, nor does it pronounce dōng, so how do you pronounce it?

The name "Mantis" may sound a little unfamiliar, but if you talk about its common name "Grasshopper", I believe many people will suddenly understand. This small insect has a green or brown body, and despite its small size, it is a master jumper.

In the middle of the field, you will often see these little ones jumping to their feet, as if performing a silent dance.

In addition to his strong jumping skills, Mantis is also an out-and-out "foodie". They feed on plants and especially prefer tender leaves and fruits. This is not good news for farmers.

What does "mantis" mean? 螽 doesn't pronounce chóng, nor does it pronounce dōng, so how do you pronounce it?

Because these little creatures eat an astonishing amount of food, once they come out in groups, the crops will suffer. So, in many places, mantis are considered natural enemies of crops.

In addition to mantis, there is also an insect called "scarf", which is often referred to as "grasshopper". Although they are somewhat similar to mantises, they are still different in appearance and living habits. However, both are areas that farmers need to guard against.

Speaking of "ant extraction mantis collection", this idiom is actually closely related to our protagonist Mantis. It means to gather together like ants and mantises, and describes how many people or things gather together and are messy. As you can imagine, if the mantis gather like ants, it will be a disaster for the crops!

What does "mantis" mean? 螽 doesn't pronounce chóng, nor does it pronounce dōng, so how do you pronounce it?

Don't look at the mantis so edible, in fact, they also have a cute side. For example, males will vibrate their wings and make pleasant songs to attract the attention of females. This unique courtship method can be regarded as a beautiful scenery in the insect world.

And, you know what? In traditional Chinese culture, the mantis also has a special symbolic meaning. Because of its strong reproductive ability, the ancients often used it to imply a full house of children and grandchildren and a prosperous family. This is reflected in some ancient poems and paintings.

What does "mantis" mean? 螽 doesn't pronounce chóng, nor does it pronounce dōng, so how do you pronounce it?

Of course, as the "enemy" of modern agriculture, we cannot ignore the harm caused by mantis. In order to reduce the damage they do to their crops, farmers have tried everything they can. Some use biological control, such as the introduction of natural enemies to control the number of mantises; Others use chemical control and spray pesticides to eliminate these greedy little guys.

The word "螽", it is neither pronounced fast nor dōng, but pronounced zhōng.

Overall, the small insect "Mantis", although it causes some trouble for farmers, is also an indispensable part of nature.

Their presence makes us more aware of the importance of biodiversity and teaches us how to live in harmony with nature.