
Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Dr. Zhang is a senior medical doctor who has been working in a tertiary hospital for many years.

Not only is he accomplished in medical research, but he also likes to write novels to relieve stress and troubles at work.

On this day, Dr. Zhang was busy processing medical records and examination reports in the department, when suddenly there was a soft knock on the door. "Please come in." Dr. Zhang looked up and said.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man walked in, his face slightly worried. "Hello Dr. Zhang, I'm Mr. Chen, and you asked me to check my blood sugar last time."

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Zhang smiled and motioned for Mr. Chen to sit down, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, let's take a look at your test results first." ”

Mr. Chan sat down a little nervously, and Dr. Cheung turned on the computer and pulled up Mr. Chan's blood sugar test report. He looked at it carefully for a moment, frowning slightly.

"Mr. Chen, your fasting blood sugar level is still a little high, have you paid special attention to diet and exercise during this time?"

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Mr. Chen scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed, "Dr. Zhang, to be honest, I have always been very careful to control my diet and try to eat less foods high in sugar, but sometimes it is really difficult to control myself. ”

Dr. Zhang nodded in understanding. "It's normal, and diet control does take perseverance and time, especially for someone like you who loves to eat fruit."

Mr. Chen sighed, "Yes, especially in summer, I can't help but want to eat watermelon when I see it." But a friend said that I can't eat watermelon because of high blood sugar, so I didn't dare to touch it. ”

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Zhang smiled, "Actually, this is a misunderstanding. Watermelon does contain sugar, but it doesn't have a particularly high glycemic index. If consumed in moderation, it can be incorporated into your diet plan. ”

Mr. Chen's eyes lit up, "Really? So I can eat watermelon? ”

"Of course, but the key is quantity control. About 100 grams of watermelon per day has little effect on blood sugar. However, there are some fruits that you do want to be aware of, such as bananas, grapes, and lychees. Dr. Zhang explained.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Mr. Chen nodded, and wrote down the names of the fruits as if he didn't understand. "Then why can't you eat these fruits?"

"These fruits have a relatively high sugar content and a high glycemic index, especially lychee, which has a very high sugar content, which is easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations for people with poor blood sugar control." Dr. Zhang patiently explained.

"Understood, then I'll pay attention to these fruits in the future." Mr. Chen smiled reassuringly, "Dr. Zhang, can you elaborate on why watermelons can be eaten in moderation, but these fruits can't?" ”

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Zhang nodded, "Of course." This involves a concept - glycemic index (GI), and the GI value of watermelon is about 72, which is moderately high.

But because watermelon is high in water, it is not high in carbohydrates. In other words, eating watermelon won't consume too much sugar. ”

"Like bananas, grapes and lychees, these fruits have a high GI value and sugar content, for example, the GI value of lychee is close to 90, and the sugar content is also very high, which is easy to cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Therefore, people with poor blood sugar control need special attention. Mr. Chen suddenly realized, "I see, it seems that I still need to know more about diet." ”

Dr. Zhang nodded approvingly, "Yes, knowing this knowledge can help you better manage your blood sugar."

In addition, in addition to your diet, you also need to pay attention to regular exercise, which can also be a great help in controlling blood sugar. Mr. Chen agreed, "Then I will definitely pay attention to my diet and exercise when I go back, thank you, Dr. Zhang." ”

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Zhang smiled and nodded, "You're welcome, this is what I should do." Hopefully, you can stick with it and maintain a healthy lifestyle. ”

After Mr. Chan left, Dr. Cheung was immersed in his busy work again. As a senior doctor, I understand the importance of dietary control in diabetes management.

I decided to popularize some scientific health knowledge through writing, so that more people can benefit. One night, Dr. Zhang wrote this passage in his study.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

In daily life, many people have misconceptions about the diet of diabetic patients, thinking that people with high blood sugar should not eat any sweet fruits.

In fact, the key lies in choosing and controlling your intake. Taking watermelon as an example, although its glycemic index is moderately high, due to its high moisture and low-carb water characteristics, moderate consumption has little effect on blood sugar.

Some high-sugar fruits, such as lychees, grapes and bananas, are prone to rapid blood sugar rise due to their high sugar content, so diabetics should choose carefully.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

We can see that the dietary control of diabetic patients is not just about simply not eating certain foods, but about choosing and matching them scientifically and reasonably.

At the same time, proper exercise is also an important part of blood sugar control. It is hoped that every diabetic patient can find a diet and exercise regimen that suits them and have a healthy life.

Dr. Zhang concludes that scientific diet management and a reasonable lifestyle are the keys to blood sugar control.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Everyone should develop a reasonable diet and exercise plan according to their own situation, and regularly monitor blood sugar levels to adjust the plan in time.

Only in this way can you effectively manage your diabetes and enjoy a healthy life. Dr. Zhang hopes to convey a scientific and healthy attitude towards life and help more people understand and manage diabetes correctly.

Whether you are a diabetic or an ordinary person, you should pay attention to the impact of diet and exercise on your health, develop good living habits, stay away from diseases, and enjoy a happy life.

Can't eat watermelon with high blood sugar? The doctor explained: I would rather eat watermelon than touch these 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Zhang looked at his article with satisfaction, and his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

It is believed that through the dissemination of scientific knowledge, more people can understand diabetes, scientifically manage their diet and life, and ultimately achieve the goal of health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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