
Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

author:A guest history said

In ancient times, people often used a variety of vivid metaphors to describe the bits and pieces of life. Today, let's talk about an interesting word - "promotion".

Speaking of "promotion", we have to start with the word "promotion". Its original meaning is to draw and pull, like pulling a plant out of the soil.

Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

You are in the garden, gently pulling out a small seedling, and that feeling is the original meaning of "pushing".

In the "Historical Records: The Biography of Fan Julie", there is a description of "pulling out the roots", which means that the roots of the plants have been pulled out, which shows how great the power of this "promotion" is!

However, we humans are intelligent animals, and we quickly extended this "pulling" action to the selection of talents.

It's like pulling out the best talent from a large crowd and making him stand out.

Therefore, the word "promotion" has been extended to the meaning of selecting or promoting official positions.

Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

In the book "Orthography", it is explained that "today's vulgar people who move officials are called promotions", that is to say, if the official position rises again, we call it "promotion".

In ancient times, those who were talented were often "promoted" by the imperial court.

For example, the "All are used" mentioned in "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Biography of Gongsun" means that these talents have been promoted and reused.

It's like being in a garden, where the gardener picks out the most beautiful flowers and places them in a prominent position so that everyone can enjoy their beauty.

Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

In addition to promotion, "promotion" in the ancient imperial examination system also has the meaning of ascending to the rank and the first.

At that time, the students studied hard for more than ten years, just to be able to become famous in the imperial examination in one fell swoop, and "promoted" to become lifters and jinshi. It's like a seed that has finally broken through the ground and grown into a towering tree.

Now, let's talk about the difference between the words "promotion" and "promotion" and "promotion".

In fact, the correct pronunciation of the word promotion is "zhuó shēng", not "zhái shēng"!

"Promotion" is more used in more formal or official occasions, and it emphasizes a process of standing out from the crowd and being favored and promoted by superiors.

Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

And when it comes to "promotion", its scope of application is even broader. It is not only commonly used in officialdom, but also in the workplace, academia, and even in various industry organizations.

It is more focused on describing an individual's rise in rank or status. Compared with "promotion", the word "promotion" is closer to our daily life and more universal.

Looking at "promotion", the meaning is much broader. In addition to describing the promotion in the position, it can also cover the full range of improvement in skills, knowledge and even personal qualities.

In other words, "promotion" is not limited to a change in status, it emphasizes more on the overall improvement of the individual in all aspects, including but not limited to professional skills and personal abilities.

Don't pronounce zhái! How to read promotion, and what is the difference between promotion and promotion and promotion?

In short, although the word "promotion" seems a bit lofty, whether it is the ancient imperial examination or the modern workplace competition, we need to continue to work hard and improve ourselves in order to have the opportunity to be "promoted".

So, let's work hard together! Maybe one day, you can also become the lucky one who will be "promoted"!