
Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In the scorching summer, as temperatures rise, the human body not only faces the challenge of water loss, but also needs to deal with environmental stressors such as increased ultraviolet rays and active bacteria. At this time, reasonable dietary adjustment is particularly important. Among the recommendations of many doctors, eating more fruits rich in anthocyanins in summer can not only bring coolness to the body, but also build a solid line of defense for health through their unique antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cardiotonic effects.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

1. Anthocyanins: the purple miracle of nature

(1) Introduction to anthocyanins

Anthocyanins, a class of water-soluble natural pigments widely found in plants, are known for their vivid colors and powerful biological activity. They not only give fruits, vegetables, flowers and other rich purple, blue or red, but also show extraordinary antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cardiovascular protection and other aspects. In summer, as the temperature rises, the body's demand for antioxidants increases, and the role of anthocyanins is particularly prominent.

(2) The mechanism of action of anthocyanins

Antioxidants: Anthocyanins can effectively remove free radicals in the body, reduce cell damage, and delay the aging process.

Anti-inflammatory: By modulating the inflammatory response, anthocyanins help alleviate symptoms of a variety of inflammatory diseases.

Antibacterial: It has an inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria and fungi and enhances the body's immunity.

Protects the heart: promotes vascular endothelial health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

2. Summer four-color fruits, anthocyanin feast

(1) Blueberry: a small purple giant

Blueberries are known for their deep purple color and rich nutritional value, and are one of the fruits with the highest anthocyanin content. Each blueberry is like a small antioxidant storehouse that fights oxidative stress caused by summer UV rays.

The anthocyanins in blueberries not only help protect eyesight and prevent eye diseases, but also boost immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the fiber and natural sugars in blueberries also help maintain gut health and blood sugar stability.

Incorporate blueberries into your daily diet, such as making blueberry yogurt, blueberry smoothies, or blueberry jam, to enjoy both delicious taste and easy access to the benefits of anthocyanins. For office workers who pursue a healthy diet, dried blueberries are also a good choice as a portable snack.

(2) Blackcurrant: A black gemstone

Blackcurrant, also known as blackcurrant, is a small, black fruit whose anthocyanin content should not be underestimated. The sweet, sour taste and unique flavor of blackcurrant make it a great way to cool off the heat in summer.

The anthocyanins in blackcurrant not only boost immunity, but also have significant anti-inflammatory effects, helping to alleviate common skin inflammation and allergy symptoms in summer. At the same time, it also promotes blood circulation and improves heart health.

Blackcurrant juice or jam is delicious and healthy to pair with breakfast foods like oats and yogurt. In addition, blackcurrant extract is also recommended as a health supplement ingredient for people who need to boost their immunity and cardiovascular health.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

(3) Purple grapes: purple pearls in summer

Purple grapes are not only delicious and juicy, but also rich in anthocyanins in their skins and seeds, which are a rare nutritional product in summer.

The anthocyanins in purple grapes not only help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease, but also promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles and dark spots. In addition, compounds such as resveratrol in grapes also have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

People are encouraged to eat grapes with skins to maximize their anthocyanin intake. At the same time, you can try homemade wine or grape vinegar to preserve the nutrients in the grapes and add spice to life. Raisins are also a good choice for those who are looking for convenience, but they need to be careful to control their intake.

(4) Mulberry: The sweet temptation of black

Mulberries, the small, seasonal black berries, have won people's love for their unique sweet taste and rich nutritional value. Mulberries are also rich in anthocyanins, making them a healthy food that should not be missed in summer.

The anthocyanins in mulberries not only help with anti-aging and protect eyesight, but also promote digestion and improve sleep quality. In addition, mulberries are also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which also have a positive effect on enhancing immunity and preventing anemia.

Making mulberries into jams, juices, or ice cream is a great way to satisfy your taste buds while making it easy to reap the health benefits of anthocyanins. For those who want to try something fresh, try using mulberries with yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast, which is both nutritious and delicious.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

3. Innovative insights and suggestions

(1) Diversification and individualization of anthocyanin intake

While the above four fruits are all excellent sources of anthocyanins, everyone's physique and needs are different, so the intake of anthocyanins should be varied and individualized. It is recommended to flexibly mix different anthocyanin fruits according to personal taste, health status and seasonal changes to achieve the best nutritional balance. For example, for people with high needs for vision protection, the intake of blueberries and purple grapes can be emphasized; For those with a particular focus on cardiovascular health, blueberries and blackcurrants can be selected as the main sources of intake.

(2) Synergistic effect of anthocyanins and polynutrients

Although anthocyanins are powerful, their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects will be more significant when they synergize with other nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to focus not only on the intake of anthocyanins in the diet, but also to ensure that adequate intake of these synergistic nutrients is consumed. For example, when tasting anthocyanin-laden fruits, you can add them to citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, or choose selenium-rich whole grains and nuts to achieve a nutritious feast.

(3) Promote the popularization and education of anthocyanin knowledge

In view of the important role of anthocyanins in the field of health, the popularization and education of anthocyanins to the public should be strengthened. Through various forms such as media, online platforms, and community lectures, the source, mechanism of action and scientific intake of anthocyanins are introduced, so as to improve the public's health awareness and guide everyone to form scientific dietary habits. Especially for the elderly and children, more attention should be paid to the popularization of anthocyanin knowledge to help them better cope with summer health challenges.

(4) Research and development of anthocyanin functional foods and beverages

In order to meet consumers' demand for convenient and efficient access to anthocyanins, the food industry can be encouraged to develop more functional foods and beverages rich in anthocyanins. These products should ensure effective retention and bioavailability of anthocyanins, while focusing on taste and flavor, making it easy for consumers to enjoy the health benefits of anthocyanins in their daily diet. For example, the development of high-concentration anthocyanin extracts, anthocyanin beverages, anthocyanin health products, etc., to provide diversified choices for consumers with different needs.

(5) Strengthen the protection and sustainable utilization of anthocyanin resources

With the gradual prominence of the health value of anthocyanins, the protection and sustainable utilization of anthocyanin resources should be strengthened. This includes the rational cultivation of anthocyanin-rich crops, the adoption of eco-friendly agricultural techniques, the reduction of the use of pesticides and fertilizers, the protection of soil and water sources, and the ensuring of a sustainable supply of anthocyanin resources. At the same time, strengthen the research on anthocyanin extraction and processing technology, improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce waste, and promote the green development of anthocyanin industry.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart

Eating more anthocyanin-rich fruits in summer can not only bring coolness and comfort to the body, but also build a solid line of defense for health through their unique antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cardiotonic effects. We should dig deep into anthocyanins, the purple treasure of nature, to build an indestructible protective barrier for summer health.

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