
Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

author:Xiaomei told you

"Journey to the West" is a mythological novel that describes Wukong's great sage Sun Wukong escorting Tang Seng to learn scriptures. In this classic, there are all kinds of monsters, the most mysterious and shrewd of which is the green cow spirit. This seemingly inconspicuous little role makes top figures such as the Buddha and the Jade Emperor helpless, which is really refreshing! It is said that the wisdom of the green cow spirit is beyond imagination, and even the Tang monks and apprentices have fallen into the trap step by step in his calculations. No wonder some people say that the most terrifying thing in Journey to the West is not the force of the monsters, but the wisdom of the green bull spirit! So, how did the Green Bull Spirit use stratagems to abuse the Three Realms and make the supreme authority of the Heaven and Earth Realms helpless?

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

To be honest, judging from the comparison of strength alone, Qingniu Jing is not a big deal. Although he is holding a high-grade magic weapon like a diamond bracelet, he is just a mount of Taishang Laojun after all, and even if he is good at martial arts, he is on par with Sun Wukong who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace. But it is precisely with his extraordinary wisdom that the green cow spirit can play an important "villain" role in Journey to the West, leaving the gods helpless.

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

If you want to talk about the "divine operation" of Qingniu Jing, it has to start with Sun Wukong looking for the missing master Tang Seng. It turned out that in order to keep warm, Bajie stole three brocade vests that Qingniu Jing put in the broken temple. After the green cow spirit found out, he shouted "thief", and caught Tang Seng, Bajie and Sha Seng on the spot, and committed the murder to detain the dungeon.

At this time, Sun Wukong is really a green bull spirit, because he has never seen such a "reasonable" monster as him! The green cow spirit pointed to the three kidnapped captives, and said solemnly: "I am the green cow spirit, for no reason, the three of them dared to enter my house and steal clothes during the day, I have already seized all the stolen goods, is it still wrong?"

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

No wonder even Tang Seng himself admitted it, so he could only beg Qingniu Jing to let him go. Look, the green cow essence is wonderful! Originally, he had no intention of obstructing the study of the scriptures at all, but just used stratagem to set an unsolvable trap, waiting for Tang Seng and them to crash into it by themselves. The fact of stealing is in front of you, and the green cow is reasonable and occupies the moral high ground, even if the gods and the earth are strange, there is nothing to do.

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

You must know that compared with other monsters in Journey to the West, the Green Bull Spirit can be said to have subverted the tradition! In the past, those such as black bear spirits and spider spirits were nothing more than greedy for Tang Seng's body or mana, and took the initiative to provoke Sun Wukong. But Qingniu Jing is different, he is a passive "victim", occupying the side of justice and morality.

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

With this hand, Qingniu Jing successfully detained Sha Seng, Bajie and Tang Seng as heavy hell and trapped them for more than ten days. Sun Wukong searched for gods and Buddhas in the heavens and on the earth, but none of them could untie this dead knot. In the end, he could only give in, and Taishang Laojun came forward and used eighteen gold mountains as a ransom in exchange for the master's life.

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

Look at it, just this move, the green bull spirit abused Sun Wukong and all of them! From heaven to earth, from Rulai to the Jade Emperor, no one was spared. Wonderful, wonderful! Don't look at him as a cow spirit, his brain is brighter than many gods and Buddhas, no wonder some people say that he is the most shrewd and capable monster in Journey to the West.

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

In general, although the green cow spirit in "Journey to the West" is only a small character, it is the monster with the highest wisdom and the most yin means in the whole work. Although his appearance was short, he used a supernatural strategy to drag the gods and Buddhas into an unsolvable predicament. Even the Buddha and the Jade Emperor had to admit it and redeem themselves with a mountain of gold, which shows how powerful the green cow essence is!

Journey to the West has been turned over, and finally found the most shrewd monster in the book, no wonder the Buddha has to admit it

This undoubtedly confirms a truth: in the worldview of Journey to the West, the force of monsters is not the most terrifying, but the cunning and insidious part of human nature is even more terrifying. The green bull used wisdom to defeat the powerful, which can be said to teach us a lesson. In comparison, Sun Wukong can only be regarded as a small character, and his fame is by no means accidental, but a historical necessity! #头条首发大赛#