
Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

author:TCM doctors talk about health

During the journey of diabetes management, many patients find that their blood sugar levels are still as good as they should be, even if they follow their doctor's instructions closely, which is often frustrating and confusing. In fact, blood sugar control is not achieved overnight by medication, it involves the comprehensive management of lifestyle, eating habits, psychological state and other factors.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

1. Medicine is not a master key

Many patients mistakenly believe that as long as they take their hypoglycemic medications on time and in the right amount, they can rest easy and do not need to pay attention to other lifestyle changes. This "medicine is a panacea" mentality leads them to be unrestrained in their diet, lack of exercise, and even ignore the importance of regular blood sugar monitoring.

As a complex chronic metabolic disease, the effective management of diabetes mellitus requires the integration of multiple strategies, including lifestyle modification, medication and regular monitoring, to achieve the goal of comprehensive treatment. Medication is a key part, but it is not an isolated approach, and a comprehensive approach is the way to go. Strict dietary control, regular physical exercise, regular blood glucose monitoring, and comprehensive health education are all essential components of diabetes management. Dependence on drugs alone often makes it difficult to achieve optimal glycemic control.

Establish the concept of "holistic management": Encourage patients to treat diabetes management as a system engineering, focusing not only on drug treatment, but also on lifestyle adjustment. Achieve comprehensive blood sugar control by developing a personalized comprehensive management plan, including a reasonable diet, an appropriate exercise plan, regular blood glucose monitoring, and necessary psychological adjustments.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

2. Individual differences

Some patients blindly follow the trend and see that others have a good effect on a certain hypoglycemic drug, so they buy and take it by themselves, regardless of the differences in their own conditions, age, weight, liver and kidney function and other factors.

The treatment of diabetes is highly individualized. Islet function, degree of insulin resistance, and complications vary from patient to patient, so treatment needs to be tailored to the patient's specific situation. Blindly following the trend may not only be ineffective, but may even aggravate the condition or cause adverse reactions.

Using modern medical technology, such as genetic testing, biomarker testing, etc., patients can be classified and evaluated more accurately, so as to develop more personalized treatment plans. At the same time, it strengthens the in-depth communication between doctors and patients to ensure that patients have a comprehensive understanding of the condition and actively integrate into the formulation and timely adjustment of treatment plans, so as to enhance the effectiveness and safety of treatment.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

3. Despise emotions and stress

Many patients are often unaware that mood swings and long-term accumulated psychological stress, as invisible regulators, are profoundly and significantly affecting the stability of their blood glucose levels. They tend to focus only on the physiological aspects of treatment, but inadvertently ignore the crucial dimension of rehabilitation, which is psychological adjustment.

Mood and stress indirectly interfere with the secretion and utilization of insulin by affecting the nervous system and endocrine system, causing blood sugar fluctuations. Long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression and other adverse emotions may also aggravate insulin resistance and make blood sugar control more difficult.

Construct a system of "physical and mental treatment": Incorporate psychological intervention into the routine content of diabetes treatment, and help patients relieve stress, regulate emotions, and improve psychological resilience through psychological counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation training, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the education of patients, improve their awareness and attention to mental health, and promote the coordinated development of physical and mental health.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

Fourth, falling into an extreme attitude towards new technologies

On the one hand, some patients are curious about emerging diabetes management technologies (such as continuous glucose monitoring systems, insulin pumps, etc.), but they fail to fully understand their applicable conditions and operation methods, and blindly pursue high technology. On the other hand, there are also patients who are resistant to new technologies because they are worried about the risks or financial burdens of technology.

The advent of new technologies has provided new tools and means for diabetes management, but not all patients are suitable for use. Over-reliance can lead to wasted resources and unnecessary financial burden, while resistance can lead to missed opportunities for improvement.

Advocate "science and technology empowerment, rational choice": guide patients to correctly understand the role and limitations of new technologies in diabetes management, and rationally choose management tools suitable for themselves according to their own conditions, economic conditions and technical operation capabilities. At the same time, we should strengthen the training and guidance of medical institutions to ensure that patients can use new technologies safely and effectively, so as to truly realize the empowerment of science and technology and improve the quality of life.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

5. Ignore complications

While some diabetic patients focus on blood sugar regulation, they often ignore the potential threat of complications, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy, and the prevention and management of these complications are also crucial.

The complications of diabetes, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney disease and retinopathy, are one of the main causes of disability and even fatal risk for patients. It is difficult to comprehensively curb the germination and progression of diabetes complications by controlling blood glucose levels alone, and comprehensive management and preventive measures are needed to protect patients' health more effectively. Therefore, it is important to implement a diversified strategy to prevent and properly manage the complications caused by diabetes from a holistic perspective.

The prevention and management of diabetes and its complications should be included in the whole life cycle management of patients, and risk assessment and intervention should be carried out from the beginning of diagnosis. Through the implementation of regular physical examinations, strengthening the early screening mechanism and taking timely and effective interventions, the risk of diabetic complications can be significantly reduced and the health of patients can be guaranteed. In parallel, we will strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation to build a comprehensive medical care system for patients, aiming to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment effectiveness of complications.

Taken medication or high blood sugar? Doctor's advice: Beware of falling into these hypoglycemic misunderstandings, pay more attention

The management of diabetes is a complex and long-lasting challenge that requires the cooperation and unremitting efforts of patients, families, medical professionals and all sectors of society. Faced with the dilemma of "taking medicine or high blood sugar", we should examine the problem from multiple dimensions, break the traditional thinking framework, and face various challenges in diabetes treatment with a scientific and rational attitude. Through the establishment of a comprehensive management concept,

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