
A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

author:Goo doesn't get lost

On June 15, a Taiwanese woman was harassed and followed by a drunken idiot near Otsuka Station in Tokyo's Toshima Ward. The woman eventually had to act bravely and kick the idiot in the key part to get out. When the person concerned sought help from the clerk in the bookstore, he failed to get the due response and had to call the police.

A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

Just a month earlier, a foreign female blogger had suffered a similar experience in Japan. At that time, she also succeeded in catching the harasser, but was met with his stupid defense. It is gratifying that Japanese netizens expressed great anger at the incident, unanimously condemned the harassment, and believed that the victim's courageous actions deserve praise.

A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

What is silent is that the help sought by the victim is not answered when subjected to such harassment? It is no wonder that this kind of harassment is so frequent, and the repeated incidents of harassment of foreign tourists on the streets of Japan indicate that there are serious problems in the country's public security management. Personal advice, it's okay to point less fingers at others, and reflect more on yourself! Shame on the world!

A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

Unexpectedly, when the person concerned asked the bookstore for help, it was fruitless, and it really fit the stereotype of them, that is, they lacked empathy and had no sense of justice. Although some Japanese netizens agreed with the brave actions of the victims, on the whole, the attitude of Japanese society towards these incidents is still disappointing.

A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

How to fundamentally solve the problem of harassment of foreign tourists on the streets of Japan and improve the public's sense of justice and empathy is an important issue for the country to solve. Instead of jumping up and down with the beautiful country around you, it's better to clean up your house first! As a developed country, Japan deserves a safer and friendlier environment for foreign tourists.

A woman traveled to Japan and met a "crazy man" touching her buttocks, and no one responded to her request for help, so she had to call the police herself

The reality, however, is disappointing, not only tarnishing Japan's international image, but also raising questions about whether the country is really as civilized and orderly as it is portrayed. The Japanese government and all sectors of society should attach great importance to this issue and take practical and effective measures to safeguard the basic rights and interests of tourists and demonstrate the true connotation of Japanese civilization.