
Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"
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Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, a sweet and lovely little girl amazed the world. She is Lin Miaoke, dressed in a red dress and wearing a playful double ponytail, singing "Singing the Motherland" with a young and pure voice.

At that moment, she became the "most beautiful child star" in the hearts of countless people, as if she had a bright future.

However, fate tricked people. In just a few days, Lin Miaoke fell into an unpredictable turmoil. The word "lip-synching" is like a nightmare, pushing this 9-year-old girl to the forefront of public opinion.

What was once praise instantly turned into criticism, and what was once a halo became a question in a blink of an eye.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

16 years have passed, where is the shining little star now? Her story may give us profound inspiration.

Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi, two seemingly similar but completely different girls, their life trajectories have been subtly differentiated since childhood.

Lin Miaoke was born into a family of intellectuals. Her mother was a talented university professor and her father was an art-loving photographer. At a young age, Lin Miaoke showed a strong interest in music, whenever the music sounded, she was always happy, and her small body swayed with the rhythm, as if she was born to be the darling of the stage.

Father Liu Zheping was keenly aware of his daughter's talent, and the idea of making her a child star came up in his heart. From that moment on, Lin Miaoke's life changed dramatically.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Liu Zheping resolutely gave up his career and devoted himself to the cultivation of his daughter. He signed up for various dance classes and music classes for Lin Miaoke, and spared no effort to win various advertising endorsement opportunities for her.

Under the careful cultivation of her parents, Lin Miaoke soon stepped into the ranks of child stars. She has not only filmed numerous commercials, but also participated in two TV series. What's even more surprising is that she was also invited to participate in the MV performance of the famous singer Tan Jing.

It was this outstanding performance that gave her the opportunity to participate in the selection for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

At the same time, another girl, Yang Peiyi, has a very different growth trajectory. She grew up in a family with a love for music, and her father's obsession with music deeply influenced her.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Since childhood, Yang Peiyi has developed a strong interest in music. Amazingly, she was able to sing some songs and Peking Opera clips at the age of two, showing her extraordinary musical talent.

However, in the face of his daughter's talent, Yang Peiyi's father did not show excessive excitement. He chose a more peaceful approach, following his daughter's interests and enrolling her in various interest classes, hoping that she would be well-rounded and not just limited to music.

In 2008, 8-year-old Yang Peiyi won the first prize in the solo category in a competition, which attracted the attention of the audio-visual publishing house of the Central Institute of Educational Sciences.

She was invited to record a series of English songs for young children, and she rose to prominence at a young age. When Zhang Yimou's directing team was looking for a child star to perform at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Yang Peiyi's school recommended the talented young girl to them.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

In this way, the gears of fate quietly turned, and two talented little girls met in the Olympic trials. From this moment on, the trajectories of their lives showed completely different directions.

The opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is destined to be an important turning point in the lives of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi. On the stage of the crowd, an unexpected decision changes the trajectory of the fate of two little girls.

In the fierce selection process, Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi both stood out, but they each had some shortcomings. Although Lin Miaoke is a little open-minded, her voice is perfect; Yang Peiyi has a sweet appearance, but her voice is slightly immature.

Faced with this dilemma, chief director Zhang Yimou made a difficult decision: let Lin Miaoke perform on stage, but play Yang Peiyi's recording.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Soon after the opening ceremony, the "lip-syncing turmoil" broke out instantly. Public opinion was in an uproar, and Lin Miaoke became the target of public criticism. Netizens lashed out at the 9-year-old girl, and some even accused her of being "well-intentioned and insincere."

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, the young Lin Miaoke is undoubtedly under tremendous psychological pressure.

In order to calm public opinion, Zhang Yimou stood up to clarify the facts and explain the decision-making process at that time. However, the incident had a very different impact on the two girls.

For Lin Miaoke, although this turmoil has brought controversy, it has also given her unprecedented attention. Her mother, Liu Zheping, was keenly aware of the business opportunities and quickly transformed into her daughter's agent, taking full charge of her commercial performances.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Since then, Lin Miaoke has been pushed onto a path of commercialization, frequently appearing in various events and advertisements.

In contrast, although Yang Peiyi felt aggrieved because she could not take the stage in person, she received the understanding and support of her school and family. At the opening ceremony of the new semester, the school specially arranged for her to sing "Singing the Motherland" again.

When Yang Peiyi's beautiful singing voice sounded, the audience burst into warm applause, and the principal personally came to the stage to give her a warm hug. This experience allowed Yang Peiyi to regain her confidence and continue to focus on her music studies.

After the "lip-syncing turmoil", the life trajectories of the two girls began to diverge significantly. Under the arrangement of her mother, Lin Miaoke frequently participated in various business activities, and her life became busy and complicated.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Under the protection of her father, Yang Peiyi returned to her normal study life and continued to follow her music dream.

This seemingly fortuitous event became a key turning point that affected their future. It not only changed the trajectory of the lives of the two little girls, but also triggered in-depth thinking about the protection, education and commercialization of child artists.

The stories of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi seem to be two parallel lines, starting to drift apart from this moment, writing different chapters of their lives.

As time goes by, the life trajectories of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi become more and more distinct, like two parallel lines that are gradually drifting apart.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Under the leadership of her mother Liu Zheping, Lin Miaoke embarked on a road of commercialization with quick success. Liu Zheping seems to regard his daughter as a cash cow, regardless of Lin Miaoke's age and physical and mental development, as long as the price is right, he will take on various commercial performances.

She even did not hesitate to occupy Lin Miaoke's precious study time, arranging for her to participate in business activities that are not suitable for children, such as bar walks and hospital publicity activities.

In order to make Lin Miaoke more attractive in the spotlight, Liu Zheping also made his young daughter wear overly mature and even slightly sexy clothes. She frequently takes Lin Miaoke to high-end banquets, trying to make more celebrities to get more business opportunities.

However, this approach not only did not bring the expected benefits to Lin Miaoke, but attracted more doubts and criticism.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

The famous host Wang Weinian once bluntly said: "This child's future is worrying! He witnessed Liu Zheping arguing and bargaining for a 200 yuan reward in front of his children, and he couldn't help but feel deeply worried about Lin Miaoke's future.

This kind of behavior will undoubtedly cause damage to Lin Miaoke's young mind, and may also distort her values.

At the same time, Yang Peiyi's life presents a very different picture. Her father politely declined all commercial invitations, insisting on protecting his daughter's privacy and keeping her away from the dangers of overexposure.

In this environment, Yang Peiyi was able to focus on music learning, learning various musical instruments such as the violin from professional tutors. She also sang the theme song for the cartoon "Joyful Big Big Wolf", but she was not overexposed to the public eye.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

As she grew older, Yang devoted more energy to her studies. At the age of 16, she traveled to the United States to compete in the USAD competition, where she showcased her talent beyond music.

After graduating from high school, she continued her studies in the United States to pursue a broader stage in life. In addition to her academic excellence, Yang Peiyi also formed her own band, occasionally sang in bars, and enjoyed a free and easy musical life.

On the other hand, Lin Miaoke, due to excessive business activities, she almost lost her normal study time. While other peers were laying the groundwork for the future, most of her time was occupied by various business activities.

This unbalanced lifestyle eventually brought serious consequences: she applied for the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama twice, but both failed because her grades in cultural classes did not meet the standards.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

This is undoubtedly the bitter fruit of her over-commercialization in her early years.

The life trajectories of the two girls are drifting apart like this. one struggles in the whirlpool of commercialization, losing the joy and learning opportunities that childhood should have; One is steadily moving forward on the path of pursuing his dreams, maintaining a pure love for music.

The different fates of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi are like two mirrors, reflecting the far-reaching impact of family education and social environment on children's growth. It reminds us that every decision on the path of a child's growth can have a profound impact, and parents need to think carefully and use love and wisdom to guide their children to grow up healthy and happy.

Time flies, and sixteen years have passed in the blink of an eye. The two little girls, who were once in their prime, have now entered adulthood. However, the life circumstances of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi are very different.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Lin Miaoke's road is full of bumps. After failing to apply for the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama many times, she finally chose to study at Nanjing University of the Arts. However, even after successfully graduating, her acting career did not take off as expected.

Lin Miaoke almost disappeared and rarely participated in the filming of TV dramas or variety shows. Every time he appears in public, he will attract a lot of discussions, even ridicule and questioning from netizens.

On social media, negative news about Lin Miaoke is endless. Some people accused her of undergoing plastic surgery in order to achieve a perfect body, and even spread rumors that she was drinking with bars.

Although most of these are malicious slander, they undoubtedly brought huge psychological pressure to Lin Miaoke. The little girl who used to be sunny now seems to be shrouded in a haze.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

In contrast, Yang Peiyi's life is picturesque. After completing her studies in the United States, she continued to pursue her musical dreams. During the new crown epidemic in 2020, Yang Peiyi also actively participated in the recording of anti-epidemic public welfare songs, once again showing her outstanding musical talent.

What's even more surprising is that in this recording, she also collaborated with Lin Miaoke again, as if fate intersected again.

However, when the two appeared on the same stage again, people were surprised to find that Yang Peiyi, who had been "replaced", now has significantly surpassed Lin Miaoke in singing strength.

This scene seems to be the best interpretation of their completely different life trajectories.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

The current situation of the two girls is undoubtedly a powerful reflection on Lin Miaoke's situation back then. The scales of fate are quietly tilted in this way, telling a completely different life story.

The story of Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi is like a mirror, reflecting the far-reaching impact of family education on children's growth.

Lin Miaoke's experience can't help but make people feel pity. Her mother, Liu Zheping, was quick to achieve quick success and short-sightedness, pushing her daughter down a path full of thorns. In contrast, Yang Peiyi's father's wise choice paved the way for his daughter's healthy growth.

This story also provokes us to think deeply about the protection of underage artists. How to protect your child's physical and mental health while chasing your dreams? How to find a balance between business interests and education? These are all questions that we need to think about seriously.

Lin Miaoke: I was cheated by my mother again and again, and it became a big "joke"

Lin Miaoke's experience tells us that the importance of family education cannot be overlooked. Every decision a parent makes can have a profound impact on their child's future. Let's focus on this topic and contribute to the healthy growth of every child.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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