
After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

author:Talking about Xiao Li

A drama by the Tongtian River has been controversial for hundreds of years. After reading this good story, you may be sweating profusely. What did the old turtle ask Tang Seng for help? The secret behind it will make you jaw-dropping! Whether Tang Seng is forgetful or has an inside story, let's start from the beginning.

Friends, "Journey to the West" is a masterpiece, I believe everyone has seen it, right? That old turtle must have made a deep impression on you. He obviously promised Haosheng to send his master and apprentice to the other side, but he didn't expect to change his mind halfway and throw people into the river.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

In fact, what the old turtle asked Tang Seng to help him ask was not a question of lifespan, but when he wanted to know when he would be able to cultivate into a human body. No wonder the old guy was so angry later, Tang Seng made an appointment with him. It stands to reason that Tang Seng, such a monk with high morals, how could he be discredited? If you think about it carefully, there are actually clues.

We traced back to the original book and found that the old turtle appeared for the first time, and was scolded by Wukong as a "evil animal"! At that time, he was just a monster, not a river god who reached the heavenly river. The old turtle said that his ancestors lived in this river, and also said that he had fought with the Inspiration King and was driven out of his homeland. Thanks to the master and apprentice who got rid of the carp essence, he was able to regain the cave mansion, and he no longer had to take boys and girls to worship youkai. These two kindnesses, so he came out to repay them.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

As plausible as it sounds, Goku still doesn't believe it. He was afraid that the old turtle would not be well-intentioned, so he made him swear that he would never hurt Master in the river. The old turtle did swear a heavy oath, if he deceived people, he would turn himself into blood. Later, Wukong really saw the old turtle's feet, and guarded him from the beginning, for fear that he would hurt the master.

To say how Tang Seng forgot to promise Lao Lan, it is actually not too difficult to understand. As the standard-bearer who is untrustworthy on the road to learn scriptures, Tang Seng often forgets the promises he made, and is often just a quick talk. Even his memory is not very good. Not only did he forget the agreement with Lao Lan, but even when the master and apprentice met the King of Inspiration, the people of Chenjiazhuang asked him to eliminate the demon, and he wanted to ignore it.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

Tang Seng insisted on going to the west as soon as possible to learn the scriptures, and he had to ask everyone to leave at every turn. You must know that he has been delayed in many places for too long, and this time he is in such a hurry. Unexpectedly, as soon as the Inspiration King cast a spell, the entire Tongtian River was frozen. The locals stepped on the ice and crossed the river to do business in the daughter country, but Tang Seng saw the cold side of human nature and lamented that the world only values fame and fortune. That's why he said to Wukong, we have to hurry up and set off, because learning scriptures is for fame.

You've found it here, right? Tang Seng is quite selfish, even if he can't do what he promised others, he doesn't care. Even, he himself admitted that his apprentice followed him, but it was just to follow the big name.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

How could such a person be careful to remember what he promised the old turtle? What's more, in his mind, anyone who can't cultivate into a human form is just a monster. The old turtle was too naïve, thinking that Tang Seng would take it seriously. This is also the reason why when I heard the old turtle ask about lifespan later, Tang Seng was just silent and did not deny it.

However, there is a deeper layer of truth behind this. Don't forget, there is also a god and Buddha in the Tongtian River. The Bodhisattva knew the king of inspiration for a long time, and he also removed the carp essence with his own hands. And Lao Lan, as an insider, was unscathed. Even the other water monsters in the Tianhe River were all driven away.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

Therefore, the Bodhisattva let Tang Seng encounter this difficulty in Tongtian River, which is also useful. It is to remind the old turtle that there are some things that you better learn from Tang Seng and keep your mouth shut. It is no wonder that the Bodhisattva ends up reciting the mantra "Those who die go, those who live live." Alive, shut up for me, don't talk nonsense and get into trouble!

In fact, Tang Seng had already guessed that once he helped the old turtle ask such a question, it would involve the things that the Bodhisattva did in Tongtian River. That's why he chose to remain silent and bury the root of this bane. It's no wonder that he has his own little abacus, after all, when he was in Lingshan, although the Buddha was quite dissatisfied with his master and apprentice, Tang Seng still hoped to save face.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

This has to make people sigh, there are no surprises on the way to the west! As soon as we flipped through the scriptures, we discovered many hidden secrets. It seems that Tang Seng is greedy for life and afraid of death, and his heart is not right, but the considerations behind it are convincing. He tried his best to avoid a big hurdle on the thousand-year-old path of cultivation.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

It can be said that although Tang Seng promised Lao Lan's affairs, he also had his own difficulties. What's more, as a monster, Lao Lan shouldn't expect a cultivator to take it seriously. The Bodhisattva and the Tang Seng just responded in unison, warning the living to be more cautious than the dead. Only through such a way can we smooth out the ups and downs and trust the West.

After reading the original book, I sweated, Tongtian River hid a big secret, no wonder Tang Seng forgot to ask the life of the old turtle

In general, this is just a farce, a good story of Tang Seng using wisdom to resolve a disaster. For those who pursue a higher realm, forbearance is a compulsory lesson, not to mention that Tongtianhe is only a test of one in ten thousand? Looking through this layer, perhaps we will better understand why Tang monks and apprentices were able to go through hardships and finally obtain the true scriptures. After all, the trials of life are often around us, and whether you can pass them depends on how your mind is. #头条首发大赛#