
Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Li Ming is a white-collar worker in his early forties, with a busy and stressful job. As a result of his long-term smoking, he gradually developed some discomfort in his body.

He was told during a physical exam that there was a small nodule in his lungs, which made him very worried. Li Ming decided to quit smoking and sought professional medical help in the hope of improving his health.

Li Ming came to the central hospital and hung up the number of the respiratory medicine department.

The hospital was full of people and the smell of disinfectant water in the air, which made him feel a little nervous. After waiting for half an hour, Li Ming finally met Dr. Zhang, the attending doctor today.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

"Hello, Dr. Zhang, my name is Li Ming, I found a small nodule in my lungs during my physical examination last week, and I am quite worried." Li Ming said with some anxiety.

Dr. Zhang smiled and nodded, motioning for him to sit down. "Don't be nervous, Mr. Lee. Let's take a look at your medical report and then discuss the next tests and treatment options in detail. ”

Dr. Zhang carefully read Li Ming's physical examination report, and then looked up at him: "From the report, it does appear that there is indeed a small nodule in your lung, but its nature is still uncertain.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

Next, we need to do several more detailed tests, including a low-dose spiral CT scan, to get a clearer picture of the size, shape, and location of the nodules. ”

Li Ming nodded, although he was still apprehensive in his heart, he knew that he had to actively cooperate with the doctor's examination. A few days later, Li Ming came to the hospital again and underwent a low-dose spiral CT scan.

The inspection process was quick, and Li Ming lay on the machine, which made a slight buzzing sound, which made him feel a little uneasy. After the end, Dr. Zhang got the test results.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

"Mr. Li, judging from the CT scan results, the small nodules in your lungs are about 6 mm in diameter, with smooth edges and no obvious malignant features.

However, we still need to watch closely, and it is recommended to review the CT every three months to see if it changes. Dr. Zhang explained.

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he still couldn't help asking, "Doctor Zhang, can quitting smoking really make this nodule disappear?" ”

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

Quitting smoking is definitely good for your health and can reduce the risk of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. As for whether the small nodules in the lungs will go away, it depends on a lot of factors.

Smoking is one of the main risk factors for lung nodules and lung cancer, and although nodules may not disappear completely, the risk of their progression is significantly reduced after quitting. ”

In the following months, Li Ming strictly followed the doctor's advice, quit smoking completely, and began to pay attention to diet and exercise.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

Having a follow-up CT at the hospital every three months, fortunately, the nodule did not grow in size and his overall health improved significantly.

"Mr. Li, I am glad to see that your nodules have not changed, and your physical condition is gradually improving after quitting smoking." Dr. Zhang happily told him after a follow-up examination.

Li Ming gratefully shook Dr. Zhang's hand and said, "Thank you, Dr. Zhang. Although the process was a bit tough, I felt it was worth it.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

I also hope to tell more people through my experience that quitting smoking is really important for health. ”

Li Ming's story is a microcosm of countless successful smoking cessation cases. Through his own efforts and the help of doctors, he not only avoided the deterioration of lung nodules, but also regained a healthy life.

It also gives confidence and hope to many people who are torn between smoking and quitting. From Li Ming's experience, we can see the importance of quitting smoking for health.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

Although small lung nodules may not disappear completely after quitting smoking, quitting smoking does significantly reduce the risk of lung nodules and lung cancer.

In addition to quitting smoking, regular physical examination, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are also important means to prevent and control lung diseases.

As Dr. Teo said, "Health is the most valuable asset. No matter how busy or tired you are, remember to take care of your body, stay away from tobacco, and have regular medical check-ups so that you can have long-term health and happiness. ”

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

Through Li Ming's story, we learned about the positive effects of quitting smoking in the prevention and control of lung diseases. Although pulmonary nodules may not disappear completely after quitting smoking, quitting smoking can undoubtedly reduce the risk of their worsening.

I hope that more people can get inspiration from Li Ming's experience, actively quit smoking, have regular physical examinations, and take care of their health.

Do pulmonary nodules disappear after quitting smoking? Doctor sharing: Stay away from small lung nodules from 3 details

No matter how late you start quitting, it's never too late. Most importantly, take action to protect your life and well-being.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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